hello everybody! me again
this cursor is my first skin upload, its also my first project in months to be finished. Im working on 3 types of things, animated aquatic plants, animated weeds, and the lava doodads to accompany my single lonely lava slag model.
this cursor was inspired by my love of murlocs, in my map, you play as a murloc, whether it will ever be finished who knows, likely not, but that's not relevant and I digress, this is a good cursor replacement if you want murlocs to be you're primary race, but also want you're naga to be a primary race. I am aware of the naga cursor on the skin section, but I wanted something less beefy and more small and elegant looking, so I based this off of the undead cursor, with its bony scrawny hand, but you will see no trace of the undead cursor here.
this cursors unique in that the aim-er spins, many cursors have flashing aim-ers for left targeted spells, even custom aim-ers, but I have yet to see a cursor with spinning in it yet.
I rigged the hand for grabbing items to look like its actually grabbing the items, it looks kinda cute in my opinion.
this cursor is not the greatest or most useful cursor ever to live on the hive in all of time and space, but its a nice piece I think. enjoy.
by the way to every body making cursors that wish to emulate my spinning aim-er, you have my permission here and now to copy and paste that section of my skin and add it to yours, I will not become angry or squeal plagiarism, it was how ever, very, very difficult to rig, I had to build that spinning aim-er, pixel by pixel, it took months of my time, not congruently but day after day here and there, so if you do copy and paste my spinning aim-er, do me this much of a favor, and throw my name in the skin's credits: and make a mur'loc on you're map (any model of murloc you wish, which ever you like the most) and call him ''kellym0'' with the hero title ''god of murlocs'' just kidding, that would be pretty awesome of you though =)
Update 1: just figured id add the paths:
Cursor, UI, Naga, Murloc, MurGul, Aquatic, Spinning Mousy Aimer!