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Merit Badge #2 - The light is within us

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Continuing the legacy that was recently implemented in our Awards section, Merit Badge nomination thread has returned for you to reveal the heroic members that you admire, fancy and respect.

Before you begin with nominations, you should keep in mind:

  • The previous nomination thread, so as to become acquainted with the process.
  • The Merit Badge ~ Insight update.
  • The new nomination-type, called "Shadow Dancer". Shadow Dancer is elected by moderators only. Users who successfully bring problematic posts to the Staff's attention and thus contribute to the supervision of the site will be nominated.
    Shadow Dancer: Reflects a user that has deep understanding of the rules system and is loyal to them.

    (Tip: The name is associated with shadows, since the user is acting in the background of the forum's activities, the latter being inaccessible to public eyes.)


Please, use the following form to nominate the members of your choice:

Issue Reason:

[table][img]http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/160036-albums4747-picture65323.png[/img] [COLOR="Red"][B]User:[/B][/COLOR]
[img]http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/160036-albums4747-picture69517.png[/img] [B][COLOR="Plum"]Issue Reason:[/COLOR][/B][/table]

P.S. Issue Reason can be anything among:
  • Community's Excellence
  • Great Assistant
  • Glorious Artist
  • Grand Designer

Reminder: You cannot elect a Shadow Dancer, this is left to the moderators.

For more information, please view this page.

Nominations will last for 9 days and the poll will then be posted for 7 days.
Irrelevant posts or posts, that are found to be pure blather, will be deleted.
User: looking_for_help
Issue Reason: looking_for_help is a newer user to the hive, having only began posting just recently. In his short time as a member of the JASS community at the hive, his contributions have greatly benefited everyone, even warcraft 3 users and modders beyond the scope of the hive. A short list of contributions would include:
  • Discovered ConvertAttackType(7), which not only could be potentially used to get a unit's armor type, but also a method of dealing damage to units which would otherwise not die due to certain armor table values
  • Discovered and prototyped, as well as implemented a community-accepted version of a damage source type recognition tool, which works by inverting spell damage using "Spell Damage Reduction"
Discoveries like these lead to enormous, fundamental changes to scripts we use every day, many of which are hardly recognized by the users who implement them.

But discoveries and contributions are not all that make this user great. looking_for_help consistently provides concise, intelligent, researched, and well-explained commentary in all of his posts. He encourages a higher level of professionalism and intelligence in our community, and has great aspirations for future projects. In short, every hive member could benefit by employing the traits that looking_for_help exhibits in every contribution to the hive, and that's what makes him the best recipient for the merit badge.
User : Hell_Master

Issue Reason : his activity at the Map Section is astounding, not to mention lately [after VK's Resign] he helps Orcnet who's the only Map Moderator currently by reviewing as many pending map as he could. Also, his activity is good enough so I would vote him for the nomination

If there's more than one nomination allowed I will add more people
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
User: deathismyfriend
Issue Reason: He is really helpful at World Editor Help Zone, Trigger Sections and such.... you can see him most of the time online just helping people and that's what I admire about a user, being helpful!
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
User: looking_for_help
Issue Reason: What can I say; he did pretty good for himself, helping around the community. In just a short time he already created two systems which helped us (Well, they certainly helped me), especially his DDS. Also, like Nestharus said, he's done a lot in a short time.

At first I thought looking_for_help was just another user, but that opinion of mine changed when I saw him in the forums, not to mention his systems.

User: looking for help

Issue Reason: One of the most amazing guys in the coding industry. After so many years of studying and thinking of a way to detect physical, spell and code damage,this guy found the perfect solution of all time.

User: Daffa The Mage
Issue Reason:
This guy is so cool. He likes to review maps,which helps Orcnet reduce his moderating pressure.

User: Hell_Master
Issue Reason: One of the most helpful and kind user in Hive.I always see him everyday in WEHZ and T&S forums.

User: deathismyfriend
Issue Reason: He was so active in WEHZ and T&S that I always see him help people in every thread I see in those forums.

User: Maker
Issue Reason: Good guy Maker, everytime we can't solve a problem that is very far out to our knowledge, Maker is always there,giving the most valuable and easiest solutions.

User: Nestharus
Issue Reason: Without him, Codeless Save Load won't be possible. Ever.

Can we still elect the Merit Badge Level 0 Winners?
Can we still elect the Merit Badge Level 0 Winners?

You can.

My part 2 of nomination [since more than a user is allowed :D]

User : UndeadImmortal
Issue Reason: he's Same as Hell_Master :D just a bit less active at reviewing map, but he's still active at WEHZ

User : Almia
Issue Reason : He makes many useful spells and system for others :D

User : Frankster
Issue Reason : He makes many wonderful and great models for the Hive, sadly many of his great models is no longer available *cry*

User : Misha
Issue Reason : He helps the model section from 7/8 pages into 1 page, also, he always deal with report quickly

User : Vengeancekael
Issue Reason : He is very active at making news and dealing with reports, also, he do his job [back when he's a map moderator] well.

User : SonofJay
Issue Reason : he's active enough that he keeps reviewing Melee map and helping others, also, he reviews with a great accuracy

User : Nestharus
Issue Reason : Without him, we will never discover the secrets of codeless save load

~Subscribing for Updates
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User: Pharaoh_
Issue Reason: Every good things you can think of, Pharaoh_ has it all
User: DSG
Issue Reason: Very cool guy. Even though we can't understand what he is saying when he helps somebody(no programming background) we knew that it was very helpful. He was the guy who make things possible.
User: Magtheridon96
Issue Reason: Because,he loves Math,and he is very kind to all of his coder apprentice.
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
User: Misha
Issue Reason: Doing a pretty good job in the model section and he does help a lot of modelers in improving their works.

User: Maker
Issue Reason: A really good coder and a really helpful guy in the WEHZ especially in GUI problems and he doesn't just repeat anybody's answer.

User: PurgeandFire
Issue Reason: A great mod. Does great in the tut submission section. Even if he's just posting a few times a day, He is very informative in his posts that helps everyone understand more.
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Hey people I am sorry that I cannot follow the rules about posting here because I am on mobile. But my vote goes to looking for help. Because he is genious that created great and simple to use damage engine.

Now I will say why am I agans some nominations:
spamms his asnwer in we help zone, many times happens that his answer makes no sens, and answered question when he knows nothing he is talking about.
Hellmaster: young boy who created nothing, but earned more then 630 rep in 6 months. He breaked rules about rep traiding, but created many friends because he gived 100000 free rep to the others and thats why he is popular. I like that he is active but rep point that he have are not earnes. He have zero things uploaded. To he have created anything I would vote for him. Like this I am agans him(god you hate me now)
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Hey people I am sorry that I cannot follow the rules about posting here because I am on mobile. But my vote goes to looking for help. Because he is genious that created great and simple to use damage engine.

Now I will say why am I agans some nominations:
spamms his asnwer in we help zone, many times happens that his answer makes no sens, and answered question when he knows nothing he is talking about.
Hellmaster: young boy who created nothing, but earned more then 630 rep in 6 months. He breaked rules about rep traiding, but created many friends because he gived 100000 free rep to the others and thats why he is popular. I like that he is active but rep point that he have are not earnes. He have zero things uploaded. To he have created anything I would vote for him. Like this I am agans him(god you hate me now)
Lol, that description. I am so ashamed of myself.... XD

Actually, I am also helping at reviewing maps and at WEHZ and Triggers Section =)
Issue Reason:He always give advice and suggestion about Terraining, Thank you sir , i salute you.

User:The blood
The helpful man who always help me in triggering

A very good guy who always help me(A man who always give rep to inspire modders ^_^)

For teaching me how to model , i really thank you master)

Very supportive and awesome friend haha , im not kidding :D I also salute you sir

A good terrainer and also give suggerstions for me , i also salute you sir for being respected member here :)

(Same reason to others, hes a helpful guy ^_^
Level 12
May 12, 2012
User: MasterTrainer
Issue Reason: Good and Supportive friend, helps around the hive.

User: Retera
Issue Reason: Provided a very good program for modeling, teaches me about modeling and answers my questions about modeling

User: Almia
Issue Reason: A very old friend of mine who helped me in my requests and very good Coder

User: Frankster
Issue Reason: very awesome modeler, helpful in the Modeling forum

User: Maker
Issue Reason: when someone asks for help and Maker helps, it is done




@Hell_Master: I haz just bored, but don't be warry! I deleted it, delete that quote too.
Okay, time for part 3 [I'm including more people to my list with valid reasons] :

User : Doctor Super Good
Issue Reason : he helped a lot of people in WEHZ, also, I admire his computing skills.

User : Ralle
Issue Reason : He Owns the Site, so, why not vote him? He is responding to reports whenever he can, carry out temp bans and bans and neg rep to rule breakers as necessary, make this site better with each useful suggestion we made at SD

User : Pharaoh_
Issue Reason : a kind Admin that will help community to his extend of his abilities, keep helping this site Pharaoh_, without you, it might not have gone this far

I'm out of people I can remember, may post another soon.
Also sin'dorei300. He is not here just to post and make friends. He makes all stuff: created DC icon, plenty other icons, models, skins, two maps, pacs. He is great creator and I don't know why is there no more people like him? For me he is just the man what we all should be, plus he is only 14.
Hellmaster sorry but I had to speak out, you are popular but I think that this is high reward icon, and that people like sin'dorei should earn it. To you are like him (he is just one year older than you), to you created all stuff like he, my vote would go for you, like this I think no. But like you can see, you have many friend so dont worry, you will probably earn it.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Also sin'dorei300. He is not here just to post and make friends. He makes all stuff: created DC icon, plenty other icons, models, skins, two maps, pacs. He is great creator and I don't know why is there no more people like him? For me he is just the man what we all should be, plus he is only 14.
Hellmaster sorry but I had to speak out, you are popular but I think that this is high reward icon, and that people like sin'dorei should earn it. To you are like him (he is just one year older than you), to you created all stuff like he, my vote would go for you, like this I think no. But like you can see, you have many friend so dont worry, you will probably earn it.

Actually to say also my feeling when you said you are against me, I really feel a deep hatred on that but I just dont know who to hate, you or me. But its okay, bro. I dont even like to take it as an offense but a tip for me to be more helpful. Instead of saying I hate you, thank you =)

Ok, by the way we are going off topic. XD
^good, I hope that's the last post that almost lead to OT [referring to MT post]

Also, time for nominees [no limit right?] :

User : Sin'dorei 300
Issue Reason : he made so many stuffs, so why not vote him?

User : Orcnet
Issue Reason : His Activity is good and he keeps cleaning the map section at bay, plus, he's very friendly

I hope this be the last of my voting.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
User: k0mp0ta
Issue Reason: k0mp0ta has never posted at all and I so think he sets a fine example that all wankers and rule breakers should follow blindly. In fact, not posting at all has shown an increased charted success rate over the last decade, with only smaller dips during the big forum strike of 2003. I think, as our bylaw allows me to, that since these people are on the margins of our society, we should finally give them the recognition they derserve. Also k0mp0ta has a rooster in his avatar.

Remember, the light is within all of us but some have yet begun to shine!

spamms his asnwer in we help zone, many times happens that his answer makes no sens, and answered question when he knows nothing he is talking about.

lol thats not right. i help a lot of ppl and i post mainly on things ik. if i dont know something i say i may be wrong but try this anyways. i only do that when i saw that somewere but cant remember were or what about lol. I help a lot of ppl solve there posts or narrow down the problem so they can solve it themselves. just look at the end of the posts. thx for the nomination tho
Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
User: Magtheridon96
Issue Reason: For all the contributions he's made in Spells and JASS section (check out his stuff here http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/search.php?searchid=1704626) and for the fact that he's been moderating both Spells and JASS section solo for a long time. He's now only doing JASS Section solo, he has help in Spells ^_^. I think that people don't realize how much a lot of these coders actually contribute, like Magtheridon96. He has almost 2 pages of submissions in the JASS section alone ;D. It's people like Magtheridon96 that really help advance what can be done in Warcraft 3. He's also managing the JASS Class and has frequently helped people in chat. Right now, he's just a bit busy building an entire game engine. This guy deserves like 2 more merit badges on top of the one he has =)

User: Cohadar
Issue Reason: Cohadar rewrote jasshelper using Bison to be way faster + easier to modify and never really got the recognition he deserved for this. He's also contributed quite a few tools. I think that he should get a merit badge for the massive contribution that he made to the wc3 community. He's gotten nothing for it so far =).

User: moyackx
Issue Reason: Is improving jassnewgenpack for everybody : D. This guy is working hard to improve modding for everybody, and while a lot of people are happy about this, he hasn't really gotten any recognition for his contributions. He should really get a merit badge.

User: The_Witcher
Issue Reason: This guy made 2 of the most widely used resources ever created on the entire site. He deserves some credit =). Also, check out all of the high quality stuff he's contributed in Spells section: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells.php?of=downloads&d=list&r=20&u=The_Witcher. Btw, has The_Witcher ever gotten a reward for contributing so much? He's not even had so much as an honorable mention ;)

I really believe that the above 4 and looking_for_help (for solving how to do physical damage detection and discovering ConvertAttackType(7)) are the most deserving of the merit badge for coders on the entire site right now. They never got anything in the past, but they should get something now for all of the hard work they put into improving the wc3 community. It's just kinda unfair to them to not give them a merit badge when they have done so much for the community =).

User: Ralle
Issue Reason: Ofc, Ralle is always the most deserving of a merit badge because he is maintaining this entire site. Without this site, none of us would be here. He should get a merit badge every time a merit badge is offered. He is the heart of the wc3 community.

The merit badge is for people that have contributed an outstanding amount to the wc3 community. I'd really say that looking_for_help hasn't contributed enough to get a merit badge yet, even if his current contributions are great ;).

This user has proven to be extremely valuable to the Warcraft III Modding Community.
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Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Great, wanted to give my own vote for DSG, then realized he already had a merit badge. Looked at raging, who had too many rewards, Mag already had one, Rui (whom deserve it) and VGsatomi, who had a better one already. sonofjay whom is nice and part of what keeps Hive alive, but adding him would create a need to add a whole bunch of others. Also avoided mods this time, not because they don't deserve it, but because I am thinking of the merit as a reward granted for ones work - and becoming mod is in my eyes a higher honor than the merit. However former mods are great candidates :grin: Anachron could be on it for this work, same with Archien, Craka_J. Also Werewulf, now known as Kimberly for her amazing work - however she got so many rewards it would be squeezed. Hakeem could also make the list, as would Massive_Attack if he hadn't vanished in 2009 or HINDYhat. Other of worth would be: DonDustin (Already crowded), PurplePoot (An option), Pyramidhe@d(already have one), SuPa- (Again quite a lineup of rewards), Dan Van Ohllus (Kuhneghetz) and finally GST_Nemisis. As such I searched low and high for someone I would find both worthy and deserving - in the end discovering two.

I decided on Shados

User: Shados
Issue Reason: As an important part of the merit badge, is the effort to help the community at large. As such I see perfect reason to add Shados, as he have been a great source of help for many during his long stay here at Hive. He ran the Tower and his posts are part of my great memories from Hive. Just looking at them makes me smile. He have had an impact on the community and I believe he deserves some merit for his work and activity. While I would and have been looking for others more unknown users that have done great work for Hive and the modding world itself, I found that most of those I first went to had all been rewarded appropriately in one manner or the other. Merit given to those who deserve, no matter when or where, as such I find Shados deserving my nomination as a representation of old Hive spirit and the works those people did and some still do.


And though I could find more users I believe deserve it, I am inclined to just stick with one nomination - as I find it irregular to do otherwise. Oh and looking at this post is so damn memorable :smile:

Just realized that another worthy candidate I would submit if more than one: Cavman - he have done quite well here at Hive and been around for years.
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user: k0mp0ta
issue reason: k0mp0ta has never posted at all and i so think he sets a fine example that all wankers and rule breakers should follow blindly. In fact, not posting at all has shown an increased charted success rate over the last decade, with only smaller dips during the big forum strike of 2003. I think, as our bylaw allows me to, that since these people are on the margins of our society, we should finally give them the recognition they derserve. Also k0mp0ta has a rooster in his avatar.

Remember, the light is within all of us but some have yet begun to shine!


Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
User: Doomlord
Issue Reason: Doomlord is a guy with many JASS resources that proves useful to many users here and also If I can, it also has proved useful to me. Also he helped me also with some tasks about writing stories and I am very thankful to him.

I know this is a personal opinion but I do think he also deserves this one!
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
User: Doomlord
Issue Reason: Doomlord is a guy with many JASS resources that proves useful to many users here and also If I can, it also has proved useful to me. Also he helped me also with some tasks about writing stories and I am very thankful to him.

I know this is a personal opinion but I do think he also deserves this one!

Yeah... Doomlord is a nice guy indeed. He is a great story teller and writer, not to mention he helped me in designing my first item set using JASS.
Level 14
Jul 12, 2011
User:I3lack Death
Issue Reason:A great artist that I admire his skills and when it comes to icons it's the best person to help when needed.

Issue Reason:One of the best artists in the icon section

Issue Reason:The best artist in the model section in my opinion. RIP

Issue Reason:The best "artist" in the spells section. His spells just blind my eyes!
Let's not whine over lost credit, shall we?
Maker, you know you are awesome. You don't need others to tell you, do ya?
You're one of those around here who's old enough to grab a cold beer and enjoy the show. :D


Issue Reason:
Community's Excellence

Ralle put it in perfect terms.
Ralle said:
She's Hive's Mama.
A spokesperson for people of this community aswell as a strong-willed character.
A kind and helpful spirit with social and artistic experience.

Emoticon by Crula.

Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Let's not whine over lost credit, shall we?
Maker, you know you are awesome. You don't need others to tell you, do ya?
You're one of those around here who's old enough to grab a cold beer and enjoy the show. :D


Issue Reason:
Community's Excellence

Ralle put it in perfect terms.
A spokesperson for people of this community aswell as a strong-willed character.
A kind and helpful spirit with social and artistic experience.

Emoticon by Crula.


Eh.... the BB Code is broken.

EDIT: Oh not anymore.... sorry.
User: Maximaxou
Issue Reason: He's maybe an unknown guy to most of you and he maybe doesn't even have an account on the hive, but he contributed a lot to the warcraft 3 community. (Yeah, Merit Bade's description : This user has proven to be extremely valuable to the Warcraft III Modding Community.) Maximaxou is a guy who kept a genre of maps alive and even upgraded it to the next level. He's the one who most contributed to the Slides. He also opened the Slides and Maze creation to anyone with his Max Escape Creation (MEC). Max Escape Creation isn't another one of your Escape Editor maps, it is a tool that let you create a REAL map ingame, when i say a real map, it's a map that is hostable on a bot or by an user, a .w3m/.w3x file. And MEC allows people to create escapes, mazes and slides without even having basic knowledge of the editor. So, yeah, imo he deserves this medal.
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