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[Defense / Survival] Lord of the Rings: The Defense of Minas Tirith

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Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
Lord of the Rings: The defense of Minas Tirith


Inspiration: This is an hero defense based on the movies and the books of LotR from the writter JRR Tolkien.
The 12 playable characters are from the Lotr storyline, everyone have unique skills, every skill is part of the characteristic of the character in the book or in the movie, like gandalf's eagles and theoden's riders.

About: The story of the map is a pass through the third movie "The Return of the King" to defend the white city: Minas Tirith from the evil forces of Sauron and then make an assault to the black gates of Mordor so Frodo can enter in the Mount of Doom and destroy the One Ring, finishing the Sauron's Fountain of Power and destroying the dark lord.
-> All the heroes and villains has it own skin or model.
-> Defend the White city : Minas Tirith
-> Attack the black gates of mordor.
-> Damage system
-> Spell System
-> Respawn System
-> All the skills are freehand made and a lot of triggered skills.
-> A perfect and unique terrain of Gondor and Mordor based on the maps, images and parts of the movie.
-> Many Items and recipes.
-> Unique storyline involving the characters with very cool cinematics.
-> Many bosses with unique skills.
-> Much more things to come...
-> Simple but very fun.


Minas Tirith


















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Level 3
Jun 24, 2013
Nice models

I'll admit I lol'd at 'The white tree' and it's the most black dead tree I've ever seen xD

How do you plan to do the combat? Like waves of enemies or more like a constant/endless flow?
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
Nice models

I'll admit I lol'd at 'The white tree' and it's the most black dead tree I've ever seen xD

How do you plan to do the combat? Like waves of enemies or more like a constant/endless flow?

Well the white tree part is because i dont have any dead white tree, so i did with what i got! lol xD
Well about the combat im thinking about mass of monsters come through the entrance (normal, medium orcs) and periodic waves (heavy, ranged orcs) with some encounters (boss battles some after a certain number of waves and others that you have to find through the map!!) and i was thinking that mb some orcs could use catapults you have to destroy that because they deal huge damage in area... and some orcs can infiltrate minas tirith through the walls like in the movie (but im thinking about how to do that... with terrain i have now...)
Anyway if you have more ideas i want to rear hehe ^^
Level 1
May 3, 2013
It can be an awesome one I must say. Maybe you can cut this map into a several parts? Every part will be about one or more heroes when they will be defending every single part of the city (like a road in front of Minas Tirith, a gate, the lowest part, first floor etc.). What about that? All in all a project sounds cool.:thumbs_up:
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Is something missing or is Minas Tirith going to have to survive without gates to prevent hostile units from coming in?

And as for the players will there be two teams or will all fight for Minas Tirith?
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
Is something missing or is Minas Tirith going to have to survive without gates to prevent hostile units from coming in?

And as for the players will there be two teams or will all fight for Minas Tirith?

Well minas tirith has it main gate but i will make a cinematic that show the gate being destroyed in the begining of the game, so after that, massive waves of enemys will come through the broken gate and some will jump through the walls with ladders like in the movie... so you have to defend Minas Tirith from the orcs, protecting the White Tree (if it got killed you lose the game...) like the prevision of galadriel in the second movie... ^^
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
In my map the first gate is already destroyed... and wont have more gates because more inside the city you will find the tavern (aura of mana), the blacksmith (weapon and mails armor), the tailor (cloths and leather armors), the alchemist (potions), the cooker (food and drinks), the enchanter (recipe of items), the warrior's guild (contract soldiers and upgrade them), the white tree (aura of heal and The main objective of the orcs...) The woodworker (barricades for strategy)...
So you have to go inside the city many times for this items and auras... but the best place to stay is in the entrance because if you got 2 or 3 tanker blocking the passage you wont be surrounded by orcs...
I like the look of all the units, and your doodads are also combined nicely, although frankly i think the city design is really lacking. It is too flat and square-ish and you can do much better.

My recommendation to you is:

Remove the pathing from all the doodads and make sure their facing is unrestricted. Then place the wall pieces in a nice big semi-circle to form the outer wall. This wall is the lower one, so you can go ahead and scale it down on the z axis (pg down is the button i believe). Then from there you do the inner wall, which is a bit taller, and raise the terrain behind it (i assume you know how, if not, check this link). You just need to raise one tile, then use the plateau tool to do the rest. Compare your terrain with references, if anything, you can make each plateau a tiny bit wider for gameplay purpouses.
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
I like the look of all the units, and your doodads are also combined nicely, although frankly i think the city design is really lacking. It is too flat and square-ish and you can do much better.

My recommendation to you is:

Remove the pathing from all the doodads and make sure their facing is unrestricted. Then place the wall pieces in a nice big semi-circle to form the outer wall. This wall is the lower one, so you can go ahead and scale it down on the z axis (pg down is the button i believe). Then from there you do the inner wall, which is a bit taller, and raise the terrain behind it (i assume you know how, if not, check this link). You just need to raise one tile, then use the plateau tool to do the rest. Compare your terrain with references, if anything, you can make each plateau a tiny bit wider for gameplay purpouses.

Thanks for your reply and man i know... just relax ^^... i already did that but in the screenshots doesnot show that... because you need a better angle to see that... and im still testing tiles, dooadads, units... the terrain would change a little in the future... ^^
Level 2
Sep 1, 2013
looks quite good so far, ive wanted a map like this for a long time.

- Gate needs to be more than just an archway
- You should put Osigiliath in as a midway point between mordor / minas tirith
- City looks a little lifeless, maybe add in some extra plants/trees etc.

Other than that keep up the great work :D
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
looks quite good so far, ive wanted a map like this for a long time.

- Gate needs to be more than just an archway
- You should put Osigiliath in as a midway point between mordor / minas tirith
- City looks a little lifeless, maybe add in some extra plants/trees etc.

Other than that keep up the great work :D

well about the gates i will do something... im just seeing what to do haha, i mean what model i will use and what effect... ^^

about the midway point... i cant because the map would be wrong... think about the map osigiliath is down in the river not in front of the black gates... and it is in front of minas morgul... so i need to do minas morgul too and my focus isnot that... but you will see one surprise that is close to minas morgul... and the map that i did is ok with the lotr map... just look the maps haha ^^

and about the city... minas tirith dont have trees... the vegetation is basically bushes... its a city in a mountain... but i will add more dooadads, units... (remember that in the screens i didnot put the vendors and the heroes...)
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
i had some time to work on the map... and i found some more models for the villains and for the city... Gimli finished some systems for me... and i will put some other's system in the game soon... so i can finish the boss battles and do the items (normal and recipe ones) :D
Looking great!

If you need help with anything, let me know. I can edit unit models (although I prefer not to make them from scratch, a lot more work than I'm willing to do these days), I can make some wicked attachments, I'm pretty good at making custom abilities, including triggered ones, also good at terraining, be it outdoors or indoors, designing trigger systems for just about anything (except encoding systems... I did once... never again...), and even doing whatever I can to make sound files incredibly tiny and easily importable, so that you can use things like voices, music, combat sounds and such without having to worry so much about the file size damage inflicted by them.

Anyway, if you want help with something, let me know, I'm sort of a handyman who can go around and do a lot of different things. I'm even okay with menial labor like cleaning up trigger leaks.
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
Looking great!

If you need help with anything, let me know. I can edit unit models (although I prefer not to make them from scratch, a lot more work than I'm willing to do these days), I can make some wicked attachments, I'm pretty good at making custom abilities, including triggered ones, also good at terraining, be it outdoors or indoors, designing trigger systems for just about anything (except encoding systems... I did once... never again...), and even doing whatever I can to make sound files incredibly tiny and easily importable, so that you can use things like voices, music, combat sounds and such without having to worry so much about the file size damage inflicted by them.

Anyway, if you want help with something, let me know, I'm sort of a handyman who can go around and do a lot of different things. I'm even okay with menial labor like cleaning up trigger leaks.

Hi man thanks for the reply and yes you can help me...
i need some skills triggered or not for Arwen and Eowin (skills based on their characterisctics on the movie or on the book, i tought that Arwen could use an magic that is a wave of water horses that deal damage in line or something like in the movie [when she is running from the Nazgul], have any magic that cure [like she did when saved Frodo], Eowin i thinked about having skills with shield and swords).
i'm out of ideas so if you can help me with idea of skills would be great, send them to me and we can discuss if we can use or not it.
(of course i dont like to make many skills that look like the skill of other heroes so try to be the most creative)... i need to finish eomer and boromir and this 2, so i can focus on the items and waves... and finally a beta version ^^
another thing you can help is with waves or boss battles... or doing items and recipes...

about the models we discuss that later... i think we can make some models look better or give better animation to them hehe ^^
Hi man thanks for the reply and yes you can help me...
i need some skills triggered or not for Arwen and Eowin (skills based on their characterisctics on the movie or on the book, i tought that Arwen could use an magic that is a wave of water horses that deal damage in line or something like in the movie [when she is running from the Nazgul], have any magic that cure [like she did when saved Frodo], Eowin i thinked about having skills with shield and swords).
i'm out of ideas so if you can help me with idea of skills would be great, send them to me and we can discuss if we can use or not it.
(of course i dont like to make many skills that look like the skill of other heroes so try to be the most creative)... i need to finish eomer and boromir and this 2, so i can focus on the items and waves... and finally a beta version ^^
another thing you can help is with waves or boss battles... or doing items and recipes...

about the models we discuss that later... i think we can make some models look better or give better animation to them hehe ^^

Sounds like a really good idea. Next time I feel like modeling, I'll see if I can whip something like that up.

As for animations, I prefer to avoid that. I'm using free programs: War3ModelEditor, Notepad, and vertexmodify. Doing animations with these is really annoying; I'd have to open it up in notepad and actually type in everything and just guess&check until it worked.
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
i can make that, but i don't have the horses

lol... so do i! XD
that's why i need help on that! hahaha
but maybe i can make the normal riderless knight transparent... and change it collour by trigger or do that on object editor to look like more blue and add some water effects would be nice...(i will do that on model editor later if you can do the skill for me!)
do something based on the level of the spell and on the int status of the caster hoho ^^
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
Sounds like a really good idea. Next time I feel like modeling, I'll see if I can whip something like that up.

As for animations, I prefer to avoid that. I'm using free programs: War3ModelEditor, Notepad, and vertexmodify. Doing animations with these is really annoying; I'd have to open it up in notepad and actually type in everything and just guess&check until it worked.

animations is just for better look... but the one's i got is good enough for a good game i think... but some animations would look better... like in the gandalf model his spell animation could be the move that Gandalf does when is fighting with Balrog and say "you shall not pass"
but i really need is help with items, recipes, balances, bug fixes, triggers... the new terrain is 70% i think... i need to finish the new mordor haha that will be amazing... i will show the new print soon!!!! ^^


Spell Reviewer
Level 25
Aug 27, 2013
lol... so do i! XD
that's why i need help on that! hahaha
but maybe i can make the normal riderless knight transparent... and change it collour by trigger or do that on object editor to look like more blue and add some water effects would be nice...(i will do that on model editor later if you can do the skill for me!)
do something based on the level of the spell and on the int status of the caster hoho ^^
well if you want that horse to move and deals damage to units in the line, then i can do it
Level 10
Feb 11, 2010
I haven't read this entire thread, but just snapping up some talk about horses, i can say that once made a riderless model for my High Elf Cavalry which was attached in its thread. You can find it here.

Just incase anyone needs it!

Wow amazing horse... :O
hey Rheyko could you make the skill and send to me?? :D
use that horse model that Fingolfin send and about the trigger make the horse a little more transparent and blue... and if you can make it to look like an wave like that image would be very very cool

thanks for the help people ^^
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