Napalm Dump

Napalm Dump
Hero sends Gyrocopter toward target point. Gyrocopter bombards area under, creating a line of fires that burns enemies per second. Fire path last 4 seconds. Gyrocopter disappears when reaching map's border.
Level 1 - deal 50 dps, 600 range.
Level 2 - deal 75 dps, 800 range.
Level 3 - deal 100 dps, 1000 range.

  • Napalm Dump A
    • События
      • Боевая единица - A unit РџСЂРёРІРѕРґРёС‚ способность РІ действие
    • Условия
      • (Ability being cast) равно Napalm Dump
    • Действия
      • -------- If ND_Switch = 0, it means trigger Napalm Dump B is not used, we need to turn it on --------
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • Если - Условия
          • ND_Switch равно 0
        • РўРѕ - Действия
          • Триггер - Turn on Napalm Dump B <gen>
        • Р&#152;наче - Действия
      • -------- Increasing ND_Switch on 1, we show, that trigger Napalm Dump B has started to be used --------
      • Set ND_Switch = (ND_Switch + 1)
      • -------- Increasing ND_CastNumber on 1, we show, one more unit began to use ability --------
      • Set ND_CastNumber = (ND_CastNumber + 1)
      • -------- ND_Off Confirms, that ability is used or not --------
      • Set ND_Off[ND_CastNumber] = Да
      • -------- Let's establish the Hero, its position and target point --------
      • Set ND_Caster[ND_CastNumber] = (Triggering unit)
      • Set ND_Point[0] = (Position of ND_Caster[ND_CastNumber])
      • Set ND_Point[1] = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • -------- ND_Distance It should be equal 0 because the Effect will be move from position of a Caster --------
      • Set ND_Distance[ND_CastNumber] = 0.00
      • -------- Let's establish an angle between ND_Point [0] and ND_Point [1] --------
      • Set ND_Angle[ND_CastNumber] = (Angle from ND_Point[0] to ND_Point[1])
      • -------- Increasing/reducing this value we increase/reduce speed of movement of Effect --------
      • Set ND_Speed[ND_CastNumber] = 25.00
      • -------- Let's create Effect --------
      • Боевая единица - Create 1 Effect: Gyrocopter for (Owner of ND_Caster[ND_CastNumber]) at ND_Point[0] facing ND_Angle[ND_CastNumber] degrees
      • Set ND_Gyro[ND_CastNumber] = (Last created unit)
      • -------- Removing Location to avoid leaks --------
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_ND_Point[0])
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_ND_Point[1])
  • Napalm Dump B
    • События
      • Время - Every 0.04 seconds of game time
    • Условия
    • Действия
      • -------- We using variable ND instead of Integer A --------
      • For each (Integer ND) from 1 to ND_CastNumber, do (Actions)
        • Цикл - Действия
          • -------- If ND_Off = True there will be following actions --------
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • Если - Условия
              • ND_Off[ND] равно Да
            • РўРѕ - Действия
              • -------- We add ND_Speed to ND_Distance, whether it displays there has passed Effect the established distance --------
              • Set ND_Distance[ND] = (ND_Distance[ND] + ND_Speed[ND])
              • -------- Let's establish a position of Effect and a position where later we will move it --------
              • Set ND_Point[2] = (Position of ND_Gyro[ND])
              • Set ND_Point[3] = (ND_Point[2] offset by ND_Speed[ND] towards ND_Angle[ND] degrees)
              • Боевая единица - Move ND_Gyro[ND] instantly to ND_Point[3], facing ND_Angle[ND] degrees
              • -------- If the Effect comes nearer to map borders, we will establish ND_Distance on value at which ability use will stop --------
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • Если - Условия
                  • (Terrain pathing at ND_Point[3] of type Полет is off) равно Да
                • РўРѕ - Действия
                  • Set ND_Distance[ND] = (400.00 + (200.00 x (Real((Level of Napalm Dump for ND_Caster[ND])))))
                • Р&#152;наче - Действия
              • -------- Removing Location to avoid leaks --------
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_ND_Point[2])
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_ND_Point[3])
              • -------- If ND_Distance equals to value at which ability stops, will run next actions --------
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • Если - Условия
                  • ND_Distance[ND] больше или равно (400.00 + (200.00 x (Real((Level of Napalm Dump for ND_Caster[ND])))))
                • РўРѕ - Действия
                  • -------- Get rid from Effect --------
                  • Боевая единица - Remove ND_Gyro[ND] from the game
                  • -------- Let's establish ND_Off = False, the unit means has stopped to use ability --------
                  • Set ND_Off[ND] = Нет
                  • -------- Let's reduce ND_Switch on 1, it means, that the quantity of units using ability was reduced on 1 --------
                  • Set ND_Switch = (ND_Switch - 1)
                  • -------- If ND_Switch = 0, it means ability is not used by any unit, we can reset indexes and turn off this trigger --------
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • Если - Условия
                      • ND_Switch равно 0
                    • РўРѕ - Действия
                      • Set ND_CastNumber = 0
                      • Триггер - Turn off Napalm Dump B <gen>
                    • Р&#152;наче - Действия
                • Р&#152;наче - Действия
                  • -------- If ND_Distance noy equals to value at which ability stops, will run next actions --------
                  • -------- If ND_Effect = 3 then run following actions --------
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • Если - Условия
                      • ND_Effect[ND] равно 3
                    • РўРѕ - Действия
                      • -------- Let's establish a position of Effect and a position where later we will move it --------
                      • Set ND_Point[4] = (Position of ND_Gyro[ND])
                      • Set ND_Point[5] = (ND_Point[4] offset by ND_Speed[ND] towards ND_Angle[ND] degrees)
                      • -------- Let's set ND_Effect to 0 for correct working --------
                      • Set ND_Effect[ND] = 0
                      • -------- Let's create another Effect --------
                      • Боевая единица - Create 1 Effect: Attacker for (Owner of ND_Caster[ND]) at ND_Point[5] facing Стандартная ориентация зданий degrees
                      • -------- Let's add ability that can be edited in Object Manager --------
                      • Боевая единица - Add ND: Damage over Time to (Last created unit)
                      • Боевая единица - Set level of ND: Damage over Time for (Last created unit) to (Level of Napalm Dump for ND_Caster[ND])
                      • -------- Ordering Effect to attack --------
                      • Боевая единица - Order (Last created unit) to Стрелять РїРѕ местности ND_Point[5]
                      • Боевая единица - Add a 3.00 second Общий expiration timer to (Last created unit)
                      • -------- Let's create visual effect for Gyrocopter --------
                      • Спецэффект - Create a special effect attached to the origin of ND_Gyro[ND] using Abilities\Spells\Human\FlakCannons\FlakTarget.mdl
                      • Спецэффект - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                      • -------- Removing Location to avoid leaks --------
                      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_ND_Point[4])
                      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_ND_Point[5])
                    • Р&#152;наче - Действия
                      • -------- If ND_Effect not equals 3 we increase ND_Effect --------
                      • Set ND_Effect[ND] = (ND_Effect[ND] + 1)
            • Р&#152;наче - Действия
description looks terribly, but in the editor all is normal

Napalm Dump

Napalm Dump (Map)

08:22, 7th Mar 2010 The_Reborn_Devil: In the triggering looks ok now, and the leaks are gone. Status: Approved Rating: Useful




08:22, 7th Mar 2010
In the triggering looks ok now, and the leaks are gone.

Status: Approved
Rating: Useful
Level 3
Apr 28, 2009
nice, MUI, leakless.
good for a hero siege or somthing ^^
but the dummies has spell immunity, thats not needed because they already have invulnerable (wich is also spell immunity).
Level 6
Jun 11, 2009
nice, MUI, leakless.
good for a hero siege or somthing ^^
but the dummies has spell immunity, thats not needed because they already have invulnerable (wich is also spell immunity).

Isn't leakless, and invulnerable is not magic immune, its damage immune.

Any way nice spell, i suggest instead of off the map duration, add a 5/6/7 second duration. :\

Vote: Approval 4/5.