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[Spell] Modified Divine Shield?

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Level 2
Aug 11, 2015
I want to make an ability (a buff - casting mechnics similar to Inner Fire, can be cast on others)
That reduces damage taken by X%.

Do I need to use triggers or is there some spell that can be used as a base for that concept?
Level 7
Jan 23, 2011
Use Damage Engine, use ANY ability that gives a buff. Then use this trigger
  • Divine shield dmg
    • Acontecimientos
      • Partida - DamageModifierEvent becomes Igual a 1.00
    • Condiciones
      • (DamageEventTarget has buff Escudo divino) Igual a (==) True
    • Acciones
      • Set DamageEventAmount = (DamageEventAmount x 0.10)
ez as that
I think defend (item) has both physical damage reduction and spell damage reduction. You can use that ability but you still need triggers to give it and then removed to target unit I'm afraid

The problem with that ability is that it will reduce certain attack types only, which are piercing and magic damage. Try using the reduction factor of hardened skin.
The problem with that ability is that it will reduce certain attack types only, which are piercing and magic damage. Try using the reduction factor of hardened skin.
Hardened Skin won't reduce the damage by percent though. There is not an ability which does that. Spiked Carapace can only reduce taken melee damage by a percent. defend (Item) only piercing and magic. Maybe combining them would work but it is too messy.

Using damage detection system is really the only option here which you both had said.
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