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My last topic...

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Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
I've decided i need to chill out with the computers for a while, so i can get my act togethor

I've become very reckless and i need to start fixing my grades/body before its too late

Therefore i will remove everything in my life that has kept me from becoming a good student, hockey player and philosopher

I will now post almost every system i've developed for warcrafts usage

The following can be used by anyone and everyone, but i suggest expanding on my ideas first

I'll probably come back when i feel that i've strengthened my weaknessess and reached my final equilibrium
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
US navy seals

-stealth system is based on attack "sound"
----If unit attacks
-----and has X item
----then all those in an X radius attacks unit

-Heavy system is absed on items held (effects all except heavy)
----if unit picks up an item
-----unit is not heavy
----unit loses 10 speed

-Hunger system is based on negative mana regen
-as unit loses mana, the unit becomes slower
-must eat food to regain mana

Men types-
1) Lead- Small and fast, can go through the smallest holes while staying stealthy
-has 3 carrying slots (primary weapon/secondary/other)
2) Heavy- Large but still fast, can survive more bullets then any other
-has 4 carring slots (primary/secondary/other [2x])
3) special- Nows cirtain techniques like interrigation and makeshift weaponry
-has 6 carrying slots (primary/secondary/other [4x])

all units have the ability to:
- Disarm any enemy personel (modified polymorph)
- Steal any type of vehicle (modified charm that only affects mechanicals)
- Knife at close range (modified finger of death)
- Use binoculars (Foresight)
- have an adrenaline rush (random event during when unit is attacked- Raises speed, melee damage, melee attack speed)
- be amphibious (unit is amphibious)
- Be in a stealthier position (modified windwalk)

-Knife (auto attack index 1)
-Gun (needs an item with shadow orb ability- auto attack index 2)
-Pistol (semi automatic item- 20 charges)
-grenades (explosive item 2 sec cooldown
-Stationary explosive (i.e. satchel patch) (1 charge)
- Technology (misc items [things like hyper vision])

Knives- Makes the seal look good
-standard military

Gun- Dont waist semi automatic ammo
-M-16- standard assault rifle
-M4SD- Silenced compact assault rifle
-M60E3- Standard machine gun
-Mp5SD- silenced sub-machine gun
-PSG-2- New standard sniper rifle
-M-14- Standard rifle
-M3- Standard shotgun

Pistol- Works when you can't fine a good weapon
-Desert eagle- Powerful but loud
-Mark 23SD- Silenced pistol
-Berreta- Lots of semi auto ammo

-Flashbang- stuns your opponent
-smoke- gives targets wander, slows opponents, issues order to attack random terrian
-Frag- quick stun, small destruction area, good on mechanicals
-HE- Large destruction area, personnel affecting only

Stationary explosives
-Claymore- antipersonnel with a quick stun and a strong blast
-Satchel Patch- Used for blowing up armored vehicles, and buildings

-Night vision- Hypervision
-M203- Shoot grenades a bit further (the goblin upgrade)
-Long distance tazer- effective but messes with electricity and unpredictable (forked lightning that hits allies or enemies)

Aussie uniform- i was working on something that looked like the crocadile hunter for a model, but then i discovered that the model got messed up

Baseball bat- Stuns indefinatly
Level 5
Aug 25, 2004
Hey, good luck man and hope you meet your standards. Computers can be addicting but you don't have to give them up all together for now. A game of Warcraft or something is healthy too. Good luck, though. :wink:
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Custom Hero series (need an appropiate model for this one)

This is more of a basic standard that could be used for a number of games (preferably arena or RPG)

1) The unit will have the attribut bonus system in the spells section]
Agility- Raises speed (not armor or attack speed)
Strength- Raises health (no health regen)
Intelligence- Raises Mana cap (no mana regen)
Primary attribut i would like to be the able to be changed (not sure if possible though) (incase not, make it strength)

4) the unit has learnable skills of three different types (magic, wild, combat) upgraded only by items or upgrades (item engineering upgrade)
-Attack magic (i.e. Blizzard, Breath of fire)
-Enhance magic (i.e. Frost armor, inner fire)
-Defense magic (i.e. phase change, invisibility)

-Diversion Skills (i.e. burrow/submerge*, tame beast)
-Natures attack skills (i.e. Earthquake/crushing wave*, Storm [monsoon and tranquility at the same time])
-Natures heal skills (i.e. Eat tree, cannabalism)

*these skills are different for water and land
Earthquake when walking, Crushing wave while swimming
Burrow when on land, submerge when in water
-Melee defense techniques (i.e. Avatar, Defend)
-Ranged combat techniques (i.e. tri arrow shot, impale [shockwave with a spear model])
-Melee attack techniques (i.e. bladestrom, warstomp)

I don't know what to do about passive abilities though

3) the unit will have 2 types of inventories
- one for items
- second for new system called "genes"

Items- The better the item the better the engineering upgrade for your combat abilities

Edged weapons- has edged attack
-Axe- Raises attack more then any other weapon
-Sword- Raises attack and attack speed

Ranged weapons- has peircing attack
-Bow- auto attacks with ranged arrows (need arrows item)
-Spear- melee until you throw it, raises attack

Enhancing weapons- does not upgrade any abilities
-Hammer- changes attack to seige, raises attack
-staff- makes attack weaponless, raises mana cap
-knife- makes unit edged, raises attack alot but low range

-depending on which you have, it will upgrade your defend ability more or less (no armor increase effect)

-Small- for defense against peircing, bad for siege
-Medium- for defense against edged and a little magic, bad for peircing and seige
-large- for defense agains edged, magic and peircing, bad agianst seige

4) the unit can "add" "genes" which are permenent (four diffent races [fairies, Newt, human, hero])
- Fairies- unit is flying (has butterfly wings)
- Newt- unit is amphibious (develops gills)
- Human- described later (item inventory)
- Hero- unit is hovering (amphibious but does not swim)(will have yellow glow on leges)

- Fairies- unit has magic attack but lowers attack as well (blue glowing hands)
- Newts- units attack changes to seige and large attack bonus (crab claws)
- Human- described later (item inventory)
- Hero- Increases attack, has hero attack (yellow glow on arms)

- fairies- Passive non ability mana sheild
- Newt- Raises armor and changes armor type to scales (new) (changes skin to a scaley orange and green)
- Human- described later (item inventory)
- Hero- Increase defense, changes defense type to hero (yellow glow on chest)

-Special 1
- Fairy- Has mana regeneration (blue sphere ability)
- Newt- has health regeneration (tail)
- Human- has attack speed increase (no art)
- Hero- adds all of these (very transparent yellow spherical glow

Special 2
- Fairy- Spells upgraded to level 3 (engineering upgrade) (blue glowing eyes maybe?)
- Newt- Hypervision (green glowing eyes?)
- Combat techniques upgraded to level three (no art)
- Hero- attributes uped by 20 (yellow glowing eyes and head)

You will start to see patterns emerge
Hero owns all

This is pretty balanced i believe and should be used

Two other races that i cant quite get in the mix:
Angel- Strong defense, healing magic, anti Demon magic
High mana regen
Demon- Strong attack, Attack magic, pro demon magic
High health regen
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Basic strategy game
Three units
Mass attack
anti mass unit
anti building

First to destroy enemies 5 buildings wins
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
I haven't written down any other ideas which is a shame

I really hope you use the three that i posted

Especially because I can't find my others

Have fun and good luck
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
It's beyond me how i found this but...

Evolution- A series of maps where once you complete one map you must save you character so that you may play it in a harder map with other experienced players

-Cellular Exodus (start as a cell)
-A barren map that has many caverns and little water
-must find shelter macronutrients (healing) and other things to survive, evolve and multiply

Its more cellular oriented so the best you can do is become a really big cell

-Compuond control (first fish)
-map is more water oriented with little islands here and there
-This is where you can become a small multicellular organism

It becomes more kill and control for consumers (where you must find food and escape from those who can kill you)

and its more escape and expand for producers (so it becomes easier to live when isolated)

and for decomposers, its race for whats left (most multicellular organisms cant kill microscopic organisms anymore, so take advantage

-Races of Revolution (Dinosaurs [Jurasic park is a great movie)
-map becomes more jungle like and tropical
-this is where organisms can become simple fighters

The consumers now evolve to become more herbeviors, carnevours or omnivours (they also have to start choosing Land or Sea also insects start to evolve (or for amphibians land and sea/also for bird like beings)

the producers now evolve and become more like trees, weeds and aquatic plants

Decomposers now start to diverge as well, becoming more fungi like, bacteria like, or taking the role as parasites

-An Armaggedon to Remember (more mammel like)
-Map at first is still jungley, but as a sudden turn in events a comet hits the earth and kills all those who are not in good protected areas
-this is where organisms must gather and fight to survive, taking what little they have to find a better place

Modern beings start to take shape here, birds start to emerge from omnivours, reptiles who used to need food in large quantity start to die off, and mammels start to emerge from omnivours. insects start to increase in number, though effecting hardly anyone
Fish mostly uneffected continue their lives under the sea

Plants are also for the most part uneffected since they drop seeds like no other when they die

Also producers maintain for the most part

However they all need to find a place to grow since the world has become desolate

-Strength, agility and intelligence
-Map becomes more nutrious, and more plentiful
-this is where animals must take shape ffor the ecosystem

Mammels now start to emerge as cats, dogs and primates also reptiles/amphibians become more of a quiet species (except for snake and crocidile), Birds will start to either withdraw by becoming scavengers or birds of prey, Fish too start to become more like either sharks, or fish. Insects start to become a main target for predators, while they prefer plants

Producers start to grow at such a large rate that most of the mammels will eat plants to survive

Decomposers start to take shap as desiese, mushrooms, molds and others

-Justice for Darwin
-map becomes more hilly and treachorous, lowering resources
-animals will start their fear of humans as they become dominent

Humans will start to become dominant as the rest of the species abilities start to lose effectiveness to the humans. the only thing that really evolve are insects as they grow larger

Plants start becoming stronger instead of weed like

Decomposers become almost nothing since vacines are available at human houses

-The future as we know it
-map becomes low in resources and human establishments (cities) become spread out (though they grow togethor)
-Insects start to grow to be a larger threat as all other species start to become more irrevelent. But at any time a species can break into a science labratory to become a stronger being

Insects start to emerge as a threat but the other animals are still capable of becoming strongest. In this chapter any animal can become: a dragon, gryphon or a crazy bunny.

Plants start to die out

So do decomposers (however it is still possible to stay alive on any type of insect)

-Armeggedon (this time its real)
-Map is very desolate, with only flooded lands and barren deserts
-Insects have become an eminent threat

Humans have the capability to nuke at any time

So thats life
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Aa' lle lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva, mellonin.

May you have sweet water and light laughter until next we meet, my friend.

And try to stop having dirty thoughts about the Warcraft heros. :wink:
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Look at this...
I found another one

Grand theft auto

Thats it... thats all i wrote (i suppose it spoke for itself though)
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004

mwaha, yezzzzzz..... we NEVER liked you.... we all must BREAK you.... thizzz izz your final hour, no TIME for redemption.... whatever

btw, formula1 I respect you for this decision, it takes a man to ... know.... a - man(?)... no sexual implication intended! :evil:

@Cryptfiend; Aww BOO! So you're letting flamers get to you? Skipsidejumping Judasbastard! :twisted: lol j/k but you aint leaving... you are just postin on 2 websites, right? good, then we are all cleared up on that one :)
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