my attempt at minas tirith

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Level 19
May 1, 2008
Vegeta what does the scouter say about his rock spam level?
It's OVER 9000!!1

What 9000??? Theres no way that could be right!!


  • minas tirith!.PNG
    minas tirith!.PNG
    881.3 KB · Views: 402
Other than the fact that this is so incredibly unaccurate such as flattened trees that look like trees, real trees, those green rocks, masses of them, and masses of arches and a neighbouring tower INSIDE the city, and the fact that the walls are pretty blank and shit, this is most probably better than mine although I think your White Tower is a bit too abrupt. And any water within several thousand kilometres of Minas Tirith is brown. :}
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
i already made a playable one . . but its on a tiny scale ( but not one to be a tolkin fan or anything . . . but theres no forests near minus tirith . . . and i dont think i've ever seen mountins like that . . . . . and there suposed to be 7 layers . . . . . but other than that its all good . . . . . . little out of scale if you ask me tho . . . . . xD
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
1. I don't think that mountains disturb me that much.
2. Why are the mountains distracting you when the city is so awesome!
3. Good job!:D
Level 3
Jul 26, 2009
The trees in the forground are kind of lame-looking. Not to sound discouraging or anything. Why don't you try simple tiles out there, perhaps with a few pointing (not VERY pointy tho) rocks.

The background, as others have mentioned could also use some major work.

Also, the resolution you've taken your screenshot in is kinda.. small, dontcha think?

The city itself is a bit squished, but you've got the general idea going, and that's what matters. You can do oh so much with the World Editor, I'm afraid.
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