[Import] My Custom Model is invisible

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Level 5
Jul 31, 2011
Hi hive, i created a model in blender, exported like OBJ and convert to ms3d in milkshape.

Now i loaded it in war 3 model editor added the textures and material and export the mdx

but in game is invisible how i can make it works i attach the model


  • Dave.mdx
    1.8 MB · Views: 50
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
Ok, the first thing I see is nothing, because you didn't provide the textures for the model to be seen, but I also see that some of the textures imported are in png, and not converted to blp, and that they are not even used along with the tex2.blp and Replaceable ID 0, so delete them because they take unnecessary space, as your model already has whopping 1.8 MB. The model size is due to the enormous amount of vertices, edges and faces used in the model. This is very unnecessary for such a small and simple model (of a cup, as far as I could see), and you should drastically decrease the amount of them used, because your model takes one fourth of the allowed map size limit for playing in multiplayer, and many much more complex models don't have even one tenth of the file size your model has. Warcraft doesn't require such detailed models, and they are even too detailed for this game.
Furthermore, one of the Material Layers has transparent filter and one blend filter, but since I can't see the textures, I also can't see if it is all good.
What's more, you have an unnamed and unedited animation present in the Sequence Manager, but if your model doesn't have animations, you should delete it.
The second thing, make sure when you import the textures to the map that you import both used textures (tex1.blp and tex3.blp, as far as I can remember) and they have the same import path as in the Texture Manager of Magos' Model Editor (tex1.blp and tex3.blp).
This is all, of course, if the model textures work in the editor in the first place, but, as I said, I can't see them because you didn't provide the textures for download in the attachment of your post.
Level 5
Jul 31, 2011
that is my first model, is for a gift to friend, not for a playable map, i will include the textures and the model again, it has 3 material the first 2 textures the color of the cup and a logo, the second is the liquid inside the cup, i deleted the third the material and the png textures.

i added to the download the blp textures, but i dont know how see the correct path of the textures


  • Dave.mdx
    1.8 MB · Views: 47
  • tex1.blp
    7.1 KB · Views: 43
  • tex2.blp
    8.1 KB · Views: 45
  • tex3.blp
    72.4 KB · Views: 43
Level 5
Jul 31, 2011
This is the final modification with:

Only the required textures


  • Cup.mdx
    1.8 MB · Views: 41
  • tex1.blp
    7.1 KB · Views: 45
  • tex2.blp
    8.1 KB · Views: 51
  • tex3.blp
    72.4 KB · Views: 49
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
I imported the model and the textures in the map as they should be imported, and the model went wild. My whole screen was covered in triangles with random textures floating around and with a shape of a house in the middle. I've converted the textures 1 and 2 from blp to tga and checked them and they are fine, but I couldn't convert the texture 3 at all, so there must be the problem. Something is wrong with the texture 3 file and that is most probably the reason for it not to work. Be sure that texture 3 is 256x256 pixels in format too, if it isn't already.

By the way, when you want to import the textures in your map import them under the normal "tex1.blp", "tex2.blp" and "tex3.blp" paths, remove the "war3imported\" in front of them in the world editor import manager file paths.
Level 5
Jul 31, 2011
the new model and textures resized

when i test it, appaer the black thing you say it, i dont know how to correct that:

i add the third image for the texture

i think like you the third texture is the problem


  • Cup.mdx
    1.8 MB · Views: 41
  • tex1.blp
    7.1 KB · Views: 50
  • tex2.blp
    8.1 KB · Views: 46
  • tex3.blp
    72.5 KB · Views: 46
  • tex3.png
    76.2 KB · Views: 53
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
I opened the tex3.png in GIMP and it said it has an embedded color profile and asked me to convert it to RGB, so I did, then I exported it as tga and converted it to blp, so the texture is fixed, but the model still doesn't work. I'm attaching the fixed tex3.blp in the post's attachment.
But I've found what was the real problem. You didn't UV-wrap your model, so the textures are overlapping and going beyond the limits of your model creating these bugs. UV-wrapping is wrapping your texture around a model. You can UV-wrap your model in Mdlvis program, and if you don't know how to do it yet, look up a tutorial on the internet or on the Hive. Here's one: Magos' modeling Tutorial.


  • tex3.BLP
    62.9 KB · Views: 37
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
Yes, that is the problem. See, your texture is going over the bounds of your model and isn't wrapped around it at all. But, I don't know to UV map either, you'll have to ask someone who knows or wait if someone who knows replies to this post or post another thread in the texturing part of the forum regarding it.
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