Mobile ancient of Life

I decided to make a mobile source of life, just decided, and all =)

-Removed the remains after death
-refined animation death
-Animation of death is now seen

Source, Life, Fantan,Ancient

Mobile ancient of Life (Model)

17:08, 30th May 2009 Dan van Ohllus: *Changes has been made, and I approve* Works ingame and performs well. Very creative idea to turn the wolves in to ancient creatures. Great quality and awesome execution.




17:08, 30th May 2009
Dan van Ohllus:
*Changes has been made, and I approve*
Works ingame and performs well. Very creative idea to turn the wolves in to ancient creatures. Great quality and awesome execution.
These models are all really cool.
But something that would make them even cooler would be if you put some glow geosets over its eyes, and then make it so when it dies, the eye glows and the magical orb in the middle of its body go away (the magical orb could stay, but if it does, make the particles go away) and then make an event object with the small night elf building explosion, so when it dies, its magical essence will explode out of it and fly into the sky, leaving behind the useless remains. Sorta like the obsidian statue and the uprooted night elf buildings. :D
Level 2
Jun 11, 2010
May be you should make model for the 2 feet ancient one, and make something like morph animation (druid of the claw) for it :D
Level 4
Sep 10, 2013

Whenever the model dies, it just vanishes. It does not do the decay animation. how do I set it so that when it dies, it's body slowly gets "sucked" into the ground (by the way, I have already tried to set the death type to "can't raise, does decay" but it didn't do me good.)
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