[Import] Mass replace or delete Imported Assets

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Level 5
Mar 24, 2023
The map we work on is pretty large, even after world editor compresses it. To reduce the size i recently went through the task of compressing all the audio files and optimising all BLPs and MDXs in the map. saved me 22mb before world edit compression - so i'm thinking this is great news. HOWEVER the map has 2500+ imported assets and i've just discovered i cannot delete multiple at once or replace in bulk. Surely i do not have 2 delete them 1 by 1 and import them all again? how can it have a mass import and a mass export but no mass delete! if anyone has a quick solution to this ill be forever grateful :)
Level 28
Sep 26, 2009
the map has 2500+ imported assets
Lol, wtf? :D

If you are running on one of the newer versions, then you can save the map as a folder

If you open the map's folder there should be subfolder(s) with the imports and a 'war3map.imp' which seems to contain the list of imports.
Please note that I have never tried removing imports like this myself, so you should definitely make a backup of your map in case something goes wrong.
Level 5
Mar 24, 2023
ha was 3500 when i checked xd its a big map . xD and thanks - its written entirely in Csharp so had the wc3import folder already , deleting that did not remove them from the list - however replacing them with the optimised files seems to of worked a treat! thank you very much!
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