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My map:The Eternal Battle

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Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
The Eternal Battle

Lately i've been working many hours on this.This is an AoS type of map,including a Duel Arena for PvP and many characteristics from ORPG's which i love.My purpose was to make a map both fascinating and with exciting like AoS's with the the Classical style of the ORPG's.:gg:

So...Here is the story of the map
You choose your race either Blood Elves Survivors which are fighting for the sake of good and peace,or Fel Orc Legion whose main purpose is to destroy all existence and bring Chaos to the world.Each race has her own base,with creeps spawning.You pick a hero,and try to destroy the towers protecting your enemies base,in order to destroy its Main Building and win.You will have to fight your way through a vast ammount of creeps and a some determent heroes,to stop you.If you want to explore the amazing countryside feel free to do so.There are many places you can visit,and fight with with Neutral Creeps.There are villages,some of them raided by bandits,other peacefull.There are Gnoll Camps,satyr's nests,wolves regions and of course the 2 legendary bosses.Kill them and you get gold and an random item.Also,every few minutes the Duel Arena system picks a random hero from each team to fight to the death with his opponent.The winner's team get stronger creeps spawn until the next arena fight!

I think i've said the most part of the map,so i will leave the rest to be found out by you.

Credits are given inside map,but i'd really like to thank 3 people for helping me.Warblade101 for his terrain skills,Boneknight for helping me with triggers and Maker for his spells.This map is still at Beta Stage...So this thread's main purpose is to help me gather more ideas/information and fix any bugs/errors you find.So,try playing it and report anything here!!:thumbs_up:

Map Uploaded to Map Section
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Level 4
Nov 11, 2004
Hello I just briefly viewed your map and here are some of my comments/suggestions

[*] First off your repick command is bugged, I tried repicking a hero after I repicked and it wouldn't let me. Also I didn't know I could repick maybe tell the players that they can?

[*] When I pick my hero, why do I start outside of the tavern, instead of in my allied base?

[*] The base needs to be more compact, the distance between the main castle and fountain is a bit far.

[*] The scoreboard doesn't show my name

[*] Is there going to be more lanes or just two? Do you plan on making this a long game or a quick one?

[*] I think the heroes still need a lot of work such as custom spells and balancing, but on the plus side you did a great job with the balancing of the creeps in each lane.

[*] Is the terrain going to be a bit more elaborate or is that just a really really raw version of it?

[*] Are there going to be modes as well?

[*] Are there going to be custom items?

Thats all for now!
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Well you just described perftectly what i had in mind for the upcoming versions.
All of those you mentioned are true.
First of all,about repicki have checked the trigger one thousand times and still i don't know what's wrong with it...And players can see the Map Info(f9) >custom commands>-repick
The heroes are really made in a hurry just for testing reasons.I have improved many of their spells now and balanced them but with the "return bug" fixed my new version doesn't work,it uses Kattana's handlevars...
About the terrain working on it now,and i was thinking to add teleporters.
For items i just need more time,after i finish making some of the heroes.
And at last,scoreboard triggers seems fine as well,can't find out what is wrong to fix...
Anyway,working on all these and soon i'll release a better version.Looking forward for more ideas!
Edit:Forgot to tell you that i will make an Arena too!
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Level 4
Nov 11, 2004
Hello again and thanks for answering my questions. I hope I don't become annoying but I got a few more.

[*]What do you have in mind for the items?

- Recipes/Non Recipes/Upgradeable Items

[*]Your arena, do you mean like in Angel Arena where every so 10 minutes 1 player from each side are forced to fight? If so will there be different team bonuses in play if which player wins for their team?

Such as: This arena round the players are fighting for bonus damage for 60 seconds for their team. Whichever player wins gets the team bonus!

Thats all for now!
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
About items,i don't have anything in mind,but i'm sure i will come up with something!
And about the arena...it will be like angel's arena which forces 1 random player from each of the 2 teams,but the bonus won't be gold.It will be stronger creeps,until the next Arena fight!
Also,the newest version is almost done.I will post it in a couple of days!
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Ok guys,the 1.1 version is almost done!I just need to finish the abilities in my last hero,fix some hotkey issues and add the loadscreen.The ChangeList is HUGE it would be a 3-4 page spamlist to mention it...so i think you will understand it.Map size file has increased dramatically cause of the Custom Interface Fel Orcs are using.I'd like to give you a taste of it,by showing some screenies,here are 3 photos,one from Blood Elfs base,second from creeps,and third of the Arena!Soon i will post the 1.1 version for beta testing :)
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Level 9
Dec 26, 2008
MM thats nice, screenshots show improving on terrain (A lot) that was what exactly i was going to ask

First: The heros dont have some theme based abilities, i see generic powers with random icons not fitting the theme

Second: as you advance on the map, it will get heavir because of the imported models, try not to use much, try using custom skins instead of models, like blood elf assasin of 67 chrome, and lot more

well that's all for now, i expect the new release =)
NIce proyet anyway
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Hmm...Actually i made most of the imports to fit the game style cause its a battle between Blood Elfs and Fel Orcs,and i don't like the Blizzard models...Also new heroes matching game style should be imported...
And yeah,changed most of the abilities a bit added new icons,small balance changes,fixed all trigger leaks/not properly working and a lot lot more.Also added a Caclulate Damage system.I haven't experienced lag to any of my tests,so could you be more specific?
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
OK...after some time here is ti the new version 1.1 !!!
I think the changes here are HUGE as shown by the mapsize itself 3mb bigger...And don't foget this is still beta.I know i need more Heroes,more Items and many many new ideas.This is why i post this map here.Please Rate give Suggestiongs and Report any bug/errors.(Map might be laggy after some game time cause of some trigger leaks,i intend to fix them in the upcoming versions.)
Thx a lot!~r3
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Level 2
Sep 9, 2009
Well it looks quite nice so far, I'll try the next version, then make some advice.
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Sure,why not?Here's the main story...You choose a hero to fight either for Blood elves or Fel Orc.You have to fight through a vast ammount of creeps,gain gold,buy items,kill your opponents and destroy the enemy!A special event which is like Arena,occurs every few minutes.2 players 1 of each team randomly chosen to fight to the death.The winner's team gets stronger creep spawns until next Arena fight.

A combination of AoS type map and Angel Arena style.
Awesome terrain,with many different creeps including 2 powerfull bosses,which give random items each time you kill them.
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Actually yeah...i don't know many maps that have the same concept like DotA with units spawning from 2 bases...(note i have new units in my map for both teams and i am also working to make creeps use spells)and angel arena(an Arena system which is totally awesome in my opinion).Also if you check the heroes you are going to notice that they are completely prototype and i'm 99% sure none map uses any of them with the abilities i use.Item ideas are also ...creative,although i lack a recipe system which is gonna be implemented soon.

Above all,don't forget this is the 2nd version of the map.It is still at Beta testing,to see if everything is fine and so on...many many more things are about to come :)
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006
Actually yeah...i don't know many maps that have the same concept like DotA with units spawning from 2 bases...(note i have new units in my map for both teams and i am also working to make creeps use spells)

- Then u haven't been looking good enough. There are LOT'S of copies only with different themes or something.

and angel arena(an Arena system which is totally awesome in my opinion).Also if you check the heroes you are going to notice that they are completely prototype and i'm 99% sure none map uses any of them with the abilities i use.Item ideas are also ...creative,although i lack a recipe system which is gonna be implemented soon.

- To be original doesn't mean "Not to be a Copy". It means you create something NEW, something that doesn't exist and NOT take something that exists and alter it.

Above all,don't forget this is the 2nd version of the map.It is still at Beta testing,to see if everything is fine and so on...many many more things are about to come :)

- In my opinion every map that is created should be built around it's originality. And then again, I might be wrong.
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
I haven't mentioned some of the things that are about to come:A Duel System vs Units controlled by CPU to test your power,recipe system with 60% chances of success,new unique hero selection system,entered chat will appear above hero,HP and MANA bar above hero and many many more...
You think these will suffice?
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Map size is big,cause i use custom UI.If i remove it,the map will be about 1.2mb smaller...also many of the imported models can be replaced later with some of the default ones.I added those to make it more you know <<unique>> as i have imported a bunch of stuff.I'm pretty sure i can make the map from 4mb to 2mb without many differences to be noticed...Later!
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006
I thought I mentioned it, but I was wrong:con:. My PC has Overheating problems and some viruses running around:ugly:. Currently on the market for a new PC.

An irrelevant tip:

Use [ URL=www.MyWebsiteLink.com]PUT THE NAME THAT PEOPLE WILL SEE HERE[/URL] (without the space in front of first url). Makes links (like in your signature) much more attractive than a 2 lined http link.
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Ok,i'd like to bump this up to list so i can ask you for your suggestions in my idea.My map is an AoS like map,with an Duel Arena and some characteristics from ORPG's...and i want to make more and more like an ORPG.Thus,i've thought of making an recipe system with chances of success.Probably 60%.Do you think this will be good for the map?Or will it be just irritating for players and make them leave?:hohum:
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006
Ok,i'd like to bump this up to list so i can ask you for your suggestions in my idea.My map is an AoS like map,with an Duel Arena and some characteristics from ORPG's...and i want to make more and more like an ORPG.Thus,i've thought of making an recipe system with chances of success.Probably 60%.Do you think this will be good for the map?Or will it be just irritating for players and make them leave?:hohum:

- Can you explain how will it work? Like you pay loads of gold and you just hope for success, that could be a total fail. Even if you add it on THE ULTIMATE ITEM then a good player might loose from a lucky noob player, and that could be irritating. Counting on "LUCK" factor is bad in any map.

- You could replace penalty from gold to cooldown, or something else.
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Yes,that's exactly what i had though of.Dependion on luck is a bit too much.But i really want to have a different style than the "classical recipe system".Something with chances maybe...So do you have any suggestions?How about i make 2-3 version of each recipe?If you are lucky you get the best recipe for example +25 armor and +40 damage,a bit lucky you get +22 armor and +35 damage,and BAD luck you get +20 armor and +30 damage.Would this be better?

Also...i reached 500 posts:grin:
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006
- That would still count in luck a lot (a lucky guy with complete luck equipment), also if you constraine the bonuses that luck would give, it won't be worth making loads of items for a bit bonus.

- I might get an idea that would much your whole theme when I play the map.. kinda suggesting in blind atm:con:

Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Ok...remember my goal is to make the game long-term,i don't want it to be finished in about 20-30 min.I have strong towers and weak creeps,exp is also..."hard" is what i have in mind.Thus,instead of making players just fight creeps like AoS maps i have many many neutrals,training system,and duel arena.
So...i need a good item style that matches the map.Open to suggestions :wink:
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
You might be right...time will show.I've just started making my map,completely from scratch.I've working in it for about..3 months i believe.(you might also have in mind this is my second map)so...my knowledge of World Editor/triggers and so wasn't very good.Lately,i've learned a lot more and now i'm working on fixing again most of my triggers,i completely remade terrain and changed you know General Gameplay.
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006
- I highly suggest you release a Beta version, I gather suggestions and bug reports when I play it with others mostly.

- My guess is you'll get bored of it and either stop MapMaking at all, or wait for a period of time and then start a new map, an easier to make.
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
- I highly suggest you release a Beta version, I gather suggestions and bug reports when I play it with others mostly.

- My guess is you'll get bored of it and either stop MapMaking at all, or wait for a period of time and then start a new map, an easier to make.

But the 1.X series are considered Beta by me.The 0.X were alpha,and i guess map will be fine after the 2.X series.

Also you are right.I started mapmaking in May,i learned the basics and started this map.I've edited it for about 1 month,then found my self in trouble(many things too complicated and hard for me to do),and stopped mapmaking.But...then while i was browsing internet i found this site,and gave me pretty cool ideas and many resources to continue.So here i am,editing and editing and editing until map is bug-free and totally awesome :)
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Actually i found a bug with the Arena Timer in 1.2,it keeps making player duel every 20 seconds.I am fixing it +a few tooltips and some of the Phoenix Guard hero abilities.
1.2b version fixing those will come out soon.
Optimized some of the imported staff too for smaller map size.
No one has anything to comment about the map?

EDIT:1.2b is out,fixing a few bugs found on 1.2
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Level 14
Oct 18, 2008

The game play is very nice and the unit
spawns are very smooth in itself and the towers seem balanced, but
i would suggest less units per spawn since they seem to get in the
way... alot....

Triggering and functions
since the map was protected
i couldnt see the triggering if it had any leaks or if it was made in gui
or jass, but i didnt experience any lag and the unit selection and the
host detection system worked great i would say that you need to add
more items and item combinations for better game

This is where it gets me, the terrain is
very bad... and boring along with the excessive use of blizzard
cliffs. i would suggest to get a pro terrain or try to become
creative because it looks like you just did it in 5 minutes.

Hero Balance
so far as i could tell the heroes
were balanced but i would suggest to add more flashy spells
for better and more fun game play.

i would say that this is a very well made map besides the terrain and the
needed item combination system, i would rate this a 2.5/5 and i would change my
rating if you update the map with my fixes included.

my rating stays at pending.
1-1.5/5 = try again...
2-2.5/5 = pending
3-3.5/5 = approvable
4-4.5/5 = good
5/5=5.5/5 = directors cut

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