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Modelicious - War3 Tools Recreated

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Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Though not a computer problem, I decided to set-up this thread so that you may want to see the next-generation of Modelicious, which is currently in Tools and then Modelicious. I'm planning to make a newer version called War3 Tools X and will be much more interfaced and improved with better features.

Anyways, I have decided to create this thread to take a look at one of my programs, called MPQ Editor. Should be better than its last, but here's a preview:

A exploring view:

A much more improved creation of MPQ's:

Creating a new folder:

A more friendly-user interface:

Its just a sneak-peek of it, I'm releasing a test version for those who want to test it, so hopefully you will keep watching.

NOTE: You can get it here; hopefully you will test it. A fix will be arriving just very soon!
Link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/tools-560/mpq-editor-0-6-a-131707/


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Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Testing is now available, however it seems some problems may occur. I need some testing, so it will be helpful if you tested!
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
That's sure quite the program. How is it coming? Do you have a planned release date?

Also, I must say, you sure do have an eye for appearance versus some programmers.

Woah thanks, I started programming when I was 13. I wanted to make some use here, besides Warcraft III Campaigns being rather ignorant, but this is the home.

The release date has already being set, however a major bug has been detected but it seems that I can find a way to fix it. I'll update the list for you. And its good; now I'm making a BLP Editor instead of a Viewer which lets you draw on a BLP file.

And thanks, I'll rep you for it, so +rep ;) .
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Hmm. Cool. Well, good luck with it.

Thanks again. Sorry if I can rep you again because of the spread, but I'll count you in. I wonder if you could test the MPQ Editor, but I am not forcing you. I am getting a couple of reviews that it is receiving errors while loading the core MPQ files for Warcraft III. Maps work fine.

Thanks anyway, and its just a request ;) you don't have to worry about it if you don't want to.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Gladly. But not immediately.

What features are you planning to include in Modelicious. The MPQ Editor and what else?

Oh, thanks! I am not putting this as critical as I may have found a fix (but first I need a few verifications). In the new Modelicious here are the new things I will add:

1. The SLK Viewer will now be independent, no longer requiring Excel.
2. The Image Viewer will be now be able to edit with features such as painting and editing colors etc...
3. The Model Converter will have added features such as removing the hero glow etc...
4. Better images and understanding.
5. Programs being stand-alone in one piece instead of being cluttered into one.
6. Better interface and more extensive and addressed version matters.
7. MPQ Editor with improved interface and using the new MpqLib.
8. Probably more features, such as a Object Editor and other feature loading tools for Warcraft III.

For the MPQ Editor it is still in work, however it needs some checks before it can be stable. I will delete it in some time, but for now I need some testing; I did get a few major errors, but it works fine in my computer (however I decided to change a few works in my MPQ system). Anyways, thanks and you can do it anytime if you wish. ;)
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Well, you should really consider changing some of those names in correspondence to the new features.

Hmm... Thanks! I'll take that in mind, I had some suggestion of one saying that. I better start name-thinking! Anyways, thanks a bunch. When possible, I will owe it to you!

P.S. The MPQ Editor has been updated with a few bug fixes and additions. Hopefully I fixed the problem ;) .
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Let's just pretend that it means Mod - as in Modification - versus Model.

Lol... I am definitely going to change the name to War3 Tools, or I if you could alter the name if you wish. The MPQ Editor bug seems to be fixed after a major bug, and I'm moving to the BETA stage.

Modelicious eventually became the name because I needed a name quick, and eventually I started with a Model Converter ;) . Hopefully it turns out to be much much better in the next one.

Yeah, Modelicious implies it only has to do with models, and judging by what you have planned, it doesn't look like this'll be the case :D

The name will change eventually and so will Modelicious will be deleted after it releases. Just hope it turns out well, and the only thing that relates to the name is the Model Converter :S .
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I'd like to see the Edit menu appear when you right click in the white area of the MPQ editor or on top of a file. And what about moving files? Once you stick a file in a certain folder, it can't be moved.

When you add a file or create an MPQ it says "*Function* success!" (e.x. Adding file to MPQ success!). You should consider changing this to "*Function* was a success." or "*Function* was successful."

Also, it would be smart if you gave users the option to choose between the program only showing a single folder at once or all of them nested. I dislike the way it is organized how it is, but I'm quite sure otherwise would have differing opinions. You should allow users to choose.

On a less important note, you should also put a line below the "Create MPQ Version 2.0", when creating a new MPQ, saying something along the lines of "If not selected, an MPQ version 1.0 will be created."
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Judging from the screenshots, your MPQ viewer needs a tree view & details (filesize, encryption, etc.).
By the way, what can this program do that other software doesn't do in a better way?

Okay, I'll add more screeenshots, and yes it uses a TreeView. The details can be shown through pressing through to the properties into the MPQ Editor. I'll see what I can do with the more complicated information such as the encryption and so forth...

What it can do that other software's can't? Well in the later releases, I am trying to develop a file breaker which logically finds files without the listfile for the Warcraft III maps based on their data. The main focus is to make a very quick name breaker through Storm wrapper which I will release soon; for now it should contain most of the basic features.


I'd like to see the Edit menu appear when you right click in the white area of the MPQ editor or on top of a file. And what about moving files? Once you stick a file in a certain folder, it can't be moved.

When you add a file or create an MPQ it says "*Function* success!" (e.x. Adding file to MPQ success!). You should consider changing this to "*Function* was a success." or "*Function* was successful."

Also, it would be smart if you gave users the option to choose between the program only showing a single folder at once or all of them nested. I dislike the way it is organized how it is, but I'm quite sure otherwise would have differing opinions. You should allow users to choose.

On a less important note, you should also put a line below the "Create MPQ Version 2.0", when creating a new MPQ, saying something along the lines of "If not selected, an MPQ version 1.0 will be created."

Thanks for the suggestions Hawkwing, I owe you one. I'll take this into consideration in the newer release of the MPQ Editor. I got a list for now to add, so here's the list:

1. Right clicking a file will show edit functions (I already had this in mind, but thanks :) ).
2. Change of text into informative assertiveness language; not instantaneously surprising.
3. Nested folders in the TreeView.
4. Text changes to Creating a New MPQ version 2.0

Thanks for the suggestions; I'll move onto the new stages of version 0.7, and thanks, I owe you both one. Eleandor, enjoy your rep and you will be credited, so enjoy! I'll get onto it otherwise ;) . Hawkwing, I'll owe it to you later...
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