Title: Hero Wars: Legacy
Players: 10
I am attempting to reboot the series of Hero Wars, which hasn't been active in the past 8 months do to the previous map maker, Farday left and never returned.
To accomplish this project I require
2-3 Triggers for the following tasks
- General Triggers
- GUI Spell Creation
- Script Writing
1 Photo Editor
- Loadscreen Creation
Currently we have a modeler, a terrainer, and a designer.
Players: 10
Hero Wars is one of the oldest maps on Warcraft III with a still-active community While the original was made by jumpyg1258 many years ago, the game has continued to evolve and develop through many different versions.
A game of Hero Wars (HW) begins by choosing or randoming a hero. The game is won by killing the enemy main base (originally called a Farm, now usually called an Altar/Base/etc). You do not necessarily have to kill all towers, or even push. The game is often won by what would be considered "back door" in DotA - and it's a perfectly acceptable way to win.
Hero Wars is a toming based game. Gold comes for your entire team whenever any enemy troop dies, and also periodically from Banks. Tomes are relatively cheap, but defenses can be made strong as well, thus giving it a semblance of balance. It is a fun game that typically lasts 30 - 50 minutes per game.
I am attempting to reboot the series of Hero Wars, which hasn't been active in the past 8 months do to the previous map maker, Farday left and never returned.
To accomplish this project I require
2-3 Triggers for the following tasks
- General Triggers
- GUI Spell Creation
- Script Writing
1 Photo Editor
- Loadscreen Creation
Currently we have a modeler, a terrainer, and a designer.
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