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My first two Machinimas.

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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
As you my have already known, I have a fairly big Youtube account called TheF2PMaster, which I use to review free to play games. However, I have also made two Machinimas, one of which I had uploaded only a few minutes ago.

The first one (and to me the most important) is a Machinima based on Gears of War, which follows a single soldier in a squad of Cogs who are desperately trying to defend a key building against the alien Locusts.

Gears of War: Omega Squad

The second Machinima depicts a non-canonical Star Wars lightsaber duel between Darth Malak and his "secret apprentice" (basically a rip-off of The Force Unleashed). This Machinima was made with Jedi Academy.

Knights of the Old Republic - The Duel

Well guys, tell me what you think!
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
1st was was bad.
How was it bad?

2nd was just you playing.
No it was not. I'll admit, a bigger part of the video did include me playing, but that's because at the time I didn't want to spectate two computer players fighting, because I didn't think the computers could make the fight interesting.

those are not machinimas
See, that's we're you're wrong:

Wikipedia.org said:
"Machinima can be filmed by relying on in-game artificial intelligence (AI) or by controlling characters and cameras through digital puppetry. Scenes can be precisely scripted, and can be manipulated during post-production using video editing techniques. Editing, custom software, and creative cinematography may address technical limitations."

Despite what your "troll" brain may think, those two videos were machinima.
Level 11
May 2, 2009
Well thanks for insulting me when I am giving you constructive criticism, that is a. mature and b. will get you far in life. Hence the sarcasm.

Yea Wikipedia was right, but you were just playing in there, nothing was scripted. Trust me, those were bad. It is mostly you playing the game and nothing else, and thats not what a machinima is supposed to be.
Level 11
May 2, 2009
i said there criticisms, i didnt say that they were gona be helpfull, and how about you stop busting my balls, cause I was the only one that posted anything about them. So instead of trying to make me look stupid and failing, you comment on his vids, cause after all thats what the post is about.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Well thanks for insulting me when I am giving you constructive criticism,
All you told me was that my first machinima was bad and that they both weren't machinima, and while the former is an opinion, the latter is just utter stupidity.

that is a. mature
Oh yeah, because saying my machinimas suck was mature.

and b. will get you far in life. Hence the sarcasm.
...What? I will get far in life with a troll insulting me? How does that make any sense?

Yea Wikipedia was right, but you were just playing in there, nothing was scripted.
...So? "Digital puppetry" and using the games' AI is acceptable in machinima. Just happened to be those machinimas took place from the perspectives of individuals, as opposed to large groups.

Trust me, those were bad.
Tell me, how is this constructive criticism? All I see you doing is trolling, just like you do to me in EVERY SINGLE OTHER THREAD I START!

It is mostly you playing the game and nothing else,

]and thats not what a machinima is supposed to be.
I'm not sure about that, considering you hardly know what machinima is, as proven by you saying that my videos weren't machinima.
Level 11
May 2, 2009
Wow... good job interpreting the post that I wrote for the other user not YOU, as if it was meant for you. And yea that is criticism, running around shooting people does not make it a machinima, if it did then half the game views ppl did would be considered that too. W.e, in my opinion you should work on making machinima. And no I dont go trolling in ever thread you start. Just because you see that world revolves around you is not my fault, srry about that. Must be the ADD kicking in for you? Eh? I was trying to be nice and give you some criticism and go at it like you forgot your pills. Don't worry that's the last you'll hear from me. Thank god so many people posted here about your vids.
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