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[Model] - The settlers

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Level 3
Feb 2, 2009
[Tilesetl] - The settlers

i started a "The Settlers" Boardgame in wc3. I thaught of this while playing Risk.

My project is more of a test (at least for now, i have exams), i am allmost done with the spawn trigger... if annyone have played the board game they know how it works, if not i will explain here:
u place the pieces (in the pic below) upside down and place alphabetic carboard pieces on top (theese have the alphabet on one side and numbers representing dice numbers on the other) and when you have place all (wich will then be allmost randomly placed because of the alphabetic numbers and the upside down recource pieces) you turn everything around and you have the game board for this round
This trigger have been hell to make, but i think i am allmost there now :D

I want to make this map (at least try my best) because the board game rocks (risk does also, and the wc3 map is cool) so i thatught this was a good idea :D (even tho i might need help, so if annyone is intrested just pm me or post here :D)

originally I wanted theese models, but i changed them now :):
i actually just need map tile textures representing the difrent recources (easy to see the difrencebetween them is a key)
Wheath (or some sort of farmland thing :p)
Desert (unbuildable, the one with the black piece in the pic)
you can see all theese recources on the picture :)

+rep ofc :D

this is the map ^^ (all the big rings are recource areas, and the small ones are build spots)
The settlers1.JPG
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