• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • 💡 We're thrilled to announce that our upcoming texturing contest is in the works, and we're eager to hear your suggestions! Please take this opportunity to share your ideas in this theme discussion thread for the Texturing Contest #34!
  • 🏆 Hive's 7th HD Modeling Contest: Icecrown Creature is now open! The frozen wastes of Icecrown are home to some of Azeroth’s most terrifying and resilient creatures. For this contest, your challenge is to design and model a HD 3D monster that embodies the cold, undead, and sinister essence of Icecrown! 📅 Submissions close on April 13, 2025. Don't miss this opportunity to let your creativity shine! Enter now and show us your frozen masterpiece! 🔗 Click here to enter!




Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Rank: Initiade

Ok I created a map, but I can't do anything!

If your trying to find out how to add units, trees, etc, click on the Layer (located on the top of your screen). After that, you may click on the Terrain to play with the Ground Textures, Apply Height and Apply Cliff; Doodad to place trees, crates, and all the type of environment decorations; Units to place units; and at last Regions and Cameras. You may want to leave these for now since they are often used on triggering.

I can't use Apply Ramp!

If the Apply Ramp doesn't work, then probably you are not using it on Cliffs. The only place where you may use Apply Ramp is on Cliffs.

Object Editor, what is it, and what is it for?

You may use Object Editor to change the name/stats of units, abilities, doodads, or even create your own stuff! You may also increase/reduce the strength, agility and intelligence of heroes, etc. Note that only Items and Units may be changed on Reign of Chaos (current version).

How to convert a normal unit to a hero?

You will have to start by making a normal hero. Create a Paladin for example. Scroll down until you see Art-Model File. Once there, double click, click on the list and choose whatever you like. If you try to place it on the map you will see that it's no longer a Paladin.

How to take a Hero go above level 10?

Click on Advanced, located in the same place where you found Layer, and click Gameplay Constants, and then scroll down until you see Hero - Maximum Level. Once you found it, press Use custom Gameplay Constants and change it to whatever you like. Requires The Frozen Throne.

How can I give my map a Loading Screen?

Select Scenario (on the top of your screen) and select Map Loading Screen. Once there, select Use Campaign Screen and select one from the list. Requires The Frozen Throne.

How can I get Manuals of Health to give more HP, Tomes of Strength to give more strength, etc?

Open Object Editor and click on Ability Editor. Check Special > Items and find Item Permanent Life Gain, Item Strength Gain, etc. You may also create your own abilities for items using this. Requires The Frozen Throne.

How can I make a message appear in-game?

You can find these in Game-Text Message.

How can I change the icons of Gold and Lumber?

Click on Advanced (top of your screen) and click Game Interface. Once there, find Image - Tooltip Gold Icon (for example). Requires The Frozen Throne.

How to make a unit Invencible?

Use Unit - Make unit Invulnerable. To turn it back to normal, use Unit - Make unit Vulnerable.

How to create weather on a certain place?

You can create a weather using either triggers or regions. To create a weather on a region, create the region and take it to where you want the weather to be. After that, select the region (you have to have the Region Palette opened) and press Enter on your keyboard. Give a name to the region if you want, and set the weather to whatever you want.

How to import new voices?

Unfortenetly, you will have to replace some of the original/already existent voices with the ones you are going to import. For example, if you want to replace the voices of the Night Elven Archer:

-Double click on the imported sound file
-Click on Enable Custom Path
-Write the path Units\NightElf\Archer\ArcherWhat1.wav for example. Do this to the other sound files aswell, for example Units\NightElf\Archer\ArcherPissed1.wav

Requires The Frozen Throne.

When I try to save my campaign it says that the maps that I imported are not being used! What do I do in this case? [NEW!]

You haven't added the campaign buttons then. Open Campaign Editor, and locate Loading Screen. In the upper tab, search for Create Button, or something like that, and press it. Then choose a name for it, and choose the map that you want on that button. Requires The Frozen Throne.

How can I change Ground Textures in-game? [NEW!]

Changing Ground Textures in game is very easy. Just open Trigger Editor. Create a new trigger. Choose when you want to change the ground textures, for example, at Map Initializion or 60 seconds after game started. Then choose Conditions, which is Optional, and locate Environment - Change Terrain. Requires The Frozen Throne.
