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Matza'r Stronghold

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Hi everyone!

I think I have managed to finish the map I just showed you days ago. There will be many changes and I hope you will enjoy it.

Before we dive in, I would like to thank @Turnro for his youtube tutorials regarding the world editor, I have learned a lot in just 1 week of trying things out and I am happy to share the result with you guys.

At the moment I am thinking of turning this into a longer campaign, but I face a problem. At the moment the current maps are made in the reforged editor, the only one that works as far as I am aware of. I am not sure how to make the campaign map's pack, When I put the maps in and try to play it on the 1.31.1 patch of the pre-reforged the maps don't work and I am not yet sure how to fix it.

Please let me know what you think and if you think is worth continuing the story.

About map.

The map is focused on saving your main hero and then achieving tasks for your new patron in just a few words. But there is more to that as you will find out by yourself there are many secrets and a different base and gameplay. Please let me know what were you able to find and if you enjoyed it. Also, feel free to dig into the map itself and check the triggers for yourself. I have about 1-week experience in creating triggers cinematic, ai and so on and I am not sure of their quality so I would really appreciate your feedback and suggestions regarding any aspect of the map. I have tried my best to make it worth your time as is long gameplay for about 1 hour depending on your skills and knowledge of the game. You will find secrets and hidden items along with the map. There may be things I haven't noticed like misspells or minor bugs. Please let me know what you find and also have fun!

--- MERGE ---

Hello everyone and a happy new year! :grin:

As the old saying says, A new year is a new me''.A few weeks ago I decided I wanted to learn how to create triggers and what best way to do so other than creating a map. So I decided to let you guys judge my work and maybe share some advice on how to fix some issues.

Please note this map is a prototype and there may be some bugs/misspells or other mistakes, so please forgive me I am just over 1 week into this. If you enjoy it many more things will come in the future once I learn how to do more. Also if you enjoy the story please let me know what you think and if you guys believe is worth making a campaign out of it.

Without other introductions let's dig in.

The map story is built around Kath'ranis Nethertear member of the Council of the Black Harvest, Rakshasa Matron of a splintered legion forces and the succubus Aleodosa. The action play days after Argus Death and Kath'ranis capture by the legion. Aleodosa is sent out to rescue Kath'ranis and return him to Rakshasa. The warlock is offered a simple choice, to serve the Matron in exchange for power and his life or die leaving him with little choice but to join her and help her take her revenge on the dreadlord Mephisto.
(story in progress)

Future plans:
I have shared this here mainly for feedback. The map is in its 1.0 stage and will have other changes in the future regarding various aspects that are currently incomplete. Please let me know your suggestions, bugs and any other questions or issues you may come across. Also if you enjoy the plot story please let me know what you enjoyed the most, and what you hated.

Hope you enjoy it!

Update 1.01

Good day, guys! As I promised I have released the first real update on the map. The main updates is around gameplay and trying to have some balance and fix bugs.


- I have remade the AI for each base in order for them to be more active and do what they were intended to do. I was partially successful with this part, but as always there is much work to be done. I have created the AI using the Ai option in the world editor.
- I have raised the food cap from 100 to 150
- I have added more stuff to do and explore if you want to.
- Various changes in the map layout and terrain.
- Changed one gold mine position and removed one.
- I have made the void attacks more manageable and avoided just getting sucked in one place.
- I have added a secret shop, a few items and optional objectives.
- new secret interaction
- Various changes on the types of units that can be hired from the Mercenary Camp.
- The warlock spell Soul Burn has been replaced with a new custom one called Felbeasts which summons two Fellbeasts to aid you temporarily. The level six ability,, Doom'' was replaced with summoning Infernal.

Personal overview of the map:

While this started as a map for me to test and experiment on it, it turned into something more than that. After some time I am happy to say that the map is playable to a decent standard. I am happy for your feedback and I tried to fix most of the issues highlighted. I had much more in mind and I still have for the map and story. The only barrier I face now is my own ineptitude and lack of skill which is normal for someone starting something new I didn't expect to be easy and I will keep trying to improve and maybe offer more in the future. Now I wanted to share with you a better version and hope you will enjoy it.

For the future:
At the moment I have decided to focus and this map and turn it into what I have intended for it. While I lack the skill to do so now I feel like I have improved and I wanted to ask for your opinion in any regard. Please let me know what you like and what you don't like and also any nasty bug I may have missed. In the end, I wanted to say that I am looking for someone to help me with this project, if you like the story and want to give a hand please inbox me. My aim with this project is only to create a campaign out of it I have written some stories on the side and I await the moment to be used. In the meantime I will focus on the next few aspects that need to be sorted:
- The cinematics are not skippable as I do not know how to do it yet but hopefully, things will change.
- I will also keep improving for the moment.

Just a short reupload following the Reforge world editor update. I am planning a future update where the main target will be the cinematics. But now I am not sure when. also, the map includes the models

Vendro the Wind Mage skins made for the map.​

While the model file currently does not work anymore for some reason, The portraits have been left in.

So I have finally got the chance to update this first project of mine, I have downloaded the map and I have to admit... It was unplayable... So I took the time to build the initial gameplay experience I wanted. It took some time but I think I have managed to get to very good results. I had fun testing it and it kept me engaged. I hope you will enjoy the updated version. My initial intent for this story was to explore the story further into a short campaign but as these things take time and effort I would like to ask for feedback in terms of whether you guys would like for the story to be carried on. Please let me know if you find any bugs or broken things. After testing things were going well for me.. but things may be different on your end so please provide feedback if you enjoyed it or not.

EmeraldShards (Map)

No updates for a long time. Set to Simple.
Level 7
Jan 1, 2022
My Player Experience
I tried playing this tonight and ended up staying up late trying to clear the entire map. This was a wild ride! Although it was not without a few rough patches, my first thoughts while playing are that this map made me feel like a kid again. The first time that I played I accidentally let Kath'ranis die right as I accessed to the Way Gate to leave, and I didn't realize that I might be able to revive him later so I exited the mission and restarted. He was killed by the very last enemy, the Infernal Machine!
Later I realized that maybe if I had just proceeded onward with Aleodosa and built an altar it might have been fine. I did not realize that the first time through.

After exiting that first time, I loaded a save of the game near the start with just Aleodosa when I was worried she might get killed, and then I was more careful. I saved the Demonic Figurine until the end of that area with the Infernal Machine at the WayGate, and then I killed him using the summoned Doom Guard.

During the introductory section, whenever I would free the Warlock to take him home and the two characters would chat, my screen was filled with text and I did not think I would have time to read it -- and combat was going on while the screen was filled with the text. So what I did in that case was to pause the game by opening the Log and reading the text, then closing the log and continuing my gameplay session after I was done reading. So, although some players might feel like too many cinematics can make a map "slow", honestly I think that if you can practice a bit with the Trigger Editor and figure out how to do an ingame cinematic after Aleodosa frees Kath'ranis this might go a long way towards making it easier for players like me to digest all the text on the screen. It does not feel like as much text if the player sees it line by line in an ingame cinematic. Flip side of that, though, is that it takes a little longer in World Editor to create that on your side. You might want to play around with the Camera Palette in World Editor for that as well.

After I finished the introductory portion of the mission and reached the part where the player can build a base, I captured the buildings down in the south and using them to make units until I almost ran out of money. I looked at the allied base workers to see what I was missing, and then realized the text on the screen told me to buy a Felguard mercenary and I did not do it. So I went back and bought a Felguard with my remaining gold but I did not have enough money to build a town hall building with the Felguard after that, and I got worried that I might be stuck because I had already collected the gold coins and then spent them on units at the capturable buildings in the south. It worked out in the end because I killed the lava spawned hiding below the cliff near the southern Fountain of Health, and those lava spawns barely got me the money I needed to build the town hall building and then I could continue playing after that. In my opinion, I might suggest adding a Trigger that once the Warlock is brought home to the Mistress, then maybe it rewards the player with a free Felguard and says "build a base" more directly so someone silly like me can't mess it up. It's up to you though -- since I was able to work it out, maybe it's fine as it is.

Once I had the base things went pretty well for me and I cleared away a lot of the southern parts of the map and forgot about the northern parts. However, when I got to the tight tunnel pathway south of Mephisto I started to doubt whether there would be any good way for me to defeat the enemies and so I spammed building a lot of Demon Gate buildings right outside the tight tunnel there, and then I created troops right next to Mephisto with a lot of gold that I had until I could eventually just take him down by repleneshing my numbers constantly and stuff. This took me a while, and I did all of that while forgetting to do the northern quests to get the items and stuff to make it easier to face Mephisto.

So then after I had killed Mephisto using mostly Maiden of Pain units because they were ranged and could silence enemies and stuff, and also were high enough level that they were immune to Charm, after this I did the map backwards on accident and went up to kill the Void and the Legion up in the north.

Because the gameplay had gone on for this long, I had a really hard time killing those guys. For the Legion I drained through 100000 gold of units just sending stuff at them over and over and it turned out to be fruitless and wasted all of my gold. At this point I was getting kind of tired and would have appreciated probably if the game balance was different so that it was not so exhausting to keep fighting these guys. There base was filled with many units, probably more than what was intended, and their Pit Lord units outclassed anything that I could create it seemed like because they had more than 100 chaos damage.


I suppose I was feeling stubborn, however, so I decided to defeat the endless hordes of heroic-looking nonhero units in this northern base. I ended up using Kath'ranis to basically aggro these demons away from their base a few at a time then try to kill them all outside of their critical mass ball of enemies, because if I attacked them head on even with a 100 food fully upgraded army then my army would usually dissolve in literally a matter of seconds (so it felt very pointless to attack head-on).
In the meantime while this was going on, even though I had killed the Void enemies they kept spawning more Faceless ones seemingly out of nowhere as far as I could tell, and those kept attacking my ally who did a good job defending which was very nice.

Back when I did the Void quest I accidentally triggered the quest twice, and it created the Quest in the Quest Log listed twice. I think this was because the Trigger to create the quest probably has "Turn off (this trigger)" at the bottom of it and not as the first Action. So I was able to fire that trigger twice fast at the start of when it would setup.
That also meant that after I killed the Forgotten One there was a second Forgotten One immediately spawned in on top of it even though the quests congratulated me for killing it. So that fight was also harder and more exhausting for my units probably than what was intended.

So all in all I had a good time but I was really ready for it to be over at the end there because I didn't feel like my techtree had something for me to invest in to really be able to beat the large massed enemies in any fast or efficient way.

  • The loading screen said "SIGE" instead of "SIEGE", seems like I typo
  • For me there was some bizarre flickering ingame. I did not understand why it was happening and it might have only been my computer. It was unusual for me.
  • Summon Fellguard tooltip is spelled "Fellguard" in the tooltip text, but summons a unit with a different spelling on its name "Felguard".
  • In the dialogue between Aleodosa and Kath'ranis early on, they refer to "sargeras" but do not capitalize his name as "Sargeras". I think it should be capitalized
  • The dimensional gate demon town hall building for the enemies died and then did not explode or anything. Visually it just kept showing its model there even though the unit was dead. I think there's a way you can fix that -- maybe you could ask someone on Hive to change the 3d model and fix it or something like that
  • Void Intervention quest is able to be created twice when my unit enters the region twice
  • Demon Gate can build on top of itself. There's a way in Unit Editor to make it so that it can only build on "buildable" ground I believe
  • Faceless one armies kept attacking my ally even after I killed the Forgotten One (maybe related to the 2x Void Intervention quest bug?)
  • 1641371635656.png

    [*]In this picture, the Gold Coins that I have my mouse hovering over is not obtainable by the hero because the location is blocked by all the Pile of Treasure doodads

  • I think that thematically it feels "cool" that all the units in the game have chaos damage, but I think it actually also leads towards simpler gameplay where the unit with the biggest damage number wins. In this case that was my enemy, and so I could only beat him but just repeatedly attacking his standing army over and over by the end. If you spend more time on this map, one option would be to keep the idea that all damages are demonic and chaos, but to use the original Warcraft III damage type system with new names for the damage type. For example, maybe "Pierce" damage could be "Piercing Chaos" damage, and "Normal" damage could instead be "Normal Chaos" damage with some custom icons. That way thematically all the units attacks still look like fiery and awesome, but it might become easier to have specializations to how the units fight like in the base melee Warcraft 3 gameplay.
  • I thought it would be cool if you customize the "Art - Button Position" setting on the demon town hall upgrades and stuff, so that the buttons didn't shuffle around quite as much
  • I think that there should be a trigger in the map that causes Victory to popup and end the game. As far as I could tell this did not happen for me. That might have been because I played a little bit out of order, but I do not know. When I killed Mephisto I did not win or anything.
  • Gameplay was really different for me because endgame seemed to revolve a lot around both sides silencing each other's spellcasters who all had crazy spells. I felt like my job became finding the best strongest unit for the given food cost because getting the other resources was pretty easy, and I spammed Maiden of Pains a lot because they seemed to have a lot of good going for them. It was different and that was kind of really cool also, but I feel like there might be a way to add some gameplay depth to the different type of available units that I'm just not describing very well at the moment. Maybe a good way to improve this would be to get input from other users and see what they say about it.

That's all from me for now. Maybe I'll post some more if I think of it. This map was a creative single player experience for me which was just the type of map I was looking for, so thanks again for making it! I know these things can take time to get right, and players like me never quite do what the map developer intended.
Last edited:
Level 7
Mar 7, 2018
My Player Experience
I tried playing this tonight and ended up staying up late trying to clear the entire map. This was a wild ride! Although it was not without a few rough patches, my first thoughts while playing are that this map made me feel like a kid again. The first time that I played I accidentally let Kath'ranis die right as I accessed to the Way Gate to leave, and I didn't realize that I might be able to revive him later so I exited the mission and restarted. He was killed by the very last enemy, the Infernal Machine!
Later I realized that maybe if I had just proceeded onward with Aleodosa and built an altar it might have been fine. I did not realize that the first time through.

After exiting that first time, I loaded a save of the game near the start with just Aleodosa when I was worried she might get killed, and then I was more careful. I saved the Demonic Figurine until the end of that area with the Infernal Machine at the WayGate, and then I killed him using the summoned Doom Guard.

During the introductory section, whenever I would free the Warlock to take him home and the two characters would chat, my screen was filled with text and I did not think I would have time to read it -- and combat was going on while the screen was filled with the text. So what I did in that case was to pause the game by opening the Log and reading the text, then closing the log and continuing my gameplay session after I was done reading. So, although some players might feel like too many cinematics can make a map "slow", honestly I think that if you can practice a bit with the Trigger Editor and figure out how to do an ingame cinematic after Aleodosa frees Kath'ranis this might go a long way towards making it easier for players like me to digest all the text on the screen. It does not feel like as much text if the player sees it line by line in an ingame cinematic. Flip side of that, though, is that it takes a little longer in World Editor to create that on your side. You might want to play around with the Camera Palette in World Editor for that as well.

After I finished the introductory portion of the mission and reached the part where the player can build a base, I captured the buildings down in the south and using them to make units until I almost ran out of money. I looked at the allied base workers to see what I was missing, and then realized the text on the screen told me to buy a Felguard mercenary and I did not do it. So I went back and bought a Felguard with my remaining gold but I did not have enough money to build a town hall building with the Felguard after that, and I got worried that I might be stuck because I had already collected the gold coins and then spent them on units at the capturable buildings in the south. It worked out in the end because I killed the lava spawned hiding below the cliff near the southern Fountain of Health, and those lava spawns barely got me the money I needed to build the town hall building and then I could continue playing after that. In my opinion, I might suggest adding a Trigger that once the Warlock is brought home to the Mistress, then maybe it rewards the player with a free Felguard and says "build a base" more directly so someone silly like me can't mess it up. It's up to you though -- since I was able to work it out, maybe it's fine as it is.

Once I had the base things went pretty well for me and I cleared away a lot of the southern parts of the map and forgot about the northern parts. However, when I got to the tight tunnel pathway south of Mephisto I started to doubt whether there would be any good way for me to defeat the enemies and so I spammed building a lot of Demon Gate buildings right outside the tight tunnel there, and then I created troops right next to Mephisto with a lot of gold that I had until I could eventually just take him down by repleneshing my numbers constantly and stuff. This took me a while, and I did all of that while forgetting to do the northern quests to get the items and stuff to make it easier to face Mephisto.

So then after I had killed Mephisto using mostly Maiden of Pain units because they were ranged and could silence enemies and stuff, and also were high enough level that they were immune to Charm, after this I did the map backwards on accident and went up to kill the Void and the Legion up in the north.

Because the gameplay had gone on for this long, I had a really hard time killing those guys. For the Legion I drained through 100000 gold of units just sending stuff at them over and over and it turned out to be fruitless and wasted all of my gold. At this point I was getting kind of tired and would have appreciated probably if the game balance was different so that it was not so exhausting to keep fighting these guys. There base was filled with many units, probably more than what was intended, and their Pit Lord units outclassed anything that I could create it seemed like because they had more than 100 chaos damage.

I suppose I was feeling stubborn, however, so I decided to defeat the endless hordes of heroic-looking nonhero units in this northern base. I ended up using Kath'ranis to basically aggro these demons away from their base a few at a time then try to kill them all outside of their critical mass ball of enemies, because if I attacked them head on even with a 100 food fully upgraded army then my army would usually dissolve in literally a matter of seconds (so it felt very pointless to attack head-on).
In the meantime while this was going on, even though I had killed the Void enemies they kept spawning more Faceless ones seemingly out of nowhere as far as I could tell, and those kept attacking my ally who did a good job defending which was very nice.

Back when I did the Void quest I accidentally triggered the quest twice, and it created the Quest in the Quest Log listed twice. I think this was because the Trigger to create the quest probably has "Turn off (this trigger)" at the bottom of it and not as the first Action. So I was able to fire that trigger twice fast at the start of when it would setup.
That also meant that after I killed the Forgotten One there was a second Forgotten One immediately spawned in on top of it even though the quests congratulated me for killing it. So that fight was also harder and more exhausting for my units probably than what was intended.

So all in all I had a good time but I was really ready for it to be over at the end there because I didn't feel like my techtree had something for me to invest in to really be able to beat the large massed enemies in any fast or efficient way.

  • The loading screen said "SIGE" instead of "SIEGE", seems like I typo
  • For me there was some bizarre flickering ingame. I did not understand why it was happening and it might have only been my computer. It was unusual for me.
  • Summon Fellguard tooltip is spelled "Fellguard" in the tooltip text, but summons a unit with a different spelling on its name "Felguard".
  • In the dialogue between Aleodosa and Kath'ranis early on, they refer to "sargeras" but do not capitalize his name as "Sargeras". I think it should be capitalized
  • The dimensional gate demon town hall building for the enemies died and then did not explode or anything. Visually it just kept showing its model there even though the unit was dead. I think there's a way you can fix that -- maybe you could ask someone on Hive to change the 3d model and fix it or something like that
  • Void Intervention quest is able to be created twice when my unit enters the region twice
  • Demon Gate can build on top of itself. There's a way in Unit Editor to make it so that it can only build on "buildable" ground I believe
  • Faceless one armies kept attacking my ally even after I killed the Forgotten One (maybe related to the 2x Void Intervention quest bug?)
  • View attachment 392765
    [*]In this picture, the Gold Coins that I have my mouse hovering over is not obtainable by the hero because the location is blocked by all the Pile of Treasure doodads

  • I think that thematically it feels "cool" that all the units in the game have chaos damage, but I think it actually also leads towards simpler gameplay where the unit with the biggest damage number wins. In this case that was my enemy, and so I could only beat him but just repeatedly attacking his standing army over and over by the end. If you spend more time on this map, one option would be to keep the idea that all damages are demonic and chaos, but to use the original Warcraft III damage type system with new names for the damage type. For example, maybe "Pierce" damage could be "Piercing Chaos" damage, and "Normal" damage could instead be "Normal Chaos" damage with some custom icons. That way thematically all the units attacks still look like fiery and awesome, but it might become easier to have specializations to how the units fight like in the base melee Warcraft 3 gameplay.
  • I thought it would be cool if you customize the "Art - Button Position" setting on the demon town hall upgrades and stuff, so that the buttons didn't shuffle around quite as much
  • I think that there should be a trigger in the map that causes Victory to popup and end the game. As far as I could tell this did not happen for me. That might have been because I played a little bit out of order, but I do not know. When I killed Mephisto I did not win or anything.
  • Gameplay was really different for me because endgame seemed to revolve a lot around both sides silencing each other's spellcasters who all had crazy spells. I felt like my job became finding the best strongest unit for the given food cost because getting the other resources was pretty easy, and I spammed Maiden of Pains a lot because they seemed to have a lot of good going for them. It was different and that was kind of really cool also, but I feel like there might be a way to add some gameplay depth to the different type of available units that I'm just not describing very well at the moment. Maybe a good way to improve this would be to get input from other users and see what they say about it.

That's all from me for now. Maybe I'll post some more if I think of it. This map was a creative single player experience for me which was just the type of map I was looking for, so thanks again for making it! I know these things can take time to get right, and players like me never quite do what the map developer intended.
Hi man!

Thanks so much for taking the time and review my work. I am pleased to know I have managed to wake up some deep-buried childhood feelings:D

Regarding the intro part:

I wanted the player to have to get to the Matron base and have the loose condition for that part of the map when one of the two die in that introduction part you will lose, but I wasn't sure how to do that when I created that part. The complete mission trigger can be triggered only by the warlock. I plan to add a trigger to make that happen. The only win-lose triggers that are now active on the map are in case The matron die and the win when you kill Mephisto, but the condition for that is to kill Ish'kar. Now I realised that I need to find a way to prevent the player from going to kill Mepsito first. I planed to do that by making the demon gate in Ish'kar base spawn attack waves at the Matron to force the player to take Ish'kar first, but I might make some mistake with that because I forgot to add that as a separate quest requirest and display it to the player. Regarding the long text's. Well I have no idea how a cinematic is made but I am planning to add some once I learn how to make some basic one's, but before I do that I need to make sure all the systems in the map and triggers work properly.

Regarding the resources part, I have put some hidden items(like an infernal stone, gold coins and lumber and much more) to help you deal with the demons just next to the warlock room prison. You mentioned some coin's that can't be reached, regarding those, the demy-hero Aleodosa can easily pick them up for you also she can go behind trees where the hero can't so keep an eye on that one too. in the first part just before leaving the intro part of the map. You can go back there if you cut/destroy the trees in the north, just east of Ish'kar base. There are also 2 groups of unique units you rescue in the north parts of the map.

Regarding some of the bugs you mentioned like the one from the void zone, it's because I used the unit's enter region instead of having maybe the first void minions killed triggering the quest discovery part of that optional quest. I wanted to be a secret optional quest that you will discover if you want something more to do and add some extra challenge. The way that quest is intended is to offer some interesting secret for players to find that rewards them with a nice item(Spoiler the void stone). I wanted to show that the Burning Legion and the void are still bitter enemies. Also to show that there was a price for that item by having Void units attack the Matron once 5 mins or so after the quest was completed, but I didn't know how to make the units spawn just after the forgotten one was killed and not do anything before that. The trigger was intended to run till the end of the mission to add a bit of extra optional challenge. So I need to start fixing that trigger also the ones that make the quest be created more than once.I might add some pause moments for the player and his units just to avoid Multiple triggering, but I think will be better to rethink the triggers. Regarding the buildings, I will just rewrite the AI for the bases and create new buildings to avoid those problems of overlapping buildings. Regarding the balance. The player base is limited compared with the demon bases who have access to even stronger demons than the normal player like Eredar warlocks or Quen of suffering. I wanted this because you're just controlling some leftover forces you hired to help you get the task done. I will rework some units and parts of the map to help get some balance. Also, I am happy you did what you wanted instead of following things straight, by doing this you helped me point some flaws and mistakes which I will try to fix in the next update. So thanks again for the feedback man I will put this to use and hopefully the next update will have some cinematics to, I f I manage to learn how to make some:D
Level 7
Jan 1, 2022
New cinematics are looking cool! I started playing this tonight but I probably will not finish and might need to finish tomorrow after I take a break to sleep.

Here are early notes that I noticed while testing the beginning:
  • The trigger to talk is firing multiple times when I click Aleodosa near the start, when she says "The warlock must be around. I must make haste and return to my mistress's side." I might just be a jumpy person who clicked too much too fast, but I think there should be a way to make the trigger stop after the first time.
  • 1641622798540.png
  • Some of the cinematic talking text is happening too fast for me to reader. It might be that I am just reading slowly, but one of them had so much text on one page that it got cut off.
  • This cinematic camera angle is really cool! But if you look at the bottom, it was cut off so I could not read what Kath'ranis said:
  • After the cinematic with the really cool camera angle shown above, when it turned off the Cinematic mode to go back to the game, the camera stayed at this scene. I think there is a way to revert this, maybe it was called Camera - Reset to Game Camera or something like that as another action to do right as the cinematic ends.
  • On Hive this upload is called Mazta'r Stronghold, but the enemies in the game were called Matza'r (spelled differently)
  • With the new cinematics that are cool and grab my attention, my attention got away from the short message warning me that Fel Stalkers can see invisible units. Maybe there is a way to get more player attention to that fact starting out? I already know from playing it before but I think for someone starting that's a really important point to draw attention to even if they get distracted and forget to read that line of text, maybe. I'm not sure about this one, it's just a suggestion of my opinion, maybe it's not necessary to change.

Anyway the cinematics seem super fun, and I have more to play through still (I'll post back about it when I get further)!
Keep up the good works!

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Please do not re-upload the same resource multiple times. Use the edit button instead!

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

The edit from the upper part of the screen is for the bundle itself, while the one below after the description, is to update the uploaded resource.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Awaiting Update until the bugs are fixed, since no reply from the author about the issues was posted.

The map has 3 different names (map thread, file and in the game). This is confusing.

Transmissions seem to last too long.
Staff of Teleportation does more than Drek'Thar's Spellbook in terms of teleportation.
Abilities are regular Warden ones. Should be creative/original instead.
Cinematic can't be skipped.
Weird that the camera moves up and down depending on who is talking.
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