Hello guys I need a passive ability and spells for a unit.
Berserker Rage (Passive)
- For each nearby enemy, the unit will gain +1 bonus damage.
(+1 dmg x nearby enemy unit) When the enemy is in the ''Accquisition Range''
of the unit, only then will the unit gain bonus damage. When the enemy
leaves the ''Accquisition Range'' of the unit, the bonus damage will be gone.
- Also when the unit is low health, it will gain bonus attack speed. (So maybe a dummy will cast a bloodlust with no bonus damage on the unit when its low
Berserker Rage (Passive)
- For each nearby enemy, the unit will gain +1 bonus damage.
(+1 dmg x nearby enemy unit) When the enemy is in the ''Accquisition Range''
of the unit, only then will the unit gain bonus damage. When the enemy
leaves the ''Accquisition Range'' of the unit, the bonus damage will be gone.
- Also when the unit is low health, it will gain bonus attack speed. (So maybe a dummy will cast a bloodlust with no bonus damage on the unit when its low
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