Make unit go back to where it is created after casting a spell

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Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
So it works this way A unit is created at Building A's position, the created unit then would cast a target spell on Building B(placed somewhere on the map)..
What I need help for is this>how do I make the created unit cast the same spell on Building A right after casting it on Building B.I need it to be MPI MUI
Level 8
Jan 8, 2010
you can create a dummy unit near Building A and add the ability used by the created unit and make the dummy unit cast it on Building A. if you want your unit to go back to the position of Building A you can just move it.

first i thought about resetting cooldowns but if the created unit has another spell on cooldown it will reset both the spells casted and the other spell, and this requires the cast range of your spell to be large (if ever your created unit is far from Building A).
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Thing is I want the same unit to cast the spell on building A because after doing so it would be removed from the game + another trigger associated with the action of it casting the spell on building A.
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