Love that game. i actually started to make it for wc3 like a year ago but got bored of it. too much work for a game that probably wouldnt get that big of a hit on the hive. and i got better ideas for a map so i just deleted it from WE and moved on. but if you make it i for sure will dl it.
Heres how i did some of the stuff just to give you ideas.
I used the farm as the settlement
the townhall as the City
There is a brick road in the Ultimate terraining map that works well for the road
The Ultimate Terraining Map 3.0 - Wc3campaigns
Make little boxes of a terrain(dirt or something) on the corner of each area(the spot that you will place the settlement) and the same tile along the edges of the areas(where you would place the roads).
Then dont use that terrain any where else on the map. (just so that the player knows exactly where he can or cant place the settlement\roads. Less confusion for noobs, and it looks better if you seperate the terrain of the buildible areas form the terrain from the non buildible areas)
in the center of these buildible areas place a circle of power(just like you have)
Then give each player a peasant. Change there movement height so that they dont get stuck around the settlement or doodads and stuff like that. Give them inventory(remove build ability)
Create 3 items based off the tiny castle item. Make one build farm(settlement), one build townhall(city), and one build road(custom mod from UTM above). To start off, give the peasant 1 settlement item and one road item. then give the next player the same and then the next and so on.
Resourses- what i did for resourses was i actually use models for the resourses:
Resourse - Model
Wheat -Wheat bunch
Wood - Bundel of lumber
Stone -Lorderon summer rocks
Sheep -Sheep unit
Clay - i found a brick form the ulitmate terrain map and exported it
Use a unit model and replace the model file with those.
I made a 4 square island. each island is for a player and is placed in the corners of the map . Everytime you get a resourse that resourse spawns at the players resourse area. Create a circle of power in the center of the area. you can then click on a resourse and move it to the circle of power. once you have moved enough resourses in to the circle to create something, a screen pops up saying somthing like Do you want to build a settlement. Then if you click yes your peasant will recieve the item item of that building. And is able to place it somewhere.
I cant really remember anything else that i did. But i hope that it will help you.
Also consider this. When playing on it would be really boring sitting and waiting for your turn, especially if you got some newbs on that have no idea how to play and just sit there for ever trying to figure it out. so here are 2 options to make it more fun:
1- Have a time limit of like 5 minutes per player. and make some triggers that after the time runs out the player passes.
2- Or you could just remove turns and set the dice to spin like every 3 minutes or something like that. This will probably be the easier choice since it envolves alot less triiger(you dont have to worry about making trigger for the turns) I recommend this option but its up to you. this way will be alot more fast paced then if you were to have turns.
can you explain abit more on what you mean by fighting and area take over that isnt in the board game it sounds like you trying to tie this game into risk.
And is that the actual finished map. because its way to plain and the playing island has got to be ALOT bigger especially if you going to incorperate some fighting. The places are just too close together to fight each other.
What i did for the terrain was i made a huge island and for each terrain i gave it doodads that go with the resource. Like for the wood resourse area i put in a forest. It would make your map look alot more proffesional and more well done then just having circles of power. Sry but the way you have it now just doesnt look that appealling to me.
I hope this helps you. cant wait to play it. If i think of any more ideas i will post or if you have some questions, i just might be able to answer them, sry dont know how to trigger so cant help you there but i can give ideas if i have any.