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Map Status: WIP

Instead of keeping everything in a document I'll just lose track of I'm going to keep all my development notes here for my map. I haven't actually settled on an official name yet but 'Life of a Farmer' will do for now. I am not finished typing out everything here but this will be a lot LONGER when I'm done summarizing everything in the game.

LOAF is a life simulation game focused on agricultural life. You can raise & breed animals, grow & harvest crops, cut down trees, construct buildings, and compete against other farmers. Your primary goal is to keep your farmers from starvation and to properly manage your natural resources. Everything grows, reproduces, and dies. The buildings are the kind you can actually go inside and which can serve multiple purposes depending on how you outfit it (storage, retail, etc.). You can sell anything and earn high scores. It is inspired by the Warcraft III maps Sheep Farmer 2, Real Life v1.1, and Farming Simulation Beta (FSB).

Players live in an ecology reminiscent of the Mixedwood plains (temperate forest and grassy plains, like in Southern Ontario). A plague has wiped out most of humanity and continues to keep the global population low, but it is not as much of a problem in rural areas with lower population density such as where our farmers reside. They are colonists who have moved into an area out in the wilderness to farm and be free of the plague. Modern technology is limited but still available at times. The goal of the game is to to survive, reproduce, and profit but there will be multiple game modes which determine various ways of winning. Random scenarios will also play a role.

Lists of Required Models
Red = High Priority, Lemon Chiffon = Done but Inadequate, Lime = Finished, Grey = Model Still Needed

Animal Models
• Rabbit
• Turkey
• Duck
• Goose
• Donkey
• Horse
• Peacock
Dog (I think Blizzard's model will do fine.)
• Cat​
-Any wild forest animal or farm animal not listed can be added upon request.

I can use male & female versions of each animal model and multiple skins are desirable too. SCII comes with a 'Sheep' model but to me it looks more like a mountain goat than a sheep & they all have horns which probably means they're all male (it would depend on the breed though). Animals that are used mainly for transport or companionship are less important than animals that are more often used for food but I want to have them in the game too.

List of Building Parts
• Wall
• Wall - Window
• Wall - Door
• Floor (doubles as a Flat Roof)
• Foundation
• Window
• Door
• Roof Part
• Roof - Corner
• Roof - Inward Corner​
The building parts are all rather simple models that don't need very many animations. They're nothing but rectangles, squares, cubes, and I guess triangles. If anyone has seen WindexGlow's models that he did for Warcraft III, that's what I have in mind. I don't need one model for each texture though as I can change that around ingame.

Wooden Split-Rail Fence
• Chicken-wire Fence
• Wrought-iron Fence
• Fence Gates (1 for all three fence-types)​
The split-rail fence is a very important model for my map.

• Any Deciduous Trees
• Any Evergreen Trees
• Any Temperate Fruit Trees​
The trees Blizzard provides suck and as you'll read further on I shall have a fairly awesome forest system that merits these models.

• Shovel
• Wood-Axe
• Pick-axe
• Chainsaw
• Stick
• Butcher Knife
• Any other agricultural implement.

• Bow
• Crossbow
• Shotgun
• Handgun
• Rifle
• Scoped Rifle
• Gatling Gun
• Assault Rifle
• Flame Thrower

Accessories / Inventory
• Grenade Belt
• Ammo Pouch
• Quiver
• Holster
• Backpack
• Bullet-proof Vest
• Any Clothing
• Any Headwear​
For weapons I just need a generic gun model for each weapon-type, like the Konstrukt Marine in Warcraft III had.

The Civilian models are fine but they need a lot more animations. If the clothing, hair, and skin-tone can be made to be any colour I want or maybe team colour clothing that would be better though. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to make them in their underwear and then attach clothing, but if it's too much to do I'll have to do without I guess.

List of Required Animations for Humans
I need the following animations for humans (all of the Konstrukt Marine animations + anything needed to use any attachment):
• Shoot (2-hands)
• Shoot (1-hand)
• Reload
• Run
• Punch
• Crouch
• Crawl
• Chop (as in, with an axe)
• Dig (as in, with a spade)​
I also need a planting animation (doubles as pick up item & a gather animation), a sitting animation (for inside vehicles, on chair/benches, etc.), and a sleeping animation.

Animals System

DarkSlateGray = Not Implemented Yet

The animals system includes mating, growing, various statistics & attributes, genders, gestation periods, genetics, and the food system.

Time modifiers can be applied to increase or decrease the speed at which units grow, reproduce, and mature.

An adult animal yields more meat than an immature one depending on size. Each species has a unique set of attributes. Humans can be bred too but are the slowest to mature and to birth. Cannibalism will probably be possible, but this will cause a shitstorm for the farmers who engage in it. The main way to supplement the ranks of your farmers will probably be by recruiting towns people who come to visit the stores n' such, or by recruiting them via internet/phone (this involves the recruiting system). A great many things can be bought (such as new animals, tools, seeds, etc.) and will be brought into town via horses, donkeys, or other beasts of burden or maybe trucks too.
*Reserved post for future expansion.*

I'm going to keep adding sections about each system in my map as I work on them. If anyone wants to know anything about any part of the map just ask and I'll elaborate on that part soon as I see your response. Any suggestions or feedback is welcome. I've been working on this for awhile already, so it's not just a concept, and I have quite a few things working already and add new scripts everyday.
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Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
This looks very promising... seems you know what you're doing and how that should be done.

I guess you'll immplement some kind of weather system, too - that would work great with farming, not to mention you could like add some more things then, like shall we say some equipment to predict what will be the weather (Like strong wind will indicate that storm is comming).
Weather System

This looks very promising... seems you know what you're doing and how that should be done.

I guess you'll immplement some kind of weather system, too - that would work great with farming, not to mention you could like add some more things then, like shall we say some equipment to predict what will be the weather (Like strong wind will indicate that storm is comming).

I probably will. I already have a calendar system (albeit currently based on a 360-day year) that keeps track of what month you're in. My main concern with implementing the weather system when I get around to it is figuring out what timescale it should work on and how it should affect everything ingame.

At default speed one day ingame is one second IRL. This can be multiplied by anywhere from 2x to 10x speed (so at maximum speed one day ingame is 0.10 seconds IRL). The weather system would have to operate independently of this timescale. I think I might make one rain-storm ingame the sum of all the rain (or rainy days) in a month or even a season. So taking into consideration "It is 94 days from the June solstice to the September equinox..." and that my setting is based on Ontario which is in the Northern Hemisphere, and assuming that say a minimum of 23 and a maximum of 78 of those days are rainy days (still haven't found the statistics for this), I might have it rain ingame for RandomInt(23, 78) seconds.

Rain would have the effect of accelerating plant growth. During really dry weather plant growth may be stunted. Having your farmers going around with a watering can would help the crops grow during a dry season.

Alright, but don't forget that during the rain, lightning can strike, so you should take some preventive measures so your buildings wouldn't get on fire (Great model for lightning rod, by my oppinion, would be one of Deadman's port towers/antennas).

For lightning I would pick a random point, create a circular region there, and have a random chance of hitting any point in there with higher spots having more weight (so a tower would have like a 98% chance of being hit in an empty field).
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008

For lightning I would pick a random point, create a circular region there, and have a random chance of hitting any point in there with higher spots having more weight (so a tower would have like a 98% chance of being hit in an empty field).

Nice idea...

Oh, so may I ask if you're like actually going to add both male and female animals? So does this mean there will be some sort of selective breeding? I mean, like there is a like 5-15% chance that when animal is born, he gets some some bonus to productivity or whatever else. But if both his parents have the buff already, the child will definetly have that buff. So like this way chickens bring more eggs, cows bring more milk, have a bit more HP and a bit faster movement speed.
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Sounds very nice, sc2 sure needs some "life of a", asap. Btw, are all players just farmers? Or will there be like authority, criminals, etc. Like in classic wc3 loap therare drug lord, police, or other overpowered factions.
Nice idea...

Oh, so may I ask if you're like actually going to add both male and female animals? So does this mean there will be some sort of selective breeding? I mean, like there is a like 5-15% chance that when animal is born, he gets some some bonus to productivity or whatever else. But if both his parents have the buff already, the child will definetly have that buff. So like this way chickens bring more eggs, cows bring more milk, have a bit more HP and a bit faster movement speed.

I have already added male & female animals. For sheep, I also currently add a slight pink or blue tint to the sheep based on gender. I assign all the unit data with the following line
void gf_AssignAttributeData (unit lp_unit, int lp_gender);
When I want there to be a 50/50 chance of an animal being either male or female I just call RandomInt(0, 1) in the gender parameter. Selective breeding would be possible and based on Mendelian genetics. However, I have not implemented genetics yet.

Sounds very nice, sc2 sure needs some "life of a", asap. Btw, are all players just farmers? Or will there be like authority, criminals, etc. Like in classic wc3 loap therare drug lord, police, or other overpowered factions.

There are no strictly defined roles that the players must fulfill. One could be a cashier, a store manager, a cook, a security guard, a warehouse manager, and other such professions or even a criminal based on what they do with their humans ingame. Nobody will be overpowered nor constrained in what they can do.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
No need to go complex with genetics, unless you're going for a full realism. I mean, some simple gameplay mechanics could be enough, like that " only10% probability if both parents don't have that buff".

So everyone will start equal at begining of the game, but as it always comes in capitalist society, some players will become more rich?
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