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[Campaign] Malfurion's Quest

Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
So I'm only at chapter 3 on hard and I already gave up. Any advice on how to beat Illidan's base? They are basically your units but far superior. They have full tech tree while you only have the first level upgrades and adept casters at best, plus Illidan has one additional unit with a stun. Malfurion and Kathranis also cannot do anything because they are always silenced for some reason. When I look at the debuff icon it says orb of sight but somehow it silences also? Also AI doesn't seem to break aggro either so I can't even protect my siege units to focus buildings. I could really use some help here.
Silencing heroes is Sorceress master spell. Be careful use your own Sorceress anti magic shell and focus on killing enemy sorceresses first. Maximize your army and upgrades and attack from the left, use Malfurion's ultimate as effective as possible and Kath'ranis Crystals on Priests, so they wouldn't revive Sorceresses. You probably won't be able to succeed on your first try. Attack them from the left side of your base, going to the right will trigger the optional quest and Furbolg attacks. Once you have destroyed all of enemy structures, leave one magic training building, so that you could do the optional and kill creeps if you like. The attacks from one mage building won't be that frequent.
Level 3
Jun 12, 2019
can someone help me i cant pass the force wall wit Katharsis in chapter 4

You need invisibility to pass force walls, destroy the obelisk (you won't need to teleport to that one anyway) that is on to the right of the force wall and it drops two potions of invisibility.
Level 2
Jan 13, 2015
Hello everyone, are all missions for the Highborne available in version 1.26 or not? I misunderstood - version 1.31 is needed, but are all the missions available there? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Hello everyone, are all missions for the Highborne available in version 1.26 or not? I misunderstood - version 1.31 is needed, but are all the missions available there? Thanks in advance for your reply.

It is advised that you play the campaign on v1.31, as the latest version was created and tested with that version only. You may be able to play certain missions with an earlier version of Warcraft 3, but you will eventually come across issues that will prevent you from progressing (such as being able to load 24 player maps).
Level 1
Dec 10, 2017
Thank you Turnro for the excellent campaigns. I have gotten many hours of enjoyment from your work. Sadly this is where I get off the train, as I will not be updating past 1.27b due to Blizzard's bungling of Reforged. Was very much hoping to be able to finally complete the Sentinel Campaign, especially now that I have plenty of time in isolation. But, after catching up on this forum for the first time in over a year, I now understand that you are working exclusively on a version of your campaign for Reforged. I understand why you need to do this, and I am not angry, just bitter about Blizzard and their ability to "fix" things that weren't broken. If you ever decide to finish the Sentinel Campaign in a mod for version 1.27b, I will definitely play it, as I think it is the better of the two storylines (I just couldn't get into the Highborne storyline, which is my problem not yours lol).

Thank you again for the hard work you did, and the enjoyment I gained! Time to re-play the older versions of your other campaigns stored on my hard drive, as they are still the best custom campaigns I have ever found.
Level 3
Oct 17, 2019
Thank you Turnro for the excellent campaigns. I have gotten many hours of enjoyment from your work. Sadly this is where I get off the train, as I will not be updating past 1.27b due to Blizzard's bungling of Reforged. Was very much hoping to be able to finally complete the Sentinel Campaign, especially now that I have plenty of time in isolation. But, after catching up on this forum for the first time in over a year, I now understand that you are working exclusively on a version of your campaign for Reforged. I understand why you need to do this, and I am not angry, just bitter about Blizzard and their ability to "fix" things that weren't broken. If you ever decide to finish the Sentinel Campaign in a mod for version 1.27b, I will definitely play it, as I think it is the better of the two storylines (I just couldn't get into the Highborne storyline, which is my problem not yours lol).

Thank you again for the hard work you did, and the enjoyment I gained! Time to re-play the older versions of your other campaigns stored on my hard drive, as they are still the best custom campaigns I have ever found.

Could you pass me the latest version of the Sentinel path of this campaign that you have? I too am a 1.27b player
Level 1
May 18, 2019
i played old version of this and it worked perfectly. i try yestorday to play it...i put it in campaigns(folder) but in custom campaign(in w3 game)is not avaible..i have v 1.26. is my version a problem..i tried re download but nothing happend.
Level 1
Dec 10, 2017
Could you pass me the latest version of the Sentinel path of this campaign that you have? I too am a 1.27b player

The version I have only goes to Sentinel mission 6, but I can put it on Google Drive this weekend when I have a chance. I will post the link once I do.

However, if I receive a message from Turnro asking me not to do this, I will honor his request. His content, his rules.
Level 64
Feb 14, 2018
i played old version of this and it worked perfectly. i try yestorday to play it...i put it in campaigns(folder) but in custom campaign(in w3 game)is not avaible..i have v 1.26. is my version a problem..i tried re download but nothing happend.
The new version of Malfurion's Quest doesn't work on v1.26. For it to work you need to download v1.31 of Warcraft III
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
@FallenStar @Turnro
Okay, I recently replayed the whole campaign series again to understand the whole story so far and get a better grasp of it overall, and Turnro knows much much I love it.
But here's what I noticed. You guys linked almost all of the events that happened in this story, even events that occurred in the Human, Orc and Undead campaigns. Having said that though, I can't help but notice that Eridon the illusionist was done dirty. He didn't have a good death or a satisfying defeat. Getting off-screened doesn't help either. Being the plague of absolutely the whole series, and tricking everyone, he is rightfully the villain of the series. Not Kil'jeadin and certainly not baddy Furion, it's Eridon! He manipulated Tyrande and Thrall to participate unintentionally in killing Azgalor to lower the numbers of the potential rulers of the legion. He also played a role in Tichondriuses defeat.
Now, this is what I'm hoping for. At least 2 chapters that are centered in a battle of wits and brawn to fool and kill Eridon. Mal'furion, being an immortal, wise and experienced leader would be a good choice to match Eridon's cunning.
I realize that the Highborne storyline is essentially finished, but I still think there is a chance to wrap this up in a better way in the Sentinel storyline. Have him do stuff like fooling them constantly but then they ensnare him in an unescapable trap or something similar to that.
The way it stands now, not even noticed by evil Malfurion or not being an effective villain in the last campaign is kind of a huge waste and I think it would be pefect if at least he gets recognized by the good people that he was the one behind everything and so on and so forth.
I know that you guys wanna keep everything a secret until you feel everything is ready for release after 2 or 3 years, but at least consider it.
Kiljaedin is the brawn and Eridon is the brains. Kiljaedin is in fact a bit stupid in this alternate story, cuz he keeps nerfing the legion by killing off big names just so that he gets to be the big boss until there is nobody worthy of note is left to serve him. Thus why Eridon is actually the villain here, and I hope we get a satisfying conclusion to his character in the Sentinel campaign. I hope you understood my remarks.
Level 11
Jul 29, 2014
@FallenStar @TurnroI can't help but notice that Eridon the illusionist was done dirty. He didn't have a good death or a satisfying defeat. Getting off-screened doesn't help either.
You do understood that it was Eredon a demon who corrupted Ysera's power and prevented the Dragon Aspects from awakening from their slumber when the Horn of Cenarius had sounded? Of course, it happened off-screen so we couldn't actually see that happening in a Highborne campaign, but I'm pretty sure we'll see it in a Sentinel storyline. Ysera said it was the Guardian (referring to Medivh) who freed her from Eredon's corruption and Ysera had the pleasure of dealing with him. So yes, we didn't see him getting killed by Ysera because the main character was busy dealing with the Cenarian Circle when that happened. That being said, I don't think Eredon's death scene would have had much importance in the Highborne campaign whatsoever.
@FallenStar @Turnro
Being the plague of absolutely the whole series, and tricking everyone, he is rightfully the villain of the series. Not Kil'jeadin and certainly not baddy Furion, it's Eridon! He manipulated Tyrande and Thrall to participate unintentionally in killing Azgalor to lower the numbers of the potential rulers of the legion. He also played a role in Tichondriuses defeat.
Kiljaedin is the brawn and Eridon is the brains. Thus why Eridon is actually the villain here, and I hope we get a satisfying conclusion to his character in the Sentinel campaign.
That's why he's called "The Illusionist". He can't perform well in combat (if you remember how weak he was in the orc campaign when Thrall's company fought him), but he certainly is an essential character in performing behind the combat scenes, as his bio says.
So, yes, he is a brain of the Legion, but he definitely isn't stronger than Kil'jaeden, nor does he had any legal right of the Legion's law (ok, we've seen the Legion has and respect at least some law of their race) to oppose him. He's just a lieutenant of the Legion after all.
Well, as these guys said, everything that has caused a confusion to us all will be revealed in a Sentinel storyline, so... patience, ladie :grin:
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
@FallenStar @Turnro
Okay, I recently replayed the whole campaign series again to understand the whole story so far and get a better grasp of it overall, and Turnro knows much much I love it.
But here's what I noticed. You guys linked almost all of the events that happened in this story, even events that occurred in the Human, Orc and Undead campaigns. Having said that though, I can't help but notice that Eridon the illusionist was done dirty. He didn't have a good death or a satisfying defeat. Getting off-screened doesn't help either. Being the plague of absolutely the whole series, and tricking everyone, he is rightfully the villain of the series. Not Kil'jeadin and certainly not baddy Furion, it's Eridon! He manipulated Tyrande and Thrall to participate unintentionally in killing Azgalor to lower the numbers of the potential rulers of the legion. He also played a role in Tichondriuses defeat.
Now, this is what I'm hoping for. At least 2 chapters that are centered in a battle of wits and brawn to fool and kill Eridon. Mal'furion, being an immortal, wise and experienced leader would be a good choice to match Eridon's cunning.
I realize that the Highborne storyline is essentially finished, but I still think there is a chance to wrap this up in a better way in the Sentinel storyline. Have him do stuff like fooling them constantly but then they ensnare him in an unescapable trap or something similar to that.
The way it stands now, not even noticed by evil Malfurion or not being an effective villain in the last campaign is kind of a huge waste and I think it would be pefect if at least he gets recognized by the good people that he was the one behind everything and so on and so forth.
I know that you guys wanna keep everything a secret until you feel everything is ready for release after 2 or 3 years, but at least consider it.
Kiljaedin is the brawn and Eridon is the brains. Kiljaedin is in fact a bit stupid in this alternate story, cuz he keeps nerfing the legion by killing off big names just so that he gets to be the big boss until there is nobody worthy of note is left to serve him. Thus why Eridon is actually the villain here, and I hope we get a satisfying conclusion to his character in the Sentinel campaign. I hope you understood my remarks.
I disagree here. If anything it's the other way around, Kil'Jaeden being the brain and Eredon the brawn. All the things Eredon has done were on Kil'Jaeden's command and by his plans. The things with summoning Azgalore to Azeroth and his death were all part of Kil'Jaeden's plan to achieve his possition as the leader of the Burning Legion, Eredon was simply the brawn, in a way that he had those powers to execute the deed that Kil'Jaeden ordered him to do. He doesn't have the raw power and strength, but his powers were efficient to do the things Kil'Jaeden needed to be done.

Eredon is also just a small part in the Legion overall, he's only a weak Eredar and works alone on Kil'Jaeden command. It's one of the reasons Kil'jaeden trusts him. The main brawn behind the Legion being the generals, Kazzak, Jaraxxus, Shahraz and Dreadlords to some extent, but Kil'Jaeden doesn't trust them, because they're a treat to his position. Lord Jaraxxus is the most powerful Eredar after Kil'Jaeden, not Eredon, and he took the control of the Eredar after Kil'Jaeden ascended to power. And since he's the only Legion general that we haven't fought in the Highborne story path, I imagine he'll be a boss fight, the Dreadlords have also been confirmed, on this forum way back, to play a major role in the Sentinel storyline.

However it's been confirmed by the chapter's names that we'll be going to the Emerald Dream to fight the Emerald Nightmare, confirmed to exist in this universe as well. And since Eredon is involved with the Nightmare, I assume he'll have a role to play. But there is also a possibility of Lord Xavius, the leader of the Nightmare. It was also kinda confirmed that he exists in this universe, cause Satyr heroes are named after him, though it could be that Turnro took random names from WoW for the Satyr heroes, like he did with a lot of other characters.

(speculation of mine) I suppose that Eredon's task was to ally himself with Xavius, thus recruiting Xavius to the Legion, and support him with his powers in releasing the Nightmare and Corruption upon Ashenvale and thus weaken the Night Elves. I imagine that Xavius will be a boss fight and Eredon a nuisance that you have to kill before or during the boss fight, or maybe even after the fight by Cenarius or Ysera.
Level 11
Jul 29, 2014
Lord Jaraxxus he's the only Legion general that we haven't fought in the Highborne story path, I imagine he'll be a boss fight
Don't forget about Mother Shahraz too. I am beginning to smell a double, 2v2 boss fight, with Malfurion and Tyrande on one side and Jaraxxus with Mother Shahraz on the other side. There are many combinations regarding the plot and the boss fights, but I'm pretty sure FallenStar and Turnro have already planned this part along with the most of the coming Sentinel campaign.
However it's been confirmed by the chapter's names that we'll be going to the Emerald Dream to fight the Emerald Nightmare, confirmed to exist in this universe as well. And since Eredon is involved with the Nightmare, I assume he'll have a role to play. But there is also a possibility of Lord Xavius, the leader of the Nightmare. It was also kinda confirmed that he exists in this universe (speculation of mine) I suppose that Eredon's task was to ally himself with Xavius, thus recruiting Xavius to the Legion, and support him with his powers in releasing the Nightmare and Corruption upon Ashenvale and thus weaken the Night Elves. I imagine that Xavius will be a boss fight and Eredon a nuisance that you have to kill before or during the boss fight, or maybe even after the fight by Cenarius or Ysera.
If you've played the earlier patch of the campaign, where there was a Sentinel storyline finished until Cave of Shadows chapter, you can see that the chapter now called "Eternal Nightmare" was previously called "Eternal Dream". So, I'm pretty sure that "Nightmare" actually reflects Ysera's state of mind being affected by Eredon's corrpution.
I also agree about Xavius. We haven't see him in a Highborne storyline, but only heard from Ysera that she killed Eredon after Medivh freed her from Eredon's grasp off-scene. Xavius isn't mentioned anywhere, so maybe there is someone else, other than Xavius.
Judging from the name of the chapter, I suppose, instead of Medivh (who will probably be busy holding out against the Legion onslaught, together with Cenarius and other heroes - because the portal summoned by Gar'dal hasn't been shut down), Malfurion will be the one who will step into the Emerald Dream and face Eredon, and maybe Xavius too, in order to free Ysera from the Nightmare and restore the well-being of Ashenvale.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Don't forget about Mother Shahraz too. I am beginning to smell a double, 2v2 boss fight, with Malfurion and Tyrande on one side and Jaraxxus with Mother Shahraz on the other side. There are many combinations regarding the plot and the boss fights, but I'm pretty sure FallenStar and Turnro have already planned this part along with the most of the coming Sentinel campaign.
Yes, I'm pretty sure they have it planed out already, too. However I don't think they'll be a 2vs2 fight, and honestly I personally wouldn't like it, cause Shahraz already has her boss fight and a 2vs2 of that kind would be unfair, Jaraxxus and Shahraz being far more powerful than Tyrande and Malfurion. I presume it'll be kinda like in the Highborne part, with Shahraz dying in a cinematic, possibly to Kil'Jaeden's plans or in a battle with Medivh or Cenarius or the Aspects, and Jaraxxus being sent to spearhead the attack against Furion and Tyrande, and ending up in a boss fight before or after Shahraz dies.
If you've played the earlier patch of the campaign, where there was a Sentinel storyline finished until Cave of Shadows chapter, you can see that the chapter now called "Eternal Nightmare" was previously called "Eternal Dream". So, I'm pretty sure that "Nightmare" actually reflects Ysera's state of mind being affected by Eredon's corrpution.
I also agree about Xavius. We haven't see him in a Highborne storyline, but only heard from Ysera that she killed Eredon after Medivh freed her from Eredon's grasp off-scene. Xavius isn't mentioned anywhere, so maybe there is someone else, other than Xavius.
Judging from the name of the chapter, I suppose, instead of Medivh (who will probably be busy holding out against the Legion onslaught, together with Cenarius and other heroes - because the portal summoned by Gar'dal hasn't been shut down), Malfurion will be the one who will step into the Emerald Dream and face Eredon, and maybe Xavius too, in order to free Ysera from the Nightmare and restore the well-being of Ashenvale.
Yeah, I kinda meant about the part in the earlier version where you free Cenarius from the Emerald Nightmare, though they may change this in the update that brings the full Sentinel path, who knows. I presume that in "The Cries of the Aspects" you help Alexstrasza and Nozdormu, and thus secure the aid of red and bronze dragonflights, but are unable to awaken Ysera and the green dragonflight, so you have to enter the Nightmare and end it in "The Eternal Nightmare". It's also possible that Malfurion and Faradrella will eventually fall to the Nightmare as well, and Tyrande and Jarod will have to save them. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Level 11
Jul 29, 2014
Yes, I'm pretty sure they have it planed out already, too. However I don't think they'll be a 2vs2 fight, and honestly I personally wouldn't like it, cause Shahraz already has her boss fight and a 2vs2 of that kind would be unfair, Jaraxxus and Shahraz being far more powerful than Tyrande and Malfurion. I presume it'll be kinda like in the Highborne part, with Shahraz dying in a cinematic, possibly to Kil'Jaeden's plans or in a battle with Medivh or Cenarius or the Aspects, and Jaraxxus being sent to spearhead the attack against Furion and Tyrande, and ending up in a boss fight before or after Shahraz dies.
Well, the fight could be with units supporting the heroes during a battle, not just heroes vs heroes alone. On the other hand, it doesn't even need to be a direct 2v2 boss fight, but rather more indirectly, seperate battles. For example, making the environment seperate Malfurion and Tyrande, so that Malfurion ends up fighting Jaraxxus and Tyrande fighting Shahraz. Or vice versa. Something like that. In my opinion, it would've been epic to see the couples fighting - good versus bad.
Level 4
Apr 22, 2020

You are Malfurion Stormrage, arch druid of the Night Elves and protector of Kalimdor. A great prophecy has foretold the return of the Burning Legion, who seek to destroy Azeroth once and for all.

For 10,000 years you have roamed the Emerald Dream, awaiting the day for your return to lead your people against the demons. However, you feel that the world has changed much during your absence. Despite Nordrassil being heavily guarded and Illidan the Betrayer sealed deep within his prison, you sense something terribly wrong that threatens your people's survival from the coming invasion.

Your mind is left in doubt, and the Prophecy's fulfillment draws near. Will you make sacrifices to ensure Azeroth's survival from the Burning Legion? Find out as you play Malfurion's Quest, the epic finale in Turnro's series of Warcraft 3 campaigns.


New Features

Choose Your Own Destiny
Malfurion's Quest will feature two separate story lines, with each providing different units, heroes, items, and much more. The campaign currently contains the complete Highborne story with the Sentinel path coming out in v2.0.

New Custom Race: The Highborne
This campaign will give you the opportunity to play as a fully new custom race: the Highborne. This mystical faction's strength lies with their powerful spells and their deep knowledge in arcane magics.

New Boss Fights
Malfurion's Quest features several boss fights that will test your skill and ability in playing Warcraft 3.

39 maps, including 20 Chapters and 15 Interludes
Note that Malfurion’s Quest is still under development. The current version has 20 maps.

New Feature: Pouch Utility
Drop items into Malfurion's pouch throughout the campaign, allowing you to hold onto additional items for later use.

New Heroes, Units, Spells, Items, and more!



Night Elves and their allies

Malfurion Stormrage
Malfurion Stormrage was the first night elf druid, and is an inspiring ruler amongst his people. He is wise, righteous and willing to help others in great times of need. His powers over nature are second to the demigod Cenarius who taught him the ways of Druidism.
With the Oracle’s Prophecy drawing near, Malfurion awakens from a nightmare haunted by the Burning Legion’s arrival and the destruction of the world. With doubt in his mind regarding the perils and the shattered society of the elves, Malfurion must find a way to combat the Legion while facing his own demons or embracing them.
Will he struggle to unite the land against the Legion while fighting his doubts and fears that hunger for his powers at every step? Or will he sacrifice everything he once stood for to ensure the destruction of the Legion while consuming corrupted powers to further his ambitions? The Fate of Malfurion rests in your hands.
Tyrande Whisperwind
Tyrande is the passionate and occasionally rash leader of the night elf Sentinels. She is also the High Priestess of the Moon and worships Elune with total adoration. She’s a cunning leader who commands the Sentinels to fight restlessly against the spreading corruption in Kalimdor. After the events in Jeopardy of the Horde, Tyrande focuses her efforts on building a stable defense around Astrannar while planning an offense against the seemingly unstoppable forces of Satyrs who pose a serious threat in Ashenvale.
She loves Malfurion Stormrage and will do anything to help him. Tyrande is a caring soul at her core. She is decisive and may take courses of actions that others find disagreeable, but always has the well-being of Kalimdor at the forefront of her thoughts.
Cenarius is one of the most powerful Demigods in Azeroth and the leader of the Cenarian Circle. He is crafty, powerful and has a strong connection with the natural parts of the world. The Cenarian Circle is an elite group of forces who uphold the balance in Kalimdor and seek to purify the land’s corruption and maintain balance in the world.
It is Cenarius who first taught Malfurion druidism and appointed him as his apprentice. He is a proud creature with tremendous power over nature, being able to command the forests, heal his armies in battle and summon powerful ancients to his aid. His military skills are effective as well as his strategies, often taking and considering advices from his most trusted people.
Faradrella is one of the only few daughters who is close to Cenarius. She has a great fund for nature and life, despite that this obsession of hers can get to her comrades. While her father is calm and composed, Faradrella comes as annoying both to her enemies and her allies. She often rushes and makes brash decisions which have lead the Cenarian Circle to repeatedly save her from grim situations she creates for herself.
Her powers, however, are very effective which is why the Circle needs her aid in certain operations throughout Ashenvale.
Velinde Starstrike
Velinde is a profound general of the Guardians. She coordinates the defenses at Mount Hyjal and has sworn to defend Nordrassil’s grounds for nearly ten thousand years. Brave and daring, Velinde has a pride unmatched in Kalimdor. She’s intelligent, quick, has brilliant military tactics and uses the terrain to her advantage.
She’s loyal to her guardians and very cautious to anyone who steps near Mount Hyjal including the Sentinels themselves. Velinde dislikes the new Night Elf society thinking that it’s become a shadow of its former self, becoming too weak and unable to protect Nordrassil. Velinde refuses to send reinforcements in the South to fight against the corrupting threat proffering to fortify the defenses at Mount Hyjal.
Ysera the Dreamer, aspect of the green dragonflight. She is the guardian of the Emerald Dream, a spiritual world that exists outside the boundaries of the physical world. As one of the guardians of Azeroth, Ysera is both wise and vigorous, upholding her duty to the best of her abilities. She sustains the Emerald Dream through her tremendous power, granting the Night Elves and the Cenarian Circle mystical abilities that aid them in fighting against their foes. Due to recent disasters in Azeroth and the imminent threat on Kalimdor, the Cenarian Circle attempted to awaken Ysera and her dragon flights to aid in the defence against the Legion. Ysera however did not awake despite the Druid’s attempts and now they are forced to seek help from other parts of the land.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, aspect of the red dragonflight, is the guardian of all life in the world of Azeroth. Compassionate and wise, Alexstrasza treasures life in all its forms. She prefers peace and solitude, although she will defend her lands with all her power against any who threaten them without due cause.
Nozdomu the Timeless One, aspect of the bronze dragonflight and the guardian of time. Nozdormu is tasked with ensuring that the flow of time occurs normally, without interruption, and that events happen as they are fated. To accomplish this mission. Nozdormu is closely associated with time itself and is the very soul of patience.
Jarod Shadowsong
A former commander of the night elves. Jarod's ability to inspire others and thoughtful leadership tactics earned him a high level of respect among his people during the War of the Ancients. Shortly after the great war ended, the profound commander lessened his presence within night elven society, reluctant to continue living under the pressures of leadership that was highly expected of him. Jarod is humble, modest and is able to remain resilient in the face of extreme danger.
The Burning Legion

Kil'jaeden the Deceiver
Leader of the Burning Legion and the main villain of the story. After having secured his power over the Legion, he now plans to invade Azeroth and consume the magical energies that flow beneath the World Tree. It is his dark will to destroy the mortal world and take revenge on the Night Elves who defeated the Legion 10.000 years ago. Kil’jaeden is cunning, demanding and has grown confident to believe that he is capable of accomplishing a task that even Sargeras could not. His paranoia however keeps him from throwing his full power in Azeroth as he believes there are others who will conspire to take his place as soon as he lets his guard down and exhaust his powers. Witty and powerful, Kil’jaeden is a very calculated Warlock keeping a close watch on the other members of the Burning Legion.
Kazzak the Supreme
Leader of the Doomguards, a race of demons usually positioned as captains or generals He servers as Kil’jaeden’s right hand and leading commander of the Burning Legion. Kazzak is ruthless and bloodthirsty yet extremely loyal to his master which is probably why Kil’jaeden assigns him with important tasks regarding his armies. He wields the legendary Warblade of Archimonde into battle that has the power to crush through anything which stands in its path. Kazzak is a demon of a few words but his demonic energy surpasses almost everyone in the Legion.
Lord Jaraxxus
An influential demon who took Kil’jaeden’s place as leader in the eredar after Kil’jaeden assumed control of the Burning Legion. Jaraxxus is vengeful and opinionated, yet he has a strong sense of belief that the Burning Legion will succeed in their endeavours on Azeroth. He is especially close to Mother Shahraz, who he was able to bring into the fold bolstering the Legion significantly. Jaraxxus cares about his people and works towards building a sustainable and secure future for the eredar where they remain in power across the Twisted Nether.
Mother Shahraz
A charismatic Shivarra of the Burning Legion. She is devoted to the will of Kil’jaeden, and is very good at inspiring her troops into battle. The Shivarra are tasked with spying operations throughout the Twisted Nether and are mostly needed for infiltration missions which provide the Burning Legion with crucial information on the status within the demon realm. Despite the fact that the Shivarras prefer espionage to brute fighting, they are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield making them perfect spell casters in the backline of the Legion. When not serving Kil'jaeden, Shahraz spends much of her time with Lord Jaraxxus.
A skeptical and devious demon. He is the only surviving dreadlord who aided Tichondruis the Darkener in their attempt to destroy Azeroth. Now that he has returned to the Twisting Nether, Varimathras' interests have changed from conquering worlds to maintaining the fallen Nathrezim. He dislikes taking orders from the arrogant Mephistroth, the new leader of the Nathrezim, who he sees as a puppet to Kil'jaeden's evil schemes.
An ill-tempered Pitlord and ruler of Outland. His hate for Kil’jaeden drives him to reconsider his services to the warlock, though his power is not strong enough in comparison. He schemes behind Kil’jaeden’s back and strongly suspects that the warlock trapped Azgalor on Azeroth to end his reign, enforcing Magtheridon’s hatred and suspicion. He sees himself as a powerful leader who is better fit to lead the Burning Legion, but despises the fel orcs who he believes are unfit to be more than mere servants of the Legion. He resides at the Black Citadel in Outland.
Eredon the Illusionist
One of Kil’jaeden’s most loyal servants and the reason behind the Legion’s success in Azeroth. Eredon acts behind the scenes as a perfect infiltrator and spy for the Legion. Kil’jaeden found him in the Twisted Nether as he overcame challenges that his kin were faced with. His methods were unorthodox however as Eredon relied more on trickery and manipulation than brute strength and direct sorcery. This made him an eredar of great power, capable of confusing his enemies by creating multiple copies of himself. Such a feat impressed Kil’jaeden appointing Eredon as his top confidant even more so than Jaraxxus. After aiding his master overthrow the Legion's previous leader, Azgalor, he now resides on Azeroth, helping prepare the arrival of the Legion into the mortal world.
After betraying his own brother, Kil’jaeden appointed Mephistroth as the new leader of the Nathrezim. Cunning and powerful, the new dreadlord leader follows Kil’jaeden’s commands closely and remains vigilant of the other members of the Order who may not agree with him.
Smolderas the Gatekeeper
Smolders is an ancient firelord who has served the Burning Legion for many centuries. While he is not of demonic heritage, he shares the Legion's vision of eradicating all life and takes great pleasure in doing so. It was Sargaras himself who brought the firelord into the fold although his reasons for doing so remain unknown. Despite his heritage and undeniable loyalty, Kil’jaeden does not think highly of him as he’s often given lesser positions than Kil’jaeden’s own lieutenants which furthers the firelord’s outrage. Nonetheless, Smolderas serves as an ideal lieutenant though he is known for his hot temper and has little patience towards his subordinates.
Independent Forces

Illidan Stormrage
Malfurion’s twin brother, and imprisoned since the end of the War of the Ancients due to the creation of the new Well of Eternity. Maiev Shadowsong and her Watchers were originally assigned to keep him imprisoned, but since their departure, Illidan has been able to escape. With a deep hunger for magic, Illidan now seeks to reclaim himself by using the Burning Legion’s own power against them.
He is a troubled and reckless individual who tries to leave his mark on the world through his actions. Having a new goal in mind in order to avert the Oracle’s Prophecy in his own way, Illidan focuses on acquiring various sources of power to combat the Legion seeking redemption and acknowledgement from Tyrande and the society which casted him out. However, Illidan often clashes with his brother who has his own plan on eliminating the demon threat.
Kath'ranis Remar
Kath’ranis was a promising Night Elf scholar who studied the ancient arts of sorcery and began practicing them with his brothers. Escaping the Night Elf society along with his fellow scholars who followed his ways, Kath’ranis established his own cult worshipping the arcane magic as Highborne believing that their new powers will restore the Night Elves to glory.
Using the chaos in Kalimdor as an advantage Kath’ranis and his newly found Highborne acted discreetly to increase their numbers and strength by converting and absorbing demonic energies.
Kath’ranis is dedicated to his people and humble towards his allies, yet feared by his enemies.
Exiled One
His name is long forgotten, and there are only rumors and tales surrounding the ancient being known as The Exile. When Sargaras began his conquest on other worlds, The Exile’s home was one of the first to fall. Some claim that The Exile betrayed his own world in order to gain favor of the Dark Titan. Impressed by his mindset and abilities, Sargeras appointed him as one of his top lieutenants. However, the Exile One's great power and its origin was seen as a threat to Zaelthrun who could not allow a being outside the Burning Legion to take the mantle of a leader. As a result, Zaelthrun and the Nathrezim trapped the Exiled One in secret and branded him a traitor, claiming that it was the Exile’s plot for revenge that led to the death of the Legion's other lieutenants such as Mannoroth and Archimonde. Being trapped forever, his imprisonment would become his very name that other demons would whisper about.
Zaelthrun the Harbinger
Zaelthrun the Harbinger was the first Nathrezim leader appointed by Sargeras himself. While his memory has been forgotten throughout the millenniums, most Dreadlords claim that only Tichondrius the Darkener had come close to matching Zaelthrun’s power. His death forced the Nathrezim Order to choose a new leader and led to constant debates among themselves. As a result, Zaelthrun’s death was left a mystery while the others strive to take control.
Medivh is the last Guardian of Tirisfal, an ancient line of protectors bestowed with great powers to do battle with the agents of the Burning Legion. Legends say that the Guardian’s tactics are planned and precise, though he prefers to attack his enemies at great range with powerful spells. Shrouded in mystery, the hooded prophet has involved himself in more of Azeroth’s affairs ever since Azgalor’s death. His motives, however, remain unknown.
Azshara is the queen of the naga and former ruler of the kaldorei. Charismatic and beautiful, Azshara outwardly portrayed herself as a kind, generous, loving monarch who adored her people and her empire with all her heart. In truth, however, she was a vain, cruel, power-hungry narcissist who cared for herself above all else. During the Great Sundering, Azshara sold herself and her highborne to the Old Gods in order to save their lives, transforming them from night elves into the serpentine naga. Bitter and vengeful, the former queen has spent the last ten thousand years building her naga into a mighty empire, eagerly awaiting the day of her return to rule the world once more.

Development Progress

Prologue - The Oracle's Prophecy (COMPLETED)
Chapter 1 - A Destiny Unravels (COMPLETED)
Chapter 2 - Trail of the Betrayer (COMPLETED)
Interlude - Council of the Legion (REQUIRES REVISION)

Sentinel StorylineHighborne Storyline
Chapter 3 - Ending the Chase (COMPLETED)
Interlude - Path of the Exiled
Chapter 4 - Spread of the Corruption
Interlude - Fear of the Prophecy (COMPLETED)
Interlude - The Return to Azeroth
Chapter 5 - Search for the Demigod
Chapter 5 Bonus - The Restless Dead (COMPLETED)
Chapter 5 Bonus - Ruins of Zin-Azshari (COMPLETED)
Interlude - Rise of the Nathrezim
Chapter 6 - Cave of Shadows
Interlude - Dangerous Crossroads
Chapter 7 Part 1 - Cries of the Aspects
Chapter 7 Part 1 Bonus - Realm of the Tides
Chapter 7 Part 2 - The Eternal Nightmare
Interlude - Demons of the Past
Chapter 8 - Final Conflicts
Chapter 9 - The Defense of Nordrassil
Chapter 10 - Light and Darkness
Chapter 3 - An Arch Druid Reborn (COMPLETED)
Interlude - The Yearn for Magic (COMPLETED)
Chapter 4 Part 1 - Assault on Astranaar (COMPLETED)
Chapter 4 Part 2 - Tragic Farewell (COMPLETED)
Interlude - Lying in Deceit (COMPLETED)
Chapter 5 - War at Mount Hyjal (COMPLETED)
Interlude - Battle for Tomorrow (COMPLETED)
Chapter 6 - Shattered Skies (COMPLETED)
Chapter 6 Bonus - Remnants of the Ancients (COMPLETED)
Interlude - Pillars of Power (COMPLETED)
Chapter 7 - Howling Treachery (COMPLETED)
Interlude - Unexpected Measures (COMPLETED)
Chapter 8 - Ysera's Heartbeat (COMPLETED)
Chapter 9 - The Last Guardian (COMPLETED)
Chapter 10 - Darkness and Sorrow (COMPLETED)
Epilogue (COMPLETED)
Screenshots and Tech-Trees


Specific Changes

New Units
SENTRY - Tier-1 melee unit with supportive spells. Has the Shadow Meld, Elune's Blessing and Swiftness of Elune abilities. Can be trained at the Ancient of War.
FURBOLG SHAMAN - Supportive spell-caster, with the Barkskin, Lightning Shield, and Healing Wave spells. Can be trained at the Ancient of Lore.
STALKER - Melee stealthed unit. Has the Shadow Meld, Critical Strike, and Evasion abilities. Can be trained at the Den of Shadows.
JAILOR - Tactical ranged unit. Has the Shadow Meld, Shadow Strike, and Blink abilities. Can be trained at the Den of Shadows.

New Building
DEN OF SHADOWS - Stealth unit training building. Trains Stalkers and Jailors, as well as containing the Permanent Invisibility and Blink upgrades.

New Upgrades
ELUNE'S BLESSING - Grants Sentries with the Elune's Blessing ability, which allows them to recover 250 lost hit points per use.
LUNAR UPGRADE - Upgrades Archers into Lunar Archers, permanently increasing their hit points by 100 and damage by 3. Lunar Archers also have access to the Moon Arrows ability, which allows them to deal area-of-effect damage to enemy units. Hippogryph Riders also benefit from the additional damage and Moon Arrows ability.
SWIFTNESS OF ELUNE - Grants Sentries with the Swiftness of Elune ability, which increases the attack and movement speed of a single-target friendly unit for 45 seconds. This ability is auto-cast.
ETHEREAL FORM - Allows Faerie Dragons to transition in and out of ethereal form. Ethereal units are immune to physical damage but cannot attack.
FURBOLG SHAMAN ADEPT/MASTER TRAINING - Increases Furbolg Shamans' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and grants them Lightning Shield/Healing Wave.
PERMANENT INVISIBILITY - Permanently upgrades Stalkers to be invisible. However, Stalkers will break their invisibility while engaged in combat.
BLINK - Grants Jailors with the ability to move in and out of combat at the cost of mana.

Other Changes
- Huntresses now start off with the Moon Glaive upgrade automatically
- Glaive Throwers have a new skin and icon
- The Marksmanship upgrade for Archers has been removed in favor for the Lunar Upgrade
- Mountain Giants now start off with Resistant Skin automatically upgraded

Legendary Items

Find all 8 legendary items while playing Malfurion's Quest v1.4b in Hard difficulty:

Gem of Power
Increases the mana capacity of the Hero by 200 and mana regeneration by 25% when worn.
Wand of Feedback
Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 10. The Hero's attacks also destroy 12 mana per hit against any unit, causing bonus damage equal to the mana destroyed.
Ancient Totem
Increases the Strength and Intelligence of the Hero by 6 when worn.
Shield of Darkness
Increases the Hero's armor by 5 when worn. Also reduces all piercing and magic damage dealt to the Hero by 33%.
Moon Orb
Increases nearby ranged units' damage by 10%. Also increases the Strength, Agility and Intelligence of the Hero by 5.
Sphere of Nature
Increases the hit points of the Hero by 300 and regeneration by 4 hit points per second.
Master Scepter of Healing
Grants the ability to heal a friendly unit for 400 hit points. Also increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 12.
Orb of the Void
Increases the Strength, Intelligence, and Agility of the Hero by 10, and blocks a spell from hitting the Hero every 40 seconds.


NOTE: This list of credits reflects only the resources used in Malfurion's Quest Version 1.4.1b.



STORY DEVELOPMENT: Turnro with FallenStar

Blizzard Entertainment
Ujimasa Hojo
Champara Bros

Blizzard Entertainment
Dan van Ohllus
Apheraz Lucent
Dan van Ohllus
Darkmoon Hero
Blood Raven
Raging Ent
The Panda

Blizzard Entertainment - WORLD OF WARCRAFT, STARCRAFT 2
Jo Blankenburg - GARADORS FLIGHT
Soundcritters - DARK TIDES
Ian Livingston - BIONICLE HEROES
Mikolai Stroinski - TESHAM MUTNA
Henry Beckett and Keith Zizza - ZEUS: MASTER OF OLYMPUS
Nick Phoenix - THE LAST STAND


Paladon – Malfurion’s Lifesurge spell
NFWar – Kath’ranis’ Crystallization spell
Maker – Illidan’s Fel Rush spell
Chenralstrasz – Original logo design


Like Malfurion's Quest? Donate above and help support me to continue making this massive project
There is, but nothing major to announce yet. An update on development will be released soon.
Hey!!! Great campaign. I am at chapter 7 on hard got all legendary items i ve spend 3 days of game to reach here and farn heroes to max lvl. 3 questions, at the final at champer 2 i can choose only to consume the fountain.. Its a bug.. Or..? I vestarted on normal. And there is no option, also when i clicm on campaign it says it has 19 maps, 10 an 9 intelogues with prologue and epilogue. Do i need to finish highborn campaign before sentinel? Help. I am playing on V1. 31.4. Thank you fir support.. Great campaign. By the way today i ve created my account... Here, excuse my english. 3rd language speaker. By the way Velinde s aura doesn t reduce the physical damage. Only magic.
Level 64
Feb 14, 2018
Hey!!! Great campaign. I am at chapter 7 on hard got all legendary items i ve spend 3 days of game to reach here and farn heroes to max lvl. 3 questions, at the final at champer 2 i can choose only to consume the fountain.. Its a bug.. Or..? I vestarted on normal. And there is no option, also when i clicm on campaign it says it has 19 maps, 10 an 9 intelogues with prologue and epilogue. Do i need to finish highborn campaign before sentinel? Help. I am playing on V1. 31.4. Thank you fir support.. Great campaign. By the way today i ve created my account... Here, excuse my english. 3rd language speaker. By the way Velinde s aura doesn t reduce the physical damage. Only magic.
In chapter 2 you can only choose one because The Sentinel path is under development. For now you can only play Highborne path, I hope this helps you.
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Hey guys!

For the past several months, I have been busy planning out the story and missions for the Sentinel story-line. Today, I am happy to announce that the planning stage has been completed and am now commencing development of the maps!

This process involves both creating new maps and revising the existing ones to add additional story elements and gameplay improvements. You can always check out which maps are being worked on by checking out the Development Process section on the Malfurion's Quest Official Forum.

I am excited about working on the maps once more, and look forward to to sharing the final outcome once Malfurion's Quest has been completed. Until then, stay tuned :)
Level 4
Apr 22, 2020
Hey guys!

For the past several months, I have been busy planning out the story and missions for the Sentinel story-line. Today, I am happy to announce that the planning stage has been completed and am now commencing development of the maps!

This process involves both creating new maps and revising the existing ones to add additional story elements and gameplay improvements. You can always check out which maps are being worked on by checking out the Development Process section on the Malfurion's Quest Official Forum.

I am excited about working on the maps once more, and look forward to to sharing the final outcome once Malfurion's Quest has been completed. Until then, stay tuned :)
Nice nice nice nice!! Let it come
. Maybe will you update the revenge of the scourge.. I guess, the dreadlords spells maybe and some legendary items would be nice. By the way, i think you work hard enough for making it up with those campaigns
Level 3
Oct 17, 2019
Greetings, Turnro!

Will there be any changes in the Highborne storyline as well, in the 2.0 release? Also, I would like to suggest to keep the item drops from creeps constant, and not random (something I already mentioned in my previous comments) as you did in 1.2b version (the last version in which Sentinel path was partially available), or some other campaigns, such as Shadows of Hatred (great campaign btw), since there are various ways that players want to "build up" their hero to make them more effective for their playing style. For example, I like to pump my hero with stats, so I choose to keep in the inventory items that boost main atribute of a hero or damage, as well as getting stat-boosting tomes that creeps drop upon death, to make my hero as strong as possible. Others, however, like to pump their hero's inventory with scrolls or potions, so that they can support their army better in battle with healing/damage boost/mana regeneration/armor boost etc.

If you enable that, then the player won't have to save before the creep fight and load it again and again until he gets the item from the creep that he needs to improve his hero, which could also save some time in playing the campaign.

Also, looking forward to see the final version of this amazing series of campaigns!
Level 4
Jun 9, 2017
Hello Turnro!

I was just wondering if you wanted some help in testing the maps and stuff or any type of help from the community i'm sure lots of people would love to help you finish this beautiful campaign and contribute in anyway of course
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Will there be any changes in the Highborne storyline as well, in the 2.0 release? Also, I would like to suggest to keep the item drops from creeps constant, and not random (something I already mentioned in my previous comments) as you did in 1.2b version (the last version in which Sentinel path was partially available), or some other campaigns, such as Shadows of Hatred (great campaign btw), since there are various ways that players want to "build up" their hero to make them more effective for their playing style. For example, I like to pump my hero with stats, so I choose to keep in the inventory items that boost main atribute of a hero or damage, as well as getting stat-boosting tomes that creeps drop upon death, to make my hero as strong as possible. Others, however, like to pump their hero's inventory with scrolls or potions, so that they can support their army better in battle with healing/damage boost/mana regeneration/armor boost etc.

It depends what you mean by changes. For the most part, the Highborne story-line is essentially finished and has no need for any major changes. In addition, I'm too focused at the moment on the Sentinel story-line to announce anything else at this stage.

You should know that the intention of the various item drops was to add more variety to the campaign through each play-through. As the most powerful items you get are from optional quests and finding legendary items, there shouldn't be any particular items that drop from creeps that you feel the need to load/save constantly. Making the drop rates consistent is a possibility, although be aware that this will also result in removing a lot of items from the game.

I was just wondering if you wanted some help in testing the maps and stuff or any type of help from the community i'm sure lots of people would love to help you finish this beautiful campaign and contribute in anyway of course

The issue with allowing people to test campaigns before they are released publicly is that it will reveal story spoilers. If the map(s) being developed were for multi-player, then early testing would be a possibility.

In saying that, there will be other areas that people will be able to help with at a later stage if they want to. An example is creating custom models, although this is not needed at this stage of development yet.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
I remember seeing someone talking about Mal Quest becoming a coop adventure sometime in the future. I forget who said it (either fallenstar or turnro I think), but hopefully this will become a reality someday.
Level 4
Jun 9, 2017
Will the campaign be available for other versions of warcraft (not talking about refunded of course) like for example compatible with 1.31 and 1.30 and 1.29 etc. etc.
Level 3
Oct 17, 2019
It depends what you mean by changes. For the most part, the Highborne story-line is essentially finished and has no need for any major changes. In addition, I'm too focused at the moment on the Sentinel story-line to announce anything else at this stage.

You should know that the intention of the various item drops was to add more variety to the campaign through each play-through. As the most powerful items you get are from optional quests and finding legendary items, there shouldn't be any particular items that drop from creeps that you feel the need to load/save constantly. Making the drop rates consistent is a possibility, although be aware that this will also result in removing a lot of items from the game.

The issue with allowing people to test campaigns before they are released publicly is that it will reveal story spoilers. If the map(s) being developed were for multi-player, then early testing would be a possibility.

In saying that, there will be other areas that people will be able to help with at a later stage if they want to. An example is creating custom models, although this is not needed at this stage of development yet.

I mean all non-plot segments: units, buildings, techtree, upgrades, items, creeps, enemies. Refining or adjusting any of those. The plot itself is really interesting and we all are hoping to see its counterpart, the Sentinel story. Also, will there be Velinde in the Sentinel path? As a playable character, like she is in Highborne path? Also, in chapter 3 of the Sentinel path (1.2b version) you get only one master-ranked Druid of the Claw, and you can't produce any further, leaving you with only Sentries as melee units, which are too fragile for both enemy heroes and their superiorly upgraded army. Will there be any changes in this part, as well? I suggest allowing to train more Druids of the Claw, since your opponents are both Illidan and Kath'ranis, which alone can deal serious damage to your army. I'm also looking forward to see all protagonist heroes in action - Malfurion, Tyrande, Cenarius, Faradrella, and even Velinde, Ordanus and Remulos (with last two as well as Cenarius being non-playable heroes). Hm.... now to think of it... Cenarius & Malfurion vs Kil'jaeden sounds like an entertaining matchup :)
Level 4
Apr 30, 2020
I mean all non-plot segments: units, buildings, techtree, upgrades, items, creeps, enemies. Refining or adjusting any of those. The plot itself is really interesting and we all are hoping to see its counterpart, the Sentinel story. Also, will there be Velinde in the Sentinel path? As a playable character, like she is in Highborne path? Also, in chapter 3 of the Sentinel path (1.2b version) you get only one master-ranked Druid of the Claw, and you can't produce any further, leaving you with only Sentries as melee units, which are too fragile for both enemy heroes and their superiorly upgraded army. Will there be any changes in this part, as well? I suggest allowing to train more Druids of the Claw, since your opponents are both Illidan and Kath'ranis, which alone can deal serious damage to your army. I'm also looking forward to see all protagonist heroes in action - Malfurion, Tyrande, Cenarius, Faradrella, and even Velinde, Ordanus and Remulos (with last two as well as Cenarius being non-playable heroes). Hm.... now to think of it... Cenarius & Malfurion vs Kil'jaeden sounds like an entertaining matchup :)
I'd love to see Velinde as a playable hero with her original abilities while she was fighting Malfurion in chapter 5 she was awesome
Level 4
Apr 30, 2020
It seems that Cenarius is too powerful to be considered as a character to be played over with for a short period at least next to Malfurion,:goblin_cry: I actually prefer Cenarius more than Malfurion somewhat because he is more experienced and older certainly for sure that even he is the protector of Azeroth for a very long time.:goblin_boom: I hope he will have a great role in the story in order to show off hehe :D
Level 3
Jun 26, 2016
Thx Pussycat, but it is the 5th legendary item, I thought not the Orb of the Void. It's the moon orb of tragic farewell map.......
Level 11
Jul 29, 2014
Thx Pussycat, but it is the 5th legendary item, I thought not the Orb of the Void. It's the moon orb of tragic farewell map.......
If I remember correctly, there were three keys that opens the huge gate that has the legendary item (and maybe some tomes). I suggest you make three free slots in your inventory, than go search through the map for those keys. The combined keys all together opens the gate. Two keys are at the gates not far from the great gate that contains the legendary item. Sorry if I'm mistaken, since I've played the campaign a year ago, so I don't remember everything exactly.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Thx Pussycat, but it is the 5th legendary item, I thought not the Orb of the Void. It's the moon orb of tragic farewell map.......
Iirc, you won't find any Legendary Items in Tragic Farewell, Moon Orb is located in the next chapter War at Mount Hyjal.
After defiling the Guardian Fountain, don't go back, but keep heading north and you'll eventually find a way gate that will teleport you to an island with a fountain and some Wildkin. It's in one of the crates on that island.
Level 4
Apr 22, 2020
Helloooo!! I ve found a bug.. Velinde s ultimate is healing the same amount at both lvl 1 and 2. How is the campaign process going? When it will be released? This is the most waited campaign i guess.
Level 3
Mar 6, 2016
Hey guys!

For the past several months, I have been busy planning out the story and missions for the Sentinel story-line. Today, I am happy to announce that the planning stage has been completed and am now commencing development of the maps!

This process involves both creating new maps and revising the existing ones to add additional story elements and gameplay improvements. You can always check out which maps are being worked on by checking out the Development Process section on the Malfurion's Quest Official Forum.

I am excited about working on the maps once more, and look forward to to sharing the final outcome once Malfurion's Quest has been completed. Until then, stay tuned :)

Hi, Turnro, it's been a while. I'm happy to see that you are now working in the maps. Does that mean you have all for the Sentinel storyline?
I mean, the heroes, spell, abilities, units, missions and all. I just want to tell you about the Sentinel storyline, before was close in the 1.4 version.
- Have you finally found an exceptional ability for Malfurion? I remember it was transforming him into an Ancient, but I think it could be into an animal like the other druids, like in WoW, but if you're stick with Ancient, I don't mind.
- I know you took off Malfurion's aura because there's no need, due to the Furbolg's Barkskin spell, I'm wondering if he would have another aura, one that could be pacific or protective, for him and the rest of his allies, it could come from a legendary item or maybe a transformation.
- Cenarius' horn is obviously an important item in Malfurion's inventory but what it gives is not much helpfull. Since it's going to be permanently in his inventory, occuping one of the slots, I was thinking if you could give it more stats, similar to a legendary item or an artifact, in future chapters, probably when he is with Cenarius acomplishing an important test.
- Tyrande is OK but I wonder if you have something else for her in her abilities.
- Better check Faradrella's number of levels, last time I saw it was different form the number of abilities learned. Also, is it possible to give her another model? For me, she looks a lot like a dryad, I know she is daughter of Cenarius but can she be a little different? If is not, then OK.
- Please fix Jarod's Shout ability, it was showing Tyrande's Moon ability instead of silencing enemy spells and would you consider changing his first ability, I think it was a healing strike or something, to another simialr to a Shockwave but in straight line?
- Units are OK for me, but I suppose you have plans for them, 'new' ones, right?
- The legendary items, I know the first two will be the same and the other six will change. Can they be a bit more natural, suitable for the heroes? I'm saying it because of the storyline.
- For mission, make more side missions and a little bit harder and awesome item as rewards, if you can.
- For enemies, I saw you put a Satyr hero in the Highborne storyline. But in the Sentinel storyline, can you put other types of heroes, like a Forest Troll hero, a Murloc hero, a Spider hero and / or a Furbolg hero? That would be amazing and challenging.
- As for the Highborne storyline, you're not going to add something more in it, right?

Anyway, I'm hopping to see your amazing project / campaign finished to test it out. Is it going to be at the end of the year? Just kidding.
Don't rush and Good Luck.