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[MAP] Terrain4every1

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Level 3
Apr 28, 2010
Hello everybody!
This is a pattern for RPG-like maps (and all others more likely). Fully made terrain, textured and filled with decorations.
Everyone can use it and modify the map as they want.

Summary info:
Tileset: Bel'shir
Size: 200x256
Created on: 0.11.0 US version

The rules of use are simple:
- Always mention me in credits
- Send me a note to PM or to the e-mail about the map you have used the terrain for
- Do awesome stuff :)

Author: Arte_de_Mort
E-mail: unit187(@)mail.ru

Note: there are 2 versions I have uploaded. First, called RPG, is *heavy* version. It looks cool but it seems I have exceeded doodad limit and the game crashes upon loading the map. So the heavy version is good if you are planning to cut and use a piece from map, not full. This way map should work fine.
The map called RPG2 is *light* version. It has considerable less doodads but loads in-game without any problem. I have tried to save as much beauties as I could in this version, hope it still looks good :)

Known issues:
I've did the pathing on cliffs and stuff, however you should check it again since there might be some mistakes. Also there is no path blockers under huge stones, so watch out.


  • RPG.rar
    2.8 MB · Views: 122
  • RPG2.rar
    2.8 MB · Views: 92
  • Screenshot006.Jpg
    534.3 KB · Views: 578
  • Screenshot001.Jpg
    931.3 KB · Views: 534
  • Screenshot002.Jpg
    862 KB · Views: 494
Level 3
Apr 28, 2010
It took like 3 whole days of work right after the editor was released to finish the map.

What kind of details are you talking about exactly? Hm, I think I've used all available doodads for current tileset. If you can give some advice I would be happy :)
Probably I could use more little doodads, detais (like "small rock"), in "light" version, however it is on the very edge of starting to crash again.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
"First, called RPG, is *heavy* version. It looks cool but it seems I have exceeded doodad limit and the game crashes upon loading the map."

I didn't see that. Sorry. Yes, I was talking about smaller doodads and really tiny stuff. Like this, from the normal view the map looks brilliant. But if someone wants to make FPS out if it, it might need some more details. On the other hand, this would produce even more lag, so maybe not? Just leave it as it is, it's too awesome right now ;) That's why it's crashing. Blizzard is afraid someone might do something way too awesome, so they are bugging you :D
Level 3
Apr 28, 2010
It seems Blizzard forces us to make sort of small maps if you are going for great detailing. Well it does make sense since the less doodads on the map the less lag there will be :)

Talking about really tiny stuff I found out that if you are playing with normal camera those things become actually way too small so you can't even notice them between other stuff most of the time and they become a bit annoying and unwanted after all :)

Also check for my new experimental map with desert terrain:
Level 3
Apr 28, 2010
The Terrain looks really well done.

I think the problem with why you got so little responses is by the fact that you only show bits and pieces of the terrain, whereas with some more pics you could show off a much wider range of it. Give us some more pics ;)!
Thanks for advice. I have added a couple more screenshots into first comment :)

Beautiful. Just beautiful terrain working.
You want to finish my world map terrain? I'm really lazy LOL
PM me for screenshots / the file. xD
Late reply, but... erm, I am not doing anything for anyone only because they are lazy. Anyways, I've got new kickass job and got so little free time now (thats why the reply is late ^^).
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