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Munchkin DungeonCrawl, the thread

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Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
Recruitment, post there to sign up if you wish so.

yeah, i figured out we could really use a thread to discuss stuff that need discussion in. so here it is. the thread to do that.

The Team

Hijax: project coordinator, trigger, concepts
Lopaki: object data, lil triggering.
Trillium: concepts
Nelisje85: Trigger, general assistance
Chilla Killa: Trigger
To Do

  • Mobs, Bosses, Items(Object Data)
  • finish off the mapgenerator
  • classes
  • leveling system
  • trap system
Last edited:
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
we wont need terrain, we have randomly generated dungeons :p.

one of the prime reasons i started this thread is so we can make sure who does what. lopaki is going to do object data, but there's no reason you cant do that too.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
well, as i guess, some rooms (with final boss for example, or major bosses) can be made by hand (remember Diablo 1 & 2 - boss rooms always were specially made). also i think the ground could use somo work (dunno if it possible to change tiles with triggers).
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
i dont think we can do that. or, if we can, it wont be the job of a terrainer, but a jasser(and perhaps a modeler, but yeah, we dont have one xD).
i can try to explain how the generator works, if you like.
EDIT, damn, trillium were there before me!
no, the way the system works doesn't allow that(unless i can change the tiles and everything with triggers, and i dont think so).
i know for certain its impossible to create doodads, but we can just use immobile units with that model instead.
the way the system is done, the only thing a terrainer could possibly do was alter the, er, floor texture. which isn't really much work.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
Trillium, i have a job for you!
silly creature ideas. lots of them. lopaki is running out.
to explain what i mean, he came up with the camicats, the noobosaurus, and sugegsted that we make some 'wc'3 jokes. thats the kind of humour im lloking for here.
edit: damn you. yeah thats right.
edit#2: but i might be able to alter it to create some 'holes' in the map. on those we could create some predertermined 'doodad'(aka immobile units) selections that matched the boss being spawned.
that might work. but maybe we should wait 'till a later version.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
I dont have anthing, lopaki is the one doing this. he told me it was hard to come up with new ideas. so i asked the one team member only here for the sake of concepts.
Level 3
Apr 6, 2009
I fiddled a little with the map editor and came up with a simple Pather it will need some work to improve but it could give an idea on how it can be done remeber i put this together in just half an hour so it will have its drawbacks.
This will draw a path with a width of 300

problems and solutions:
To add rooms, just add an extra trigger for adding rooms, checking for space to create a room and use a script to build a predisgned room at that location.

Incomplete walls.
I didnt have the time for polish this, but set an action in the wall creation trigger to have it face point1 or the center of the collisions checker region(Centered on point1) then, after the walls have been drawn you know from the facing of the wall what direction the wall is going. with a simple trigger that checks the four facings you can add extra doodads next to them, cmpleting the wall section.

Not sure if this is what you are thinking of.. just wanted to see if i could do anything like this


  • DungeonPath Test.w3x
    20.9 KB · Views: 64
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
i already have a functional dungeon generator. with rooms.
mine is not complete either, but it works just fine.
yours works a bit like mine, actually. only mine does the calculations in an array first, then it spawns the walls. i can post mine here, if you undrestand vJASS
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
mobs. bosses. items. in other words, OBJECT DATA.
and maybe chilla killa could throw me a map with some rooms for use with booses, so i can implement them into the next version of the dungeongenerator.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
im using buildings as walls.
and yes, i know it can bug highly. but im sure its possible to make a working system.
Level 5
May 31, 2009
Recruitment, post there to sign up if you wish so.

yeah, i figured out we could really use a thread to discuss stuff that need discussion in. so here it is. the thread to do that.

The Team

Hijax: project coordinator, trigger, concepts
Lopaki: object data, lil triggering.
Trillium: concepts
Nelisje85: Trigger, general assistance
Chilla Killa: Trigger
To Do

  • Mobs, Bosses, Items(Object Data)
  • finish off the mapgenerator
  • classes
  • leveling system
  • trap system

any info about the actual maps ?
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
when we have enough work done to show some sort of test map, we will.
however, for now, i might redirect you to our thread in the idea workshop forum. link
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
this is the thread where we 'develop' the map.
we have a thread in idea factory where we figured out the ideas of the map, that should easily contain enough information for you.
we have a thread in recruitment where we recruited people. that is over now(though you're welcome to come work if you want to).

to me, it seems stuff are in the right place?
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Hey there :D
I saw you make a Crawler-Map. That´s cool :)
I hope you will add attachments (i love attachments ^^)
(If you will do, and don´t take own, download from Kitabake or/and jatter2 here at the Hiveworkshop :))
I hope you will do good work, iam really excited about the custom created dungeons like Diablo Oo :D
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
yeah, im making a crawler. thanks, i hope i will too(do good work :p)

what you mean attachments?
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
i mean models like swords etc which are visible if the hero wears an item. If you know WoW you know what i mean (if you take an armor, you can see it at your character etc.)
Level 3
Jul 21, 2007
Sorry to ask this, but what is this map? Im reading all comments and I havn't figured out what this project is >.<
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
well, no problem. im going to add a thread with actual info about this map as soon as there is a demo.
firstly, did you read our thread in idea factory? that have a lot mroe actual information than this one.
if you still dont understand, read on.
this map is inpired by the card game Munchkin. that is a dungeon crawl game(with the dungeon replaced by cards, but yeah), and you can freely swap classes. that is, if you get the card for that class. so, im also doing that thing in this map.

in addition to that, my game features randomly generated dunegons, with a(hopefully) huge selection of hilariously named mobs, like the noobosaurus and the camicats.
face down unique bosses like the dreaded gorgonzilla and the demona lisa.
that sounded totally like the text on the back of a game, didn't it?
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