Looking for Class Ideas

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Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
I've been working on an unnamed project for awhile now but since coming here some new creative and idea doors have opened and I want to try and do some new things with it. I want to make my unannounced project interesting. So I would anyone who has had some interesting ideas / concepts to post some ruff drafts for interesting Hero Classes, be creative. If you could also provide a background summary like eg. Fast hero, treasure hunter, uses passive abilities and spell ideas would be great to. The classes should fit into a fantasy/adventure themed world.

The project is unannounced due to I don't wanna be the guy who starts a project and never does anything. Although its about 40% done, I don't want anyone stealing the idea and don't want to be chased up if I don't complete it. I hope you understand, but I'm just after alternate ideas for Hero Classes now, not recruiting anyone.



Level 2
Jan 9, 2008
It's hard to think imaginatively when it comes to spells when no genre is specified; I don't want to spew forth dozens of abilities that have little practical use in game. With that in mind, here's what I'm able to concoct at the moment. I'm not sure how you will balance the spells either, so I will just list short ideas for each.

Faceless Wanderer

Despite their exotic appearance, the Faceless were once members of the human race. Ambitious and arrogant, each and every Faceless challenged Abigor, an ancient deity, to a game of chance at one point in their lives. Blinded by the demigod's ability to exacerbate one's faults, they all lost their wagers as a result of exuberant overconfidence or large oversights. Abigor cared little for their coins of gold and silver; instead, he took the essences of his reckless contenders. Turned into mere shadows by the deity's dark magic, the Faceless have acquired curious powers through their transformation. Able to twist reality and confound their opponents, most Faceless desire one thing only: to reclaim their identity.


Confound: Covers the target enemy unit in a veil of darkness. Every time the Confounded unit strikes at another unit it has a chance of receiving part of the damage dealt. If the Confounded unit casts a spell, then it has a chance of being silenced for a short period of time.

Kaleidoscope: Disturbs the threads of reality that wrap around a target enemy unit, splitting it into a number of smaller, weaker replicas of the original. Each replica constitutes a fragment of the original unit's current hitpoints and attack damage and grants no resource bounty when defeated. After a short period of time, the replicas will coalesce into the original once again. The original unit's hitpoints will be equal to the sum of the hitpoints of its remaining replicas.

In order to make the mathematical calculations easier for Kaleidoscope, it is probably best to apply this spell for a maximum of ten replicas at the highest level.

Planeshift: Links the Faceless Wanderer to a target enemy unit, allowing the Hero to drain hitpoints from the target enemy unit. For the duration of the spell, both the Faceless Wanderer and the target enemy unit will become Ethereal, immune to physical damage but receiving bonus damage from spells and effects.

Marionette: The Faceless Wanderer grows Ethereal and invulnerable to all types of damage. Projecting his conscience against a target enemy unit, he is able to gain control of its physical body. The unit becomes darker in color and larger in size, gaining a bonus to its movement speed and attack rate. However, the Faceless Wanderer remains connected to his physical body. If the Marionette moves farther than a distance of 600 from the Faceless Wanderer, he will lose one hitpoint for every additional unit of distance between them. Additionally, the Faceless Wanderer will receive one-fourth of all damage dealt to his Marionette.

Given that the Faceless Wanderer is a spellcaster, it is convenient for him to use a stronger melee unit as a Marionette when he needs resilience. If this is a role-playing game, then it becomes even more interesting for the Faceless Wanderer to control units that are able to dish out strong party buffs or powerful spells.

I'll add more ideas to this post when they come to me.

Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
A genre was specified sorry, The classes should fit into a fantasy/adventure themed world.
These are good suggestions but the class roster will be fairly limited. All suggestions have been taken into account though. However none so far will be added as of yet.



Level 2
Jan 9, 2008
I was thinking more along the lines of specifying a map genre; it helps a lot when it comes to imagining spells, since it's always best to design a spell that's useful.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
{Insert hero name}
Iron Hammer Smithy

Ability possibilities
Forging of the Sword-
Forges a Sword, as level increases mineral used for sword, and sharpness of sword is increased for speed and damage. Always have a chance of making an impure sword, which crubles, probly 70/30 chance, 70 is the impure.
ex. Level 1- Dull iron sword Level 2- Sharp iron sword Level 3- Steel sword

Great skill, Great Wisdom-
Increases evasions percentage, magic resistance chance very low percentage, and slight increase in chance to create a non impure sword.

Forge's Heat-
A type of fire spell, that would have ember lie on the ground and units take damage whenever entering that, plus take damage over time if entered, but will go away eventually

Master Piece of Silver-
Creates a medallion that drops and destroyed on death, and can't be dropped. The medallion when used allows you to summon a mechanical beast made of silver, and while it is summoned, you can forge "A" silver lance but only 1 untill it is sold or destroyed.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Blood Mage (not like a blood elf, but someone that actually uses blood and life/death in their spells)
Terramancer (uses the earth)
Engineer (not to be confused with Machinesmith, uses lots of bombs and complicated gadgets, but not robots/vehicles like the Machinesmith)
Strategist/tactician (uses tactics to fight enemies, don't know how you would go about doing this :p)
Level 4
May 24, 2007
Blood Beserker
A destructive orc that was banished from The Horde due to the fact that he would kill orcs just for the feast.
His twisted thoughts and actions influence people around him. Corrupting them with his savage tactics, so they to, hunger for blood. He only enjoys the most goriest fights and loves seeing enemys suffer before him. He is now hired as a Mercenary for assination. He is paid in blood...

(Not the normal bloodlust)
Goes into a blood frenzy and increases the damage and attackspeed of the Beserker. But every time an enemy is killed by his blade, his bonus increases by an amount at the sight of the blood. Lasts 20 seconds (roughly)
Ravaging Impale
Impales the target foe with the beserkers blade and drinks the blood of the foe, thus increasing the damage to that target for further strikes. The foe is also stunned for 1 second.
Unstable Thirst
The thirst for blood is so unstable that every time he walks by an ally, there is a chance (5% maybe) that he will damage the ally and feed on the blood. Restoring alot of Health and increasing his armor for a short amount of time.
Ult Gory Beserk
The Beserker goes to no limits to see blood spill, so he stabs himself with his own sword and lets his corrupt blood spill. He then rotates his body for 7 seconds, splattering his corrupt blood on the foes around hm. Burning their skin for massive damage and lowering their movement speed.

Well there you have it. I know, it's morbid :wink:
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
This Map is not based in the Warcraft Universe and has no Orcs, Night Elves and Blood Elves in it.
Level 4
May 24, 2007
This Map is not based in the Warcraft Universe and has no Orcs, Night Elves and Blood Elves in it.

Wow, should have said that earlier.
Now ive wasted some of my time venting my thoughts into something useless
and not even knowing it.
And besides... you dont have to follow my specific guideline.
You could make it some unknown, twisted race with a wierd background and bizzare weapons.
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Level 2
Jan 9, 2008
Well, if your map is set in a fantastic world, then Orcs and Elves will probably find their way into it one way or another. Remember that Tolkien is one of the original pioneers of the genre, so most of the races he conceptualized are a standard component of the fantasy theme. Of course, how the interpreter goes about including them in the mix is a whole different story.

Now ive wasted some of my time typing up something useless

Thinking is never a waste of time.

Whatever the case may be, here's a class idea.

Well, if your map is set in a fantastic world, then Orcs and Elves will probably find their way into it one way or another. Remember that Tolkien is one of the original pioneers of the genre, so most of the races he conceptualized are a standard component of the fantasy theme. Of course, how the interpreter goes about including them in the mix is a whole different story.

Now ive wasted some of my time typing up something useless

Thinking is never a waste of time. With that in mind, here's a class idea.


The Great March was easily one of the greatest religious rallies ever to take place in the Kingdom. Eight-hundred churchmen strong, it swept the breadth of the land to uproot worship of the Primal Gods. This massive conversion effort was highly successful, uniting most of the Kingdom's population under the ruling theocracy's faith. Of course, the churchmen did not dare to cross the Second Threshold, one of the most dangerous mountain passes in the region. Circumventing it before continuing their journey, the clerics unwittingly left a small tribe untouched by their efforts. There, in the fortress-city of Tekal, the old ways continued to thrive.

The austere Tekal Runemasters are arguably the most powerful warriors to ever walk the Kingdom's lands. The Sages of Tekal select ten children of every generation to continue the line of the Runemasters. These children are placed under the tutelage of the previous Runemasters and follow ten years of rigorous physical training. They are then sent out into the world, instructed to return only after another ten years have passed. Upon their return, the Sages transfer the power of the tutor to the student, holding the line of the Runemasters true.

Every Runemaster carries with him the memories and experiences of all Runemasters before him. They possess formidable physical strength, but their spells inspire even greater awe. Channeling the spirits of the Primal Gods through totems and runes, they are able to call lightning to strike their foes or to split the ground beneath their enemies. Defenders of their city and of their people, the Runemasters are truly a fantastic sight to behold - and a terrible opponent to confront.


Inscribe Fire Rune - Noble Soul: Inscribes a rune on an allied or an enemy unit. If the rune is inscribed on a friendly unit, its attack rate and movement speed are enhanced and it regenerates additional hitpoints over time. If the rune is inscribed on an enemy unit, its attack rate and movement speed are decreased.

Inscribe Thunder Rune - Smite: Inscribes a rune on an enemy unit or a target location. If the target is a unit, it will be struck by lightning and receive damage. If the target is a location, lightning will strike the point and deal the same amount of damage divided by the number of units in the area of effect to every unit in its area of effect.

Plant Totem - Fury: Lays a totem at a target location, binding both the Runemaster and a nearby enemy unit to itself. The Runemaster will have his attack rate increased, whereas the enemy unit will lose hitpoints over time. If the enemy unit leaves the totem's area of effect, it will be dealt a large amount of damage.

Inscribe Primal Rune - Ancient Will: Inscribes a rune on the Runemaster, allowing him to transform into a massive giant for thirty seconds. In this state, the Runemaster has increased armor and hitpoints, and each of his attacks has a chance to cause the inscription on the unit that is the target of his attack.

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