I was a bit scared if this map would have any content as its only 79kb in file size. Well it didnt have much, and as I was prepared I wasnt that much disappointed.
-Basic blizzard spells stuffed on different spellbooks named 'light', 'darkness' etc. etc.
-With the amount of mana your hero has, you can cast about two spells. The mana regen rate is very very slow. I'd have to wait maybe 3-5 minutes before I was full mana again, and then I could cast two generic blizzard spells again. There was no healing/mana fountains. Great...
-Though when you went to get a different element, it restored your mana. So yea, the game: Cast two spells, run back to the base to get an element again, cast another two spells and so on.
-I didnt check every spell, but none of the spells seemed to target heroes. Example carrion swarm, you would expect that to damage heroes, but it didnt. So there were (in a full house game) 10 mages standing around, once in a while someone casted carrion swarm or finger of death. Not all figured out the 'get element again to restore your mana' -trick so they were just standing around cursing the map.
-One carrion swarm was enough to wipe all the creeps that spawned for the two teams. So the game wasnt going anywhere as one player could sweep the battlefield clean.
-There were upgrades, I finally had the 2000 gold and I went to upgrade darkness. It raised the creeps damage by 2 making no difference what so ever to the gameplay.... At that point my head exploded. This map is one of the worst I've played. Thanks for teaching me something though, I will never play maps with file size below 100kb ever again.