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My strange WE... :)

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Level 7
Oct 3, 2014
1. I already allow negative real values. But, when i edit the max roll angle of a doodad it automatically change to 0.00 again

2. JASS always have script errors in my WE

3. My WE, UMSWE, and WE unlimited are always disabled trigger if the event is map initialization.

Can someone help me.
Level 7
Oct 3, 2014
Here there is something wrong is it?
  • First Scene
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters 1st Scene <gen>
    • Conditions
      • ((Entering unit) Equal to (==) Varamaril Falarix 0007 <gen>) and ((Entering unit) Equal to (==) Morandil Slaughtersword 0001 <gen>)
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Stop
      • Camera - Apply First Scene A <gen> for Player 1 (Red) over 0.01 seconds
      • Unit - Order Daelron Valaryn 0010 <gen> to Move To (Center of Daelron 01 <gen>)
      • Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from Daelron Valaryn 0010 <gen> named Unkown Ranger: Play No sound and display Hey bandits, Stop!!. Modify duration: Add 2.10 seconds and Wait
      • Unit - Order Villager (Female) 0013 <gen> to Move To (Center of 2nd Scene <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Child (2) 0014 <gen> to Move To (Center of 2nd Scene <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Villager (Male 2) 0012 <gen> to Move To (Center of 2nd Scene <gen>)
      • Unit - Make Enforcer 0004 <gen> face Daelron Valaryn 0010 <gen> over 0.00 seconds
      • Unit - Make Enforcer 0028 <gen> face Daelron Valaryn 0010 <gen> over 0.00 seconds
      • Animation - Play Daelron Valaryn 0010 <gen>'s Stand Ready First animation
      • Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from Enforcer 0004 <gen> named Bandits: Play No sound and display Well, well, well....... Modify duration: Add 3.00 seconds and Wait
      • Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from Daelron Valaryn 0010 <gen> named Unkown Ranger: Play No sound and display You are going to be.... Modify duration: Add 3.20 seconds and Wait
      • Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from Enforcer 0028 <gen> named Bandits: Play No sound and display One you're the one .... Modify duration: Add 2.20 seconds and Wait
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of Enforcer 0004 <gen>) using Spells\Wrath.mdx
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of Enforcer 0028 <gen>) using Spells\Wrath.mdx
      • Unit - Replace Enforcer 0004 <gen> with a |cffff0000Skeleton Warrior|r using The new unit's default life and mana
      • Set SW_Replace[1] = (Last replaced unit)
      • Wait 1.50 seconds
      • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
      • Unit - Replace Enforcer 0028 <gen> with a |cffff0000Skeleton Warrior|r using The new unit's default life and mana
      • Set SW_Replace[2] = (Last replaced unit)
      • Unit - Create 1 |cffff0000Skeleton Warrior|r for Player 3 (Teal) at (Center of Rect 001 <gen>) facing (Position of Daelron Valaryn 0010 <gen>)
      • Set SW_Created[1] = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Order SW_Created[1] to Move To (Center of SW <gen>)
      • Unit - Create 1 |cffff0000Skeleton Warrior|r for Player 3 (Teal) at (Center of Rect 001 <gen>) facing (Position of Daelron Valaryn 0010 <gen>)
      • Set SW_Created[2] = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Order SW_Created[2] to Move To (Center of SW1 <gen>)
      • Unit - Create 1 |cffff0000Skeleton Warrior|r for Player 3 (Teal) at (Center of Rect 001 <gen>) facing (Position of Daelron Valaryn 0010 <gen>)
      • Set SW_Created[3] = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Order SW_Created[3] to Move To (Center of SW2 <gen>)
      • Camera - Apply First Scene B <gen> for Player 1 (Red) over 0.01 seconds
      • Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from Varamaril Falarix 0007 <gen> named Varamaril: Play No sound and display That Ranger is in d.... Modify duration: Add 2.00 seconds and Wait
      • Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from Morandil Slaughtersword 0001 <gen> named Morandil: Play No sound and display We got to help him!. Modify duration: Add 1.75 seconds and Wait
      • Unit - Order Varamaril Falarix 0007 <gen> to Move To (Random point in First Scene Change Owner <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Morandil Slaughtersword 0001 <gen> to Move To (Random point in First Scene Change Owner <gen>)
      • Wait 2.00 seconds
      • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
P.S: I just discover my WE can't accept
Event: Player, Game
Conditions: And
Actions: Advance, Obsolete, Compatibility
In-Game the script would fail since logically it's impossible for one entering unit to be both of them. Use Or instead of And for this to applied in-game, and move the turn off this trigger into the first of actions list.
What error does the World Editor gives?

Also, as a former user of UMSWE, I don't recommend using UMSWE Advanced GUI Editor as it's screwing normal editor and JNGP with no UMSWE.
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