Money to Mana

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Level 1
Apr 10, 2015
Hey everyone, I have recently started making a map and I am interested in the banking system in Europe at War Victoria version where you deposit money into the bank and take it out etc. I was hoping someone could explain to me how that works so i could put it in my map please would be a huge help! :)
Level 9
May 21, 2014
What kind of money are you using? Lumber and Gold?

if that was the case, then create n number of array variables with size 12 to accommodate all players, where n is the number of resources that you want to manage.

Then when the player deposits, then just store the number of deposited number in the array variable with the proper index.

Let's say Red Player deposited 500 Gold.
Then do: set SampleArray[PlayerNumberOfRedPlayer] = SampleArray[PlayerNumberOfRedPlayer] + 500
Then decrease the current Player Property Gold of the Red Player.

Or when he takes it out 500 Gold, then:
set SampleArray[PlayerNumberOfRedPlayer] = SampleArray[PlayerNumberOfRedPlayer] - 500
Then increase the current Player Property Gold of the Red Player.
Level 1
Apr 10, 2015
Well you would be depositing gold into the bank.
and from what I can see the creators of the map have given the bank abilities (deposit and withdraw) and deposit increases the mana of the bank by 500g (the amount of mana represents the amout of gold stored.) and by clicking the withdraw ability the amount decreases by 500 and the players gold increases by 500.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Set mana regeneration to 0. (And regeneration type to None.)
Set max mana to... something.
When Withdraw is cast, you add gold to inventory and the ablity cost mana.
When Deposit is cast, you add mana to the bank and the ability cost gold (this is the Charge Gold and Lumber ability).
Level 9
May 21, 2014
Well you would be depositing gold into the bank.
and from what I can see the creators of the map have given the bank abilities (deposit and withdraw) and deposit increases the mana of the bank by 500g (the amount of mana represents the amout of gold stored.) and by clicking the withdraw ability the amount decreases by 500 and the players gold increases by 500.

Ah I see. :) What Wietlol has suggested solves your problem. You just have to add conditions when if the mana is 0, or already at max or something... to simulate correctly the withdrawal amount.
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