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- Feb 11, 2011
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Hello guys,
I'm looking for a way to detect whether a point is walkable or not. I have this system:
However, it doesn't work for pathing blockers or doodads (such as trees). Can anyone advise me on a way that works? Or am I missing something?
I'm looking for a way to detect whether a point is walkable or not. I have this system:
library TerrainPathability initializer Init
//* BY: Rising_Dusk
//* This script can be used to detect the type of pathing at a specific point.
//* It is valuable to do it this way because the IsTerrainPathable is very
//* counterintuitive and returns in odd ways and aren't always as you would
//* expect. This library, however, facilitates detecting those things reliably
//* and easily.
//* > function IsTerrainDeepWater takes real x, real y returns boolean
//* > function IsTerrainShallowWater takes real x, real y returns boolean
//* > function IsTerrainLand takes real x, real y returns boolean
//* > function IsTerrainPlatform takes real x, real y returns boolean
//* > function IsTerrainWalkable takes real x, real y returns boolean
//* These functions return true if the given point is of the type specified
//* in the function's name and false if it is not. For the IsTerrainWalkable
//* function, the MAX_RANGE constant below is the maximum deviation range from
//* the supplied coordinates that will still return true.
//* The IsTerrainPlatform works for any preplaced walkable destructable. It will
//* return true over bridges, destructable ramps, elevators, and invisible
//* platforms. Walkable destructables created at runtime do not create the same
//* pathing hole as preplaced ones do, so this will return false for them. All
//* other functions except IsTerrainWalkable return false for platforms, because
//* the platform itself erases their pathing when the map is saved.
//* After calling IsTerrainWalkable(x, y), the following two global variables
//* gain meaning. They return the X and Y coordinates of the nearest walkable
//* point to the specified coordinates. These will only deviate from the
//* IsTerrainWalkable function arguments if the function returned false.
//* Variables that can be used from the library:
//* [real] TerrainPathability_X
//* [real] TerrainPathability_Y
private constant real MAX_RANGE = 10.
private constant integer DUMMY_ITEM_ID = 'wolg'
private item Item = null
private rect Find = null
private item array Hid
private integer HidMax = 0
public real X = 0.
public real Y = 0.
function IsTerrainDeepWater takes real x, real y returns boolean
return not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY) and IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY)
function IsTerrainShallowWater takes real x, real y returns boolean
return not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY) and not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) and IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_BUILDABILITY)
function IsTerrainLand takes real x, real y returns boolean
return IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY)
function IsTerrainPlatform takes real x, real y returns boolean
return not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY) and not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) and not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_BUILDABILITY)
private function HideItem takes nothing returns nothing
if IsItemVisible(GetEnumItem()) then
set Hid[HidMax] = GetEnumItem()
call SetItemVisible(Hid[HidMax], false)
set HidMax = HidMax + 1
function IsTerrainWalkable takes real x, real y returns boolean
//Hide any items in the area to avoid conflicts with our item
call MoveRectTo(Find, x, y)
call EnumItemsInRect(Find ,null, function HideItem)
//Try to move the test item and get its coords
call SetItemPosition(Item, x, y) //Unhides the item
set X = GetItemX(Item)
set Y = GetItemY(Item)
static if LIBRARY_IsTerrainWalkable then
//This is for compatibility with the IsTerrainWalkable library
set IsTerrainWalkable_X = X
set IsTerrainWalkable_Y = Y
call SetItemVisible(Item, false)//Hide it again
//Unhide any items hidden at the start
exitwhen HidMax <= 0
set HidMax = HidMax - 1
call SetItemVisible(Hid[HidMax], true)
set Hid[HidMax] = null
//Return walkability
return (X-x)*(X-x)+(Y-y)*(Y-y) <= MAX_RANGE*MAX_RANGE and not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY)
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
set Find = Rect(0., 0., 128., 128.)
set Item = CreateItem(DUMMY_ITEM_ID, 0, 0)
call SetItemVisible(Item, false)