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Mass Effect 2 - Thoughts?

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Level 25
Dec 30, 2007

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

I think it's going to be an above average space RPG, I'm not particularly excited about it as what the original left for clues on the sequel gave me the impression it would be taken out of proportion. It leaves the possibility for a positive surprise, though, and I'm definitely going to buy it once it's on sale- I don't buy games at full price unless I absolutely have to have it (which is the case for FFXIII for instance). They've got a decent concept, and I hope they try to keep it original and implement something new in each instalment, or just write one damn good story - truth be told, I wasn't that much impressed with the story in the original, I just liked the game-play as well as Shepard and Saren. I managed to create a Shepard very much like myself, and it felt good to have that style work out in the end - although I didn't like the outcome of my last decision, SPOILERALERT (skip the rest of this post if you haven't played through Mass Effect, the original) humans becoming the rulers of the universe doesn't quite appeal to me, and although I would probably leave the council unguarded, I would have preferred an option to reinstall a multi-cultural council yet again.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
I think it's going to be an above average space RPG, I'm not particularly excited about it as what the original left for clues on the sequel gave me the impression it would be taken out of proportion. It leaves the possibility for a positive surprise, though, and I'm definitely going to buy it once it's on sale- I don't buy games at full price unless I absolutely have to have it (which is the case for FFXIII for instance). They've got a decent concept, and I hope they try to keep it original and implement something new in each instalment, or just write one damn good story - truth be told, I wasn't that much impressed with the story in the original, I just liked the game-play as well as Shepard and Saren. I managed to create a Shepard very much like myself, and it felt good to have that style work out in the end - although I didn't like the outcome of my last decision, SPOILERALERT (skip the rest of this post if you haven't played through Mass Effect, the original) humans becoming the rulers of the universe doesn't quite appeal to me, and although I would probably leave the council unguarded, I would have preferred an option to reinstall a multi-cultural council yet again.
You can actually kill the council and still find a multi-racial council.

But then again, I guess you already made the decision.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Damnit, still gotta do Virmire, Ilos and side missions in Mass Effect 1! Guess I better pick up the pace. Anyways I pre-ordered the Mass Effect 2 Deluxe Edition from Steam.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I opened this thread 'cause I want a serious discussion about ME2
and not something like this http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/general-gaming-565/im-gonna-play-me2-before-all-you-156588/

But to the point- the first five seconds of Mass Effect 2 made me piss myself, with that whole "Normandy being blown to bits" thing. And when I went to Omega, and recruited Garrus? Epic. Then I decided it was the last straw! I will hold myself back from playing the game until I finish my re-run of Mass Effect 1 for my import savegame, because the default Shepard's story is too renegade for me.

By the way, just in case you guys didn't know about this: a Mass Effect savegame repository, with all sorts of different Shepards. Very useful.[url]
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
While you're playing your ancient ME 1 I'm kicking it real, already halfway throught, in ME 2 with a full Paragon save from ME 1.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Ya well I just beat it for the 3rd time and no don't judge me. It was a very good game more RPG then combat game but it still good. The story I kinda didn't like since you could have explained it easily in like 30 min now for thoughts with spoilers.

The ending where you see the human reaper was sad because what was the point of it a better stronger machine a leader? It left to much out and the collectors being messed up protheans was pretty awesome I didn't see that coming at all.I also didn't like that you had very little conversation with your old team It made me sad and that the ship upgrades were only needed for the suicide mission which I didn't like. Thought playing it on the 2nd time it's quite awesome to see Shepperd die.Ill post later if I get bored about this subject.
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
I haven't had much time to play the game yet.
I've recruited some companions and such and I must say, I love it.
It's freaking epic this far anyway!

I just finished it, i'm awestruck....

I don't want to ruin the experience for you guys, so i'll keep shut until you guys finish it.
Love to here that!
And yes, I would love to talk about the game once I'm done :>
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Finished it two days ago and I must say that the game really good, played it for three days in a row (kind of, took a break too sleep, school etc.)
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Well, I decided to just download myself some savegames and BAM! I jumped right into Mass Effect 2 as "Malcom Shepard". Awesome game. I didn't finish it yet, though.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

You can actually kill the council and still find a multi-racial council.

But then again, I guess you already made the decision.

That option was not available to me. (Sorry for the late reply.)
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Anyone beat this game think the ending was meh?

The ending is diffrent depending on how you've moved.
For instance when I ended my game the only people alive were Grunt, Miranda, Jack and Shepard.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009

The ending is diffrent depending on how you've moved.
For instance when I ended my game the only people alive were Grunt, Miranda, Jack and Shepard.

I beat it and had everyone alive.

Because the plot of the human reaper was kinda dumb since it only made me be like whats the point of it will it be a huge villain will it lead the reapers but no they didn't do like anything with it maybe it's what pilots the reapers so they can still use the idea but I think it could have bin better with something else.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Beat it and no one (including the Cerberus Crew) died.

I didn't reach the endgame yet, but I'm almost there- I've got all of the squadmembers. The key to that, by the way, is doing everyone's loyalty quest, and getting ship upgrades such as the tougher hull, shields, and Turian canons.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
I didn't reach the endgame yet, but I'm almost there- I've got all of the squad members. The key to that, by the way, is doing everyone's loyalty quest, and getting ship upgrades such as the tougher hull, shields, and Turian canons.

Yes if you want to keep people alive they are required thought I think they have a small chance of living just to let you know if you do your mission I recommend you do it like this because everyone is alive and they all survived the way I did like this.

Squad leader Garrus Squad special Tali.

Squad leader Garrus again The person who is gonna shield everyone Samara or her daughter which ever and for the person who will lead the crew out pick thane.

Note all my crew was loyal so this may be different if they aren't.

Also all ship upgrades will allow your team to survive on the ship battle/cinematic.
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007

If your active at the Bioware forums, you know that people love Tali.
Before today I never understood why people loved her so much, but
after I played through Talis loyalty quest, I understood why.

After that quest I really started to build an interest in the Quarian;
which I've ignored for a long while. I don't like Tali as a NPC, but the
whole Quarian race is awesome in my opinion! This almost forgotten
race which struggles for survive, I like that!
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
What did you find her loyalty quest so appealing was it because of the fleet or something?
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