Deleted member 219079
Deleted member 219079
Currently I use this:
It lags the h*ll out of my system when looping it for 200 instances.
* IsTerrainWalkable snippet for estimating the walkability status of a co-ordinate pair, credits
* to Anitarf and Vexorian.
* API:
* boolean IsTerrainWalkable(real x, real y) - returns the walkability of (x,y)
library IsTerrainWalkable initializer init
// this value is how far from a point the item may end up for the point to be considered pathable
private constant real MAX_RANGE=10.
// the following two variables are set to the position of the item after each pathing check
// that way, if a point isn't pathable, these will be the coordinates of the nearest point that is
public real X=0.
public real Y=0.
private rect r
private item check
private item array hidden
private integer hiddenMax=0
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set check=CreateItem('ciri',0.,0.)
call SetItemVisible(check,false)
set r=Rect(0.0,0.0,128.0,128.0)
private function hideBothersomeItem takes nothing returns nothing
if IsItemVisible(GetEnumItem()) then
set hidden[hiddenMax]=GetEnumItem()
call SetItemVisible(hidden[hiddenMax],false)
set hiddenMax=hiddenMax+1
function IsTerrainWalkable takes real x, real y returns boolean
// first, hide any items in the area so they don't get in the way of our item
call MoveRectTo(r,x,y)
call EnumItemsInRect(r,null,function hideBothersomeItem)
// try to move the check item and get its coordinates
// this unhides the item...
call SetItemPosition(check,x,y)
set X=GetItemX(check)
set Y=GetItemY(check)
// we must hide it again
call SetItemVisible(check,false)
// before returning, unhide any items that got hidden at the start
exitwhen hiddenMax==0
set hiddenMax=hiddenMax-1
call SetItemVisible(hidden[hiddenMax],true)
// return pathability status
return (x-X)*(x-X)+(y-Y)*(y-Y)<MAX_RANGE*MAX_RANGE