Very nicely made olof moleman and jigreal!
looks: The dragonmodel itself is kind of unique, most dragons are about the same, this one is in my opinion a change to the old dragon image. Further the scales on the dragon are very impressive, for that alone you deserve notification in the list of best non-Blizzard modellers the universe of Warcraft has ever known to come.
I personally, however, like the undead skin a little more
but that's just because I'm a bit pro-evil if it's about games
usefulness: Any selfrespecting mapmaker should have little trouble finding a usefull role for this magnificant model in their maps. It could be used in midevil, magical, and even 20th-21th century theme maps. There are hardly any borders on it's usefullness. Next to that the looks of the dragon are so incredible that adding this piece of modelling work in your map will give you quiet a boost in people liking your map.
But, yes there is a but comming here.. like everyone knows, the model is very big, which limits the usefullness of the creature in maps. That should not be a big problem, but it is still a pitty.
Conclusion: This model is one of the best pieces of modelling I have ever seen, you keep surprising me Olof! Unthough your models got somekind of cartoony skin that might not be too realistic cause of the low shadow and shade work in it, it is still amazing that you can, by just seeing the model, see who made it.
And sorry for saying, but that's one of the most important criteria for a modeller to be brilliant. After all: in theory everybody can copy a work of Davinci, but making a piece of yourself with your own unique touch to it, is very rare.
And that, dear readers, makes all bad things about this model meaningless.
looks: 5/5
usefullness: 4/5
conclusion: 5/5