Music for a cinematic

I don't really have a title for this one, but it feels more geared for use in a cinematic rather than BGM for normal gameplay.

Music for a cinematic (Sound)

Music for a cinematic (FLAC) (Sound)

Nicely done with the progression here. I like how the track starts off slow, then gradually gets more intense, then drops back down again. It has a good sense of story and movement to the track, and would fit nicely in gameplay trailers. The overall...
Nicely done with the progression here. I like how the track starts off slow, then gradually gets more intense, then drops back down again. It has a good sense of story and movement to the track, and would fit nicely in gameplay trailers. The overall quality good, and the control on loudness was done nicely too. Another great submission @GrapesOfWath, I'm looking forward to seeing more from you!

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