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Loyalty 1.14%

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Reactions: Bel_Orc
Yuu Presents

Loyalty 1.14%
Created by Yuu

Official website : playloyalty.weebly.com

Map Info

Loyalty is an all new game which is unlike any others. We offer many unique and interesting gameplay elements that hopefully can please even the most hardcore gamers. Play the way you'd like to with our never-ever-seen Dynamic Faction, which allows you to switch to another force and possibly win the game. No more being bullied just because you are up against a whole team of players, the game is balanced for everyone.


Loyalty revolves around the war between 4 factions, 3 alliable (The Alliance, The Horde, The Sentinel) and 1 non-alliable (The Scourge). Your objective in the game is to :

  1. Choose one of the three factions to join initially. The decision can be changed at any time.
  2. Eliminate the other 3 factions to win the war.


  • Unique heroes and abilities : Ever seen a hero relying on the terrain and weather to adapt its playstyle or the work of steering directions for a swarm of bad breath? You will see it here along with many other surprises.
  • Dynamic Faction : You have played a team-based game or a solo-based game before, but how about a mix of them ? The choice is yours to be alone or with others, and we ensure the game to be balanced for everyone.
  • Four opposing forces: Beyond the usual Good versus Evil motive that forces you to follow, in Loyalty, you are what you are, either a hero or a betrayer hated by everyone.
  • Robust Shop System : Just take a look, you will see just how friendly and interesting our shop system is, which allows both newbies and pros to take advantage of it.
  • Stealthy Actions : Hiding, Sneaking, Assassinating. Self-explanatory !
  • And many others: It would take us a decade to list all things that could interest you in Loyalty. Just take a look at the game, we are confident that you'd love it.

How to play

  1. Choose a hero from the taverns.
  2. Choose a faction of choice and join them by going to their perspective Altar.
  3. Defend your base while trying to make as much gold as you can.
  4. Fight with enemies from other factions to win the possession of Spirits (the main source of New Abilities).
  5. Collect treasures and loots and sell them to Ragea/Blizzardia/Galea Shops to unlock more powerful items.
  6. Switch faction if your base is in danger and you favor survival over honor.
  7. Push enemies' bases and eliminate all 3 of them to win the war.

Screenshots and Videos

Behind the enemy base, a waterfall


A Stealth Spot
No outsider can see you hiding in here.


On the cliff
Scouting from above gives an advantage over map controlling.


Destroying enemies' bases is the objective of the game, but don't die before you succeed.


Hidden Base
The top secret of the game, the place even the Scourge cannot touch.


Ally Base
The Sentinel base, just a little peace.


To the battle !
Defeat your enemies, protect your base.


Change Log:

Please visit the official site for the full changelog : http://playloyalty.weebly.com/changelog.html


Special Thanks
  • Vermin_Star (Loading screen art)
  • Bribe
  • Jazztastic
  • Paladon
  • G A T E

Author's notes

If you like the game and want to contribute to make it better, we encourage you to send an email to the map's author : [email protected]. Be it a suggestion, a question or even a complaint, we are sure to love to hear from you.

aos, custom, dota, dynamic, faction, loyalty, map, yuu

Loyalty 1.14% (Map)

Orcnet [16:12, Dec/09/2012] "Approved"
Level 6
May 4, 2012

~> The heroes are epic and it is very nice to use! Although I suggest that you increase the duration of some weather to make it more awesome.
~> The force/team system is nice, though my friend keeps betraying me! xD
Level 4
Sep 6, 2012

~> The heroes are epic and it is very nice to use! Although I suggest that you increase the duration of some weather to make it more awesome.
~> The force/team system is nice, though my friend keeps betraying me! xD

The weather isn't just there for the visuals, as you play more you'll see they actually affect the gameplay. In the future, I will try to add more of them to vary the experience ! Thank you for the feedback !

I hope you and your friends enjoy the game just as much as me !
Level 2
Dec 7, 2012
Doesn't seem to be balanced. When I played a test game as the only player, the Horde were wiped out without me pushing them at all, and the Sentinels then wiped out the Alliance despite me being on the Alliance and pushing against the Sentinel waves as hard as I could. I know you can switch sides but I would expect the minions to reach an equilibrium if I don't interfere.

Other than that, I loved the randomised weather, and having to choose between going after neutrals for items, trying to get spirits and pushing the waves could make for a very interesting game. Actually, I did also find that the ranged creeps especially tended to attack the minion waves as they left the bottom right of the alliance base, making the minions kill them and leaving lots of free items on the floor.
Level 4
Sep 6, 2012
Hi xm85d.2,

Actually the factions were balanced in an asymmetric method, and the process of creeps/minions finding ways to push has a factor of randomness based on the situation, that's why at times you'll see one faction stronger than the others and some other times it's the opposite.

If there is something so unbalanced that it could break the game, please be assured that it will be fixed very soon. We are trying our best to make the game fair and fun for everyone. :) Please continue to send us your suggestions or bug reports, we'll try to look into the problems and improve them as soon as possible for you. Thank you for contributing to Loyalty !
Level 3
Jan 10, 2012
Gameplay seems a bit too slow, and the loyalties and betrayals dont happen until after the scourge gets beaten up and bases are getting pushed.
I would suggest maybe an RPG feel to it, or more possibilities of being a neutral hero.
Also more bosses ranging from so-so med creeps to huge giants, etc.
And maybe wandering merchants or randomized treasures?
And catastrophic events that can change one side's chances of winning.
IDK just throwing some ideas around.
Level 5
Aug 30, 2010
the executioner is op lol it keeps silencin passively on aoe without atacking o_O even tho the skill states that you must atack.
the orbs for leveling the skills spawn too slow on 1vs1.
selling items from your own shop counts as "loot" unlocking items on the stat shop.
dam frost orb is really good? my friend was harrasing me from range and couldnt do anything because i was slowed to death.
also weird boots for int based heroes o_O giving atack.
Level 4
Sep 6, 2012
the executioner is op lol it keeps silencin passively on aoe without atacking o_O even tho the skill states that you must atack.
the orbs for leveling the skills spawn too slow on 1vs1.
selling items from your own shop counts as "loot" unlocking items on the stat shop.
dam frost orb is really good? my friend was harrasing me from range and couldnt do anything because i was slowed to death.
also weird boots for int based heroes o_O giving atack.

Since you were playing 1v1 it cannot be avoided that winning or losing heavily depends on your items. I think if you can gather more friends to play, the game will become more strategic and fun.

Other than that, anything which is not stated in the description (ability, item...) which keeps happening can be considered a bug. We'll look into the Executioner problem you mentioned and see if it's really a bug or not.

And surely, you can buy items from the General Shop to unlock items in Special Shops. That's our intention and not a bug ! :grin:

Update: @Railto: Can you send us a video of the bug with Executioner you mentioned ? We've tried to test with him again but found no problems so far. I think we could support you better if there's any traces for us to look into. Thank you again !
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