[Need Info] Lower vision height of Xel Naga Tower

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Level 2
Apr 16, 2015
As the title say...

How do I lower it? I've been trying on my own for hours now. I just can't find it.

I don't want the dummies to give me vision all over the place and on top of cliffs and stuff... Just in the same vision hight as it is built on.

Thank you!
Level 2
Apr 16, 2015
It worked like a charm! You're a hero! :D

A follow-up:
How do I give my walls the Xel Naga effect?
My solution until now has been to create invisible dummy Xel Naga copies using triggers. But now it turned out that they only spawn on one side on the walls. So that's not so great when you have walls for all directions. It means that you can only look in one direction.
And no one likes one direction.
Level 2
Apr 16, 2015
Oh, that would be the Xel Naga towers sight sharing ability.

Walls have zero vision range.
They also block vision.
Except whenever another unit gets very close, then the vision of the walls needs to increase.

The problem now is that the invisible Xel Naga towers spawn on the wrong side, and are just in the way if you want to stand on the "wrong" side of the wall. They collide with units that is.

Maybe a better solution would be to spawn two Xel Naga towers and make units able to walk on their footprints? How do I do that last thing?
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