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[Model edit]Necropolis stage upgrade 3

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Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
Its the default necropolis.
As super-unit for Nerubians a 4th upgrade where it becomes a floating citadel is planned.
I need:
- only stage upgrade 3
- the green waterfalls removed and the canals at sides empty
- have a spell anim where the eyes and mouths of skulls glow purple, all at once. Those are the 4 with the crescents at top. This anim will be used for global affecting spells like nightfall and mass recall.
- the front skull has to face direction where the unit is actually looking and not the model's corner as face.
- have a attack anim where the front skull eyes and mouth glows green. Its going to be the lesser weapon.
These glows i mentioned can be made as smoke or fire instead, whatever you deem suit the anim better.
optional - its lower parts to look more crafted, as the hewn stone of upper parts.
optional - to have a flight bob idle stance.
optional - a better funtional portrait fit for such an unit.

I would be grateful and ofcourse credits. :)


  • Necropolis.mdx
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  • CreepyNecropolis.blp
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Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Pretty sure it doesn't exist.

On a side note, would this really be too difficult with regular-ol-Magos? I mean, editing Particles & such is relatively easy... making it rotate slowly might be... But removing the base mesh & build anims? That's not too crazy.
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Level 27
Jun 20, 2013
No, i only cleaned the model for eagle, but the canals. in upper view is only move the texture in mdlvis.

About the skulls effects, at first i used infernal flames but they looked ugly ;_;. Maybe the voidwalker crazy eyes can work in the central skull, but i don't have any idea about the upper skulls xD
Level 27
Jun 20, 2013
Ok the canals are gone, and the only remain a little green point in the main mesh is covered by flames xD.

The birth animation playing at random is a big headache for me, maybe erase all info in the bones and make a custom set from this sounds better than simply work with the base ones.


  • Airbase1.PNG
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  • Airbase2.PNG
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Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
Oh, hey yah keep doing cool stuff, mon.
I believe the birth anim plays for the first x seconds the unit comes in play, since we are converting this from a building model. With x being its original upgrade stage 3 buildtime. An crude solution like find timer for these anims and set to 1 sec non-looping each maybe simply functions.
Level 27
Jun 20, 2013
Ok, I changed the bones for the human battleship xD. The only thing that the boat lack is the attack and spell animations, maybe someone can do them from scratch the particles are in their respective places.


  • UndeadAirbase.mdx
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  • Airship.png
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