Can't resume the racial music after the cinematic

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Level 5
Jan 12, 2014
I'm kinda noob in editing stuff. The only thing i'm not finding in tutorials is a way to use music in cinematics properly.

I just import a music and then use "Sound-Clear the music list" then "Sound- Stop music inmediatily" "Sound-Play Sadmystery theme" everything is ok here. But after the cinematic ends I still hear the "sad mystery" music and if I put the "stop sound" and "clear music" then there's 0 music . So how can I resume the "normal music" like it was before the cinematic when it ends? (without reseting it completely) thanks beforehand.

For example, I'm playing orcs with normal orc soundtrack, then I want a music change when a cinematic starts, but after it ends I want the normal orc soundtrack back at the same timing it was before the cinematic (like the campaign)
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Level 44
Feb 27, 2007
You can open up the campaign files and see how they triggered it, which is probably what you should do. As a quick workaround though you could simply change the sad music sound volume to 0% for the duration of the cinematic but keep it playing in the background the whole time.
  • Sound - Set volume of SadMusic to 0%
  • Sound - Play CinematicMusic
  • Wait DurationOfCinematic game-time seconds
  • Sound - Stop CinematicMusic
  • Sound - Set volume of SadMusic to 100%
Level 5
Jan 12, 2014
Lol I'm stupid as hell I just needed to put "play music theme" instead of play music. Thanks for the checking campaign triggers tip lol.

Now I don't understand why my imported musics volume is so low ingame (in the editor they sound fine and at the same volume of normal musics)
Now I don't understand why my imported musics volume is so low ingame (in the editor they sound fine and at the same volume of normal musics)

When you import a song, you'll want to check a couple of things:
  • Make sure it is not a 3D sound, or else it will only play at max volume when your camera source is near the sound's position.
  • A lot of people will import the sound using the sound editor, and play it as a sound, not music. Keep in mind that sound and music have separate sliders in the options menu!
  • Sometimes it has to do with volume-groups, but usually that won't be an issue unless you delve into the JASS side of things.
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