[Life of a Peasant] Life in the City (Name pending)

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Level 7
Oct 26, 2005
Life in the City

Introduction about the Project

(You don't actually need to read this)
Hi, I wanted to create this thread for a project I left a lot of time ago, but now that I have some free time and dedication, I came to the Hive once again to look for some collaboration :)

Life in the City takes your regular and boring LoaP map and takes it to another level, it is actually not a LoaP, it is a more complex life-simulator sandbox game. It originally started taking inspiration from Real Life [For Morons], but I grew ambitious and now I will make a mix of The Sims and GTA (as other sandbox games). The goal of the project is to make it as complex and unique as possible with content, but user-friendly and intuitive.

Life in the City

  • Description
  • Features
  • Screenshots
  • Notes
  • Credits


Life in the City (not final name) takes a mixture between the life simulation of The Sims franchise and the popular sandbox game franchise Grand Theft Auto. This project guarantees it will be hardly comparable to the common LoaP formula, not only bringing a brand new (made from scratch) terrain, but also taking out all of the commonly used Warcraft models as replacement of modern things and actually utilizing modern resources, from cars and buildings to roads and sidewalks. It also implements a wide array of system that makes it look more like the games mentioned above, including Needs system, Car Driving System and Camera/Movement System.


At this stage the project may not have all of the systems planned, but they will be added with time, ensuring you the best playability and replay value.
  • You are able to enter and exit buildings, as you will commonly do In proccess
  • Customize your main character by granting it the exact amount of Strenght, Agility and Intelligence at start, or just randomize it! (Planning on doing a different Stats system)
  • Acquire Interactions, special abilities that ease your life, such as a Map, Cellphones, Pocket Book, among others. You also have Job Rewards, special skills granted for working hard at your job.
  • Interacting (right clicking another unit) will make you get random or funny conversations, or maybe special quests and rewards.
  • Develop your Fishing and Cooking skills, which unlocks more content. You also get a Drunkenness level, granting surprising effects.
  • Most jobs are multi-playable. This means any number of players can take one job.
  • Unique furniture system in which you can carry it in your inventory and the "unpack it" wherever you want. You can also rotate it and convert it into an item again.
  • Camera, Movement and Key System, which features a more fitting point of view for the player, also allowing to move with the keyboard arrows and perform special actions by double tapping them.








(Will update as I progress)
  • Testing and working on inside of buildings
  • New Hero Selection system and reworked Stat System
  • House Buying-Selling and Property System Re-Coded and Working
  • Terrain, Doodads, Buildings, etc. completely reworked for a more modern feel.
  • Sliding System implemented (needs proper implementation), used for Car Driving System.
  • Camera, Movement and Keyboard system implemented. Right now only bound to main character.
  • In-game translation 100% complete. WE data and some trigger text still present in spanish but I have not changed it because those things will be reworked (and WE data doesn't need to be translated at all)
  • Bar and drink system reworked, now you can gain several useful and fun effects

Development Notes (IMPORTANT)

It is important you read these notes so you keep what I say here in mind, while playing, testing or posting.
  • The map is in Alpha stage. This means I am currently working on it, adding new features and finishing already implemented ones.
  • All relevant data is in english. All that remains is either not seen in the game (and I don't plan on translating it) or it will be changed for something else.
  • I'm in proccess of importing a lot of stuff and then filtering them, this is the reason I can't give you the map to test yet (Although it became mostly unplayable because of the terrain rework and buildings). Plus too much size for me to upload.
  • Any contribution you want to make is welcome. If you want to help in the triggering, object data, gathering imports or just collaborating with any ideas, I will be very thankful.


I actually got around browsing the resources I got, so here are [most of them]


  • WC3ScrnShot_102212_203336_02 copia.jpg
    WC3ScrnShot_102212_203336_02 copia.jpg
    91.9 KB · Views: 1,257
  • 1.jpg
    146.4 KB · Views: 1,336
  • 3.jpg
    151.8 KB · Views: 4,116
  • 2.jpg
    149.4 KB · Views: 8,502
  • 4.jpg
    152.5 KB · Views: 1,293
  • Life in the City 0.1 Alpha.w3x
    6.8 MB · Views: 409
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Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Just from screenies; try get custom building models for houses, and doodads a few dont fit. Also get some more terrain textures, like different paths. Be good to add a outside area park, or if you have a park already add a screeny

Might try it whenever i can
Level 7
Oct 26, 2005
Just from screenies; try get custom building models for houses, and doodads a few dont fit. Also get some more terrain textures, like different paths. Be good to add a outside area park, or if you have a park already add a screeny

Might try it whenever i can

Yeah, I know about the custom models, some may be even a must; but the priority is first Translation ^^ I even have a folder with all the models I plan on using latter.
And yes, it has a park area (actually few small parks). Well, I don't know if it looks like a park to you lol but yes I will upload a screenshot in the afternoon (6:30 AM here)

Thanks for the feedback! Hope you try it and give me more advice :)
Level 5
Jul 12, 2011
In my opinion, realism is a must in every LoaP. So here are some suggestions :

1. Add a hunger meter. Players will be more careful on spending their money as they need money to buy food/cooking lessons.
2. Cars would need gas, driving license, and a hero inside it to be driven.
3. Jobs would require a certain amount of a specific hero's attribute (like AngryMurloc's Parvenu). So maybe doctors and mayors need intelligence, athlete and miner need strength, thieves and waiters need agility, etc. The amount of needed attribute should vary with the salary.
4. Add a map item that pings the location of useful buildings (like school or restaurant), so players won't get lost. Oh, and taxis.
5. Per-second salaries like mayor's should be converted to per day or even per week to add the realism (you don't receive salary every second, do you?)
Level 7
Oct 26, 2005
In my opinion, realism is a must in every LoaP. So here are some suggestions :

1. Add a hunger meter. Players will be more careful on spending their money as they need money to buy food/cooking lessons.
2. Cars would need gas, driving license, and a hero inside it to be driven.
3. Jobs would require a certain amount of a specific hero's attribute (like AngryMurloc's Parvenu). So maybe doctors and mayors need intelligence, athlete and miner need strength, thieves and waiters need agility, etc. The amount of needed attribute should vary with the salary.
4. Add a map item that pings the location of useful buildings (like school or restaurant), so players won't get lost. Oh, and taxis.
5. Per-second salaries like mayor's should be converted to per day or even per week to add the realism (you don't receive salary every second, do you?)

1. This one is kind of a no-brainer. I was thinking of it since the beggining so I think it's very viable to add.
2. This one is another I was actually planning and I guarantee this is going to implemented
3. I will check that Parvenu you mention. Actually, I also thought of this one (I'm not kidding! xD) but in consequence I thought of changing 'Atributtes' as Personality Traits: Courage, Charisma and Knowledge respectively. Then jobs would need certain amount of that Trait as you mention.
4. Map pinging item already exists :p (it is on translation proccess btw). Taxis and also Buses are also on plan I just need to code the system
5. This is an interesting point. Right now there is no mayor career, but yes, there are some salary-per-second jobs. I will switch them to a hidden counter and each day you will receive payment depending on how much time you were there or something.

As a side note I have some thoughts on changing Jobs as mini games (Think of The Sims Urbz jobs) so it will be actually fun to do jobs, but this is only an idea.
Hope you gave a try to the map. Thanks for your feedback!
Level 5
Jul 12, 2011
I have an idea; instead of open-air buildings (like most LoaPs do) why don't you replace those buildings and change them into house doodads? Then in front of the house's door, create a region to teleport the player to the inside of the building. The inside of the building should be unseen from the minimap and the map. After that put a sign that says the building's name.

Here's a diagram :

Players' camera should be locked to the inside area while inside.

Although a bit hard, this will make the LoaP more realistic.
Level 7
Oct 26, 2005
I got some news: I did a big update to the map (and currently working on it), mostly aesthethics like modern buildings, props and vehicles. I have not done much of triggering work but I guarantee you will like the new changes and design. Now, this is actually changing the map size (both in MB and space) so I need to reorganize each thing here and there. I'll be uploading screenshots later.

I have an idea; instead of open-air buildings (like most LoaPs do) why don't you replace those buildings and change them into house doodads? Then in front of the house's door, create a region to teleport the player to the inside of the building. The inside of the building should be unseen from the minimap and the map. After that put a sign that says the building's name.

Here's a diagram :

Players' camera should be locked to the inside area while inside.

Although a bit hard, this will make the LoaP more realistic.

This is part of the big update :) I have done the exterior buildings and will be doing each inside little by little.

Also I implemented to great systems I think will bring more unique gameplay: One for an awesome and smooth third person view (like if you are in a Sandbox) and a Sliding system to drive Cars.

Hope all of this is of your liking :)
Level 7
Oct 26, 2005
For all those looking forward to the map, I'm just taking a hard time figuring and working in indoors, since sometimes it doesn't look as it is inside a building. Since this is a major part, and without it the map is almost unplayable, I need to do this in order to keep going. Be patient, I'll update soon!

Edit: After finishing the new hero and stat manager system and triggering a little into indoors, I feel confident enough to upload this version. It is not very playable, you can enter some buildings, buy houses and enter in them, but they still don't look like you're inside a building at all and you can't do pretty much else.
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