04:54, 9th Jul 2008
Comment : Your map had a lot of potential, but currently there is a lot of feature you haven't add into it. If you fix it, it would be great.
Good Point
[+] Terrain are nicely done
Neutral Point
Bad Point
[-] Hero earn experience extremely fast without the need to go to battlefield, fix that.
[-] You should add a anti-friendlyfire system, if you had a trouble maker in your team. They might attack their own tower or teammate.
[-] The shop location is almost hidden, I almost did't notice where it is. Your quest log should had information of where the shop position is.
[-] The tidal guardian is even better than enslaved makura in term of damage and had better hitpoint. You should fix that.
[-] You should add a trigger that prevent backdoor, if the player is strong enough while his opponent is weak. They might ignore tidal guardian tower and rush to the enemy base to attack their main structure.
Overall - 3/5