Lizardmen live as a nation that is broken up into hundreds tribes. Usually a tribe has around 50-150 Lizardmen (not including females and children), but some large tribes have had as many as 700 individuals. The tribes do not always live harmoniously, and wars between tribes are not uncommon. Tribes are headed by a Chieftain who serves both as a general and social leader. The Chieftain is usually the most seasoned male warrior, but the selection of Chieftains varies among tribes. Universally any tribesman has the right to challenge a Chieftain for his title, so more often than not, the Chief is more than just a proficient fighter.
My second hero for my ever growing Lizardman race. The concept for this model was based heavily off of the Warhammer Temple Guard, so hooray for the people who have been wanting to use my models for Warhammer maps. I hope you like it.
~1.01- Changed death sound, fixed Particles, added other shoulder pad, animated the tail a little bit to make it seem less "Stiff"
Chieftain, Lizardman, Blademaster, Temple, Guard, Lizard, Warhammer, O.O