Usually, people would only hide
passive abilities, because you can't really control it, because it's passive.
But this Purge, it seems like an Active ability, is it?
If the ability is based from Channel, it's easier as you can untick the "Visible" field in the
Data - Options and it will hide from the unit's UI but you still can order it via triggers.
Well, if the ability is not based from Channel, you can use dummy unit to cast.
But you have to perform check of mana, cast range, etc by yourselves (triggers).
My suggestion is that you based it off of Channel, and order the dummy to cast Purge.
The trigger function you should use is: Unit - Issue Order Targeting A Unit
In the Channel field:
Data - Base Order ID: change it to any target-based order string such as "thunderbolt"
Now we know that "thunderbolt" is Order String from
Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt, therefore you should order the caster this;
Unit - Order Caster to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt Target
This will order the Caster to cast Channel ability (that is based from thunderbolt (Storm Bolt string)).
And this event will trigger the dummy to cast Purge, that's it.