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Making Heros for a Melee Map

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Level 4
Jan 22, 2005

Ill get straight to the point. I am getting pretty bored with the melee heros in the melee maps, so i decided to make my own new ones. I just finished making 2 new ones for each race I have a pretty bad problem though. Let me explain.

Notice, if you pick a Mountain King to be trained in a melee map, the Archmage, the BloodMage and the Pali all go grey, meaning you need the next tier to make another hero. NOW... Make a custom hero, add it to the list of heros in the alter. EG: Make a new custom hero. Now go to train the damn thing. You MAY notice the OTHER heros DO NOT go grey. This isn't what is supposed to happen. In a melee map, if you start to train a hero, the others DO go grey. How do i fix this?

If you can help me by telling me how to fix this problem, much credit will go to you. If you dont understand what my problem is, ill email you with a bit more detail.

Level 13
Dec 29, 2004
Super-Human said:

Ill get straight to the point. I am getting pretty bored with the melee heros in the melee maps, so i decided to make my own new ones. I just finished making 2 new ones for each race I have a pretty bad problem though. Let me explain.

Notice, if you pick a Mountain King to be trained in a melee map, the Archmage, the BloodMage and the Pali all go grey, meaning you need the next tier to make another hero. NOW... Make a custom hero, add it to the list of heros in the alter. EG: Make a new custom hero. Now go to train the damn thing. You MAY notice the OTHER heros DO NOT go grey. This isn't what is supposed to happen. In a melee map, if you start to train a hero, the others DO go grey. How do i fix this?

If you can help me by telling me how to fix this problem, much credit will go to you. If you dont understand what my problem is, ill email you with a bit more detail.


Maybe i will help you, but i'm not at my home right now so i cannot guide you pretty well.

First open your map with your WE. Do you know Gameplay Constant (where you can manipulate some data like "Hitpoints bonus per Strength Point")? You can find it at WE on Options Tab (CMIIW, I don't remember pretty well).

If you find it on that tab (let say X tab), try to find another option menu (not Gameplay Constant) at X tab, it says..... ouchh i forgot what it says, something like "Variable Constant" or "Initialization Constant".

If you find the right menu, you will find window poped-up looks like Gameplay Constant window. Then search variable on left column that says (Damn i forgot again) something like "Hero variable". If you find the row that i mean, on the right column there will be list of hero, that initialized with Archmage, Paladin, Blood Mage, etc. Edit that fields and add your new hero there. When you enter that edit fields there will be sentence that says ("Units in this list will be consider as a Hero").

If you do it right, your custom hero will consider as regular hero like paladin, mountain king, and any others.

Notice that, the hero list has limit about 25 heroes/units (i'm not sure). So there are already 16+Neutral hero for default.

OK, I hope you will find it. I will check my WE later.
Level 4
Jan 22, 2005
Thanks to both of you! I downloaded the demo map but it didn't run through all the stuff i needed, it got some of the job done. Thanks to Leopard i got the job finished off nicely! Thx to u both! BTW: i dont really care if you tell me this or not but i just wana know. How do i make a tool which imports my custom triggers, objects and gameplay constants? If u dont know then its ok but i just wana know how to make it.

Maybe i will help you, but i'm not at my home right now so i cannot guide you pretty well.

First open your map with your WE. Do you know Gameplay Constant (where you can manipulate some data like "Hitpoints bonus per Strength Point")? You can find it at WE on Options Tab (CMIIW, I don't remember pretty well).

If you find it on that tab (let say X tab), try to find another option menu (not Gameplay Constant) at X tab, it says..... ouchh i forgot what it says, something like "Variable Constant" or "Initialization Constant".

If you find the right menu, you will find window poped-up looks like Gameplay Constant window. Then search variable on left column that says (Damn i forgot again) something like "Hero variable". If you find the row that i mean, on the right column there will be list of hero, that initialized with Archmage, Paladin, Blood Mage, etc. Edit that fields and add your new hero there. When you enter that edit fields there will be sentence that says ("Units in this list will be consider as a Hero").

If you do it right, your custom hero will consider as regular hero like paladin, mountain king, and any others.

Notice that, the hero list has limit about 25 heroes/units (i'm not sure). So there are already 16+Neutral hero for default.

OK, I hope you will find it. I will check my WE later.


This is a common dilemma. You can, however, fool the game into treating your custom heroes like melee ones. I put a demo map together for this a while ago.

Let me link you:
Level 13
Dec 29, 2004
Hey you really done it? actually what i said before was wrong, sorry because i just try to remember and not test it. Here is the right one, i had tried it and it was successful. You don't need to fool the game by customize mountain king to become your custom hero.

Go to
Advance > Gameplay Constant

Change fields on Techtree - Dependency Equivalents - Hero by adding your new hero on the hero list. Actually it can hold up to about 50 hero.


Create your new hero and don't forget to modify this 3 fields:
Techtree - Requirements - Tier 2 > Modify with tier depend on its race (level 2 tier for its race)
Techtree - Requirements - Tier 3 > Modify with tier depend on its race (level 3 tier for its race)

Techtree - Requirements - Tiers Used > Modify integer with 3

Add this to your map initialization trigger (On Action):

Pick Every Player on All Player and do
Set Limit Training of Unit type of (your custom Hero) to 1 for picked player

And save your map and try it. If you done right, if you train any hero on Altar, another heroes will become disabled and need for leve up tier.

If you want to import object data or trigger its very easy. Just go to "File > Export All Object Data.. " on Object editor window to export, and "File > Import All Object Data.. " on Object editor window to import.

For trigger it looks like same. Open Trigger Editor Window and go to "File > Export All Trigger.. " of "File > Import All Trigger.. "

Notice that, import from another file will override your current data.

But for gameplay constant, i don't really know about that.

So, are you wanna add me on credits :wink:
Level 4
Jan 22, 2005
actually alot of what you said was.. um.. crap lol.. but u did, however, mention something that wasn't in the demo map and for that, u each can have 20% credit each, if that makes sense. But before i can do anything with the new heros i need to know how to make tools!!! argh!!! what program do i use to make a tool! :D thx guys u rock
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