Map Not Showing Up

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Level 6
Apr 1, 2009
I'm having a problem with protecting a map I have. Whenever I protect the map and try to play it I can't, it doesn't show up in my warcraft 3 maps folder. I can see the unprotected version of the map but whenever I protect it. it just won't show up and the folder will be blank. I've used ExtProtect and Vexorians wc3 map optimizer, but neither of them work. If you would like to take a look at the map post here or send me a private message and I'll send you the map. I'd rather not post it in the thread where everyone can just download it.
Level 16
May 1, 2008
Moin moin =)

Wondering that non of this programs work ( I would use Vexorians only at this point ) You get any errors when you try to protect it or something?

These tools aren't buggy that's sure, so there must be something in your map what makes a correct protection impossible or maybe you use some wrong settings of the protecttools or the mapname is to long ...

Hmm you can send your map to me ( if it's ok for you ) and I can search for the possible mistake.

~ The Bomb King > Dr. Boom
Level 6
Apr 1, 2009
Do you rename the map anything when u protect it? I mean, not in the world editor, just the file. Or do the protect program rename it, if the name is too long it wont show up in wc3. Try creating a folder in the maps folder named ! and put the map there, might work.

Tried your suggestion and it worked, I just had to shorten the saved map name. Thank you ^^
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