my drawings

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Level 31
Sep 11, 2009
here is the final Version. in 600x525



  • Hydralisk.png
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Level 31
Sep 11, 2009

this is the image i checked to do my drawing, there is muscle, why would i want to make an hydralisk exactly like a real one? would just be a waste of time. anyway,

Might wanna try redoing him./QUOTE]

... cmon, u rly think i just though or wanted of remaking him? totaly wrong, too much time to do, u rly doesnt know the time it takes to do a drawing.
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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
That guy that 'inspired' you redrawed his shit A LOT, from what I can see.

I thought you were drawing for fun?

Anyways, that image you posted. He has more scythe-like\mantis-like hands. They're not straight like in your drawing, they're shorter, they have a lot less muscle, the hands are completely different and the scythe-like things just generally look better.

The Hydralisk also doesn't have these 'fleshy tubes' you drew. The ones from which the scythe-like things come out. They just look bad and they don't exist.

Anyways, I like your baneling. It's not bad. It's pretty damn awesome actually. I just don't really like your hydralisk. He looks way too unbalanced, it looks like he'll have a hard time standing. His proportions along with other things are completely off.

why would i want to make an hydralisk exactly like a real one? would just be a waste of time.

All I have to say is 'lol'. It's like saying "why would I want to draw a human that looks like a real human? It would just be a waste of time".
Level 31
Sep 11, 2009
debode, seriously, i take INSPIRATION from the hydralisk i sent on last post, and i didnt want to draw it the same way, and yeah, its pretty normal that my hydralisk isnt as good as his one, hes a pro artist, i started to draw 8 months ago... and you rly cant compare humans to hydralisks becuz humans are real, hydralisks are just imagination. anyway, i'll stop talking about that hydralisk, this weekend, i'll draw a new zerg, still deosnt know what one.

Maybe i'll draw something else then a serg, im still not decided.
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
I like the shading of that arm, but the proportions are all wrong.
The upper arm looks very long and a bit hulky, while the lower arm looks kinda small and skinny.
My guess is that you're trying to bring the arm closer to us, but it looks like it's pointing downward.
And for the hand and dagger/sword, where's the thumb and the looks a bit "bent".

Hope you understand that this is critique ;)
Level 31
Sep 11, 2009
i know that the proportions are wrong, but i draw things and i try to make them with good proportions but if they are wrong, i can just make the sizes good when i resive everything. all parts are different layers.

closer to us, but it looks like it's pointing downward./QUOTE] its actualy the both at the same time :p

so, i'll cut a bit of the Upper arm, I'll make the Lower Arm bigger, (The Bracer too), I'll Make the Hand Bigger (even if i wouldnt make the lower arm bigger, i would have to make it bigger), I'll change the place of the handle in the hand, and will remake the blade.

Seriously, idk, but the hands looks like weird to me.. anyway, if u find something weird on it, just say it plz.

New Wip.

Im slowly advancing, but maybe, someday, i'll finish it.


  • Human_Berzerker_Wip.png
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i know that the proportions are wrong, but i draw things and i try to make them with good proportions but if they are wrong, i can just make the sizes good when i resive everything. all parts are different layers.
so, i'll cut a bit of the Upper arm, I'll make the Lower Arm bigger, (The Bracer too), I'll Make the Hand Bigger (even if i wouldnt make the lower arm bigger, i would have to make it bigger), I'll change the place of the handle in the hand, and will remake the blade.
kola, the techniques you possess to make your drawing are incredible. The shadings, the materials, the contrast, it's perfect.
But you should make an schematic sketch before starting. Like some pose study, and anatomy review.

This drawing you have made is a sword, being held by a hand, that comes out of a forearm, connected to an arm, then to a chest.

This is wrong. You should first think it through in your head - how is the creature going to look agressive? - and imagine the exact pose you want to draw. Then you sketch the anatomy, as a whole. When you see it looks coherent, pleasant to the eye, you start with the drawing itself. It'll turn out hundred times more awesome.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

It looks like you've drawn a left arm with a right hand and a right shoulder armour. Like HC suggested, make a full sketch before you start working in details, colour and shading.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

It's hard to see it if you've done it yourself, usually, but I did a quick sketch of an "outer arm" so that you might notice the similarities. The problem lies in you using this "outer arm" that ought to be the left arm of your character as the right arm.

(Yeah, my drawing ain't exactly in perfect proportion, it just demonstrates what I mean.)


  • armsketch.jpg
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Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
Kiljaeden and Lady Vashj look really childish. I'm not sure if it's your intention or not but it does not really fit. A darker,evil maybe even some kind of dirty look would make it appear much more interesting and credible, at least to me.
.... you're drawings are rrrrealy nice but erhm... every face starts with a circle, then a thin line passes through , coz a face is a is like a mirror from the left to right (except it's hair)

your shading everything, is perfect.

just the shape and.. i remembered the elite warrior you painted( using your hand?? idk)

it looks like an egg, coz the circle is like at the center of it's face and theres 2 more little circles on upper and below.. that looks damn funny, but goodluck ! i like your drawings, except that eggie face
no, a circle then put the chin below it

look at your face, is it an egg?

egg has no edges, but humans does, look at your skull == is it even an egg?

Well thats what the human skull looks like, but I'm pretty sure for the original base before adding edges to it they use an upside down egg - at least that's how every book I've seen on drawing a human face showed the initial sketches to look like
==a? i'm not arguing with you, i just kept laughing and laughing seeing those things
that eggy faced guy lawl

and i'm just trying to tell you that err, read again up there

oh and a

Well thats what the human skull looks like, but I'm pretty sure for the original base before adding edges to it they use an upside down egg - at least that's how every book I've seen on drawing a human face showed the initial sketches to look like

well, that means our line of art is not same o_O my line of art is at animes and mangas
@ sorry if this is getting slightly off topic

well, that means our line of art is not same o_O my line of art is at animes and mangas

Well I'm not really all that good at art, and I pretty much fail whenever I try and a draw a human face (no clue why this subject hangs me up, I can draw pretty much anything else, from buildings to animals to internal spaces in buildings at a passable level, yet I always screw up on faces) but even Anime/Manga style drawing books have shown the initial sketches in reverse egg style.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
A guy explained that to me once. Apparently it has something to do with the Eastern culture as opposed to the Western culture. They believe eye expressions project feelings better than mouth expression or something, but maybe I misunderstood. Thus - big eyes, small mouths.

Oh, and Kola, I personally think that your Banneling was the best art you've done so far that you have showed in here. Perhaps you could try something else with that "style" or something? Because it's really great.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Well if you look at any given Anime, you'll see that the eyes do play a significant role in projecting somebody's feelings.
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