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Map Publishing Released!! [Tomorrow]

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Level 3
Apr 24, 2010
Hey! Taken from an official Blizzard post for Starcraft II Beta Patch 13 (which I assume will be released tomorrow, or maybe in a few hours):

StarCraft II Beta -- Patch 13 (version


* Map Publishing is now enabled: Using the map editor, you can upload your custom maps to share with the Battle.net community.
* Facebook feature is integrated: Here’s a quick way to expand your social network by seeing who among your existing Facebook friends also has a Battle.net account.
* 3v3 and 4v4 formats are now enabled.
* Numerous updates have been made to the Leagues & Ladders system:

o Removed Copper League and added Diamond League above Platinum League.
o Player ratings start at 0, rather than 1000.
o No longer displays loading screen odds in placement or practice league matches.
o Matchmaking system logic updated.

* UDP is enabled to help improve game performance.
* Numerous performance and stability improvements.

If you want the Balance info, check out the link, but basically: small Protoss nerf (Void Ray Range 6), small Terran buff, semi-big Zerg buff.

So excited to play custom games!
Level 9
Dec 17, 2007
That is great :D but why the **** would they nerf the Ultralisk's hp and normal damage? And let it deal more damage against building, the last patch made it deal more damage against normal units and less to buildings. None of the pro players ever uses the ultralisk anyways, why nerf it?
Level 9
Nov 28, 2008
Map publishing is just saddening, and going to continue to be until Blizzard stops failing and finds a way to let you script, or phynGal/Andromeda/Moonlite come out.
Level 3
Apr 24, 2010
Just got back from school and patch is still not released, but there's a notice when you log in SC2 saying that there's gonna be a "Service Update."

Patch should be here in a few hours :D
Level 3
Apr 24, 2010
Actually,I think they're actually getting ready to release it right now. I can't log into b.net and there's a notice about a "Service "Update"

EDIT: Patching right now!!!
EDIT2: Nevermind, the patch screen works now but it's still not patching xD I wanna play me some custom games! >:[
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Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
WTF! I thought they were making us wait on that patch downloader screen to get rid of this exact problem we have right now...God what's the point of making you show a screen if you're not gonna do anything while making everybody wait.
Because they need to have server downtime to update stuff regardless.

The point of doing it is so that people can download the patch while the server is down, as opposed to having the server be down, then restore the server and then let people DL the patch.
Level 3
Mar 24, 2008
Well, the details they've given so far on map publishing look pretty terrible. I'm really worried about the interface at this point, but I won't make any judgements until I see it.

But the whole map publishing limits on file size and what not are complete and total bull. This sounds an awful lot like there's going to be a "pay $20 for 20mb of more published storage space!!!"

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
It might vary, with more sucessful developers perhaps being given more space to work with.

Ultimatly for massive space you will probably end up paying.

Look at it from the bright side though, it does not say your 10 MB map can not use multiple 100 MB mods from other players who are paying.

It might also be extended perhaps with expansions (5 slots per game).
Level 2
May 14, 2010
it all seemed to work well for me, I'm in EU
But they say something about gameplay ending the 21. Jun. Does the beta end already then?
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