initial gold 25, just started barricade mazing and summon sheeps, at first it is quite smoothly played, and the income beats the tower damage soon.
I set the 2500 initial gold command, just spam wars.
What you're saying is people who know how to defend well, can prevent the sheep spam.
However, most line tower players are beginners, some realised fast they would only spam sheeps for income, some might even be slow that they don't know where to summon and only build towers.
build tower = low income
spam spawning sheep = lots of income and most likely winning the game.
I just played a few games, initial gold 25, the income rate is too fast towers are unable to handle tier 2 mobs. I had like a whole maze of cannon tower level 4 and level 5, that cost a hell lot, and can't even kill trolls fast unit costing 4k, however my tower cost like
1k to tier 4, 10k to upgrade to tier 5 tower.
and what tier 5 tower do is they barely kill tier 2 mobs,
it cost 4k to summon a troll, which surely can run pass a small maze of 30 tier 4 towers.
and a 4k troll beats a 30k maze, isn't that very amusing.
Bug command :
in load screen it says -lives x.
start game choosing mode it says -life x to set initial life to x,
actual command is -lives x
start game choosing mode it says -transferlifes or -tl
actual command is -transferlives or -tl
start game choosing mode it says -enablecmd or -ec,
actual command is -enableorders or -eo
start game choosing mode it says -noattacker or -ns
actual command -noattackers or -ns
-food x should be within 50-200
type -food 1000 and it gives 200 food limit.
Suggestion for improvement.
*To make the game at least a little playable, players shouldn't enable the mode -ts, it just make the players keep summoning.
*Build tower should be instantly build finish.
*Magic towers should have autocast fireball ability, to turn casting fireball on/off, initial to be on.
*Make button for host to choose mode, the buttons including all the modes and a -ready button
*Random Spawn should be spawning randomly to different players instead of randoming all the mobs to go to the same player.
It isn't a tactical game just by spamming. thus, shall lower the rating to 3.
Haven't reached tier 3 mobs at all.
tier 2 20k cost mob can barely use them before winning game.(Because tier 4 towers cost 1k, and that amount cost of mob can just run through maze easily.
The game is too unbalanced.
You should consider balancing the game before making AI, or perhaps calling it Spam tower war(AI).w3x
this was very experimental and the creeps should have been balanced so that the no-cooldown feature shouldn't be that rough to the balance.
Experimental? Try creating the map and play with the public.
build a quick barricade maze with 1 attacking tower at start.
spam all the income and you will enjoy the smooth game play at start.
Try to be able to play up to a time that you can summon a tier 3 mob,
and if you could, convince yourself the map is experimental.
I put in a lot of effort in replying to you because I've tested it a lot of time and what other gamers replied is,
Gamer said:
Why did the my own summoned mob come to my own lane and is not randomizing?
Gamer said:
what kind of bullsh*t game this is, I haven't even started building and i died.
Gamer said: