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[SD/Texturing] Looking for Red Shift's Bandit Mage

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Level 2
Jul 25, 2021
Hi fellow denizens of the hive!
I am looking for a skin from a former member whose account seems to have been deleted. A member and a great texture artist who went by the name: RedShift.
I am looking for Red Shift's Bandit Mage skin. I was using the skin in a map I am making but the map's data is corrupted and the file is lost.
After much searching I've found only this dead link to the skin.

If anyone still has this skin in their collection then kindly consider sending it to me privately. I will be much obliged.
Have a nice day 🙂
Level 35
Sep 17, 2010
That was the old bandit ringleader, I have that skin on my pc, sadly it is broken, and i won't be able to fix it until next month :C
Btw, if you used it on your map, shouldn't you have it on your computer?, also have you try to extract it with some of the deprotector programs?
Level 2
Jul 25, 2021
Btw, if you used it on your map, shouldn't you have it on your computer?, also have you try to extract it with some of the deprotector programs?
The reason I don't have a back-up of the files for this map on my PC is that I was using JNGP with an older patch-version (1.26).
As a lack of fore-sight I preferred to keep the files stored in the map itself as it felt more convenient and never made a back-up for the resources.
The reason for map's corruption is that it was stored in a USB flash drive which for some unknown reason corrupted itself. I have tried several solutions to uncorrupt the data on that drive but unfortunately most of the files in that drive have become unreadable. I have no option now but to start from scratch, beginning with getting the resources back in. I have found every other resource I had used in the project except this particular skin, which is deleted from the site.

That was the old bandit ringleader, I have that skin on my pc, sadly it is broken, and i won't be able to fix it until next month :C
I wish you good luck, hope you get your PC fixed my friend and do manage to find that skin for me. It is fine with me if takes a little while longer because in the meantime I can do the terraining and triggering and other stuff that needs to be done.

If anyone else comes across this thread and has the skin kindly do consider sending it to me.
Level 2
Jul 25, 2021
Might be worth asking @Archian since he judged that contest if he still has that texture since he might have downloaded it for the judging.
Thanks for the idea mate, I shall ask him promptly.:thumbs_up:

If you would be able to provide some picture, i could try to remake the skin.
Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. I will certainly consider it a secondary option incase I don't find the original one. 🙂 *fingers crossed
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