[Same Content as Other Skin]
I was totally just talking about the surprising lack of Headless Horseman models here at the Hive. Can't remember where, but I'll take a cheery sense of pseudo-pride that that might have inspired you. xD
In which case, I'm really grateful that you didn't just erase the head; you actually modified the whole texture in a really pleasing manner; it's truly a dark, shadowy 'Knight' with evil glowing eyes. I love it.
Perhaps the only thing I'd do is look for a custom model with the guys' head detached & crooked in his arm. I know you don't do that, just thinking out loud. But for skins, this is great.
[New Stuff]
Even cooler that you made it a Hero. I was totally thinking about a "Possessed Human Commander"-type hero for a Forsaken race... And while I would probably re-import the head back, I love that armor, shield, axe... Ahhh.
Good stuff!