15:07, 18th Oct 2012
Magtheridon96: Approved.
Nice wrapper.
Magtheridon96: Approved.
Nice wrapper.
Lightning System v1.03
by Adiktuz
Basically it allows you to easily create timed or un-timed lightning effects
->You can create lightnings between two points, two unit, or a point and a unit.
->For lightnings attached to a unit, the system automatically updates the lightning
for changes on the unit (like unit position, height etc)
->Specify the height of the lightning
->Create timed-lightnings that get automatically destroyed when their duration is over
->Supports moving points too (but the lightnings are forced to be timed)
->Allows you to add actions that will run when a lightning has ended and during
update (time of which is equal to T32's period)
->Allows you to attach any type of custom data to each instance
Methods available
How to use: call Lightning.methodName(parameters)
unitToPoint takes unit unit1, real x, real y, real sourceZ, real targetZ, boolean timed, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
unitToUnit takes unit unit1, unit unit2, real sourceZ, real targetZ, boolean timed, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
pointToPoint takes real sourceX, real sourceY,real targetX, real targetY, real sourceZ, real targetZ, boolean timed, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
pointToPointEx takes real sourceX, real deltaSourceX, real sourceY, real deltaSourceY, real targetX, real deltaTargetX, real targetY, real deltaTargetY, real sourceZ, real targetZ, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
unitToPointEx takes unit unit1, real x, real xx, real y, real yx, real sourceZ, real targetZ, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
pointToPointExZ takes real sourceX, real deltaSourceX, real sourceY, real deltaSourceY, real targetX, real deltaTargetX, real targetY, real deltaTargetY, real sourceZ, real sourceCurZ, real targetZ, real targetCurZ, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
unitToPointExZ takes unit unit1, real x, real xx, real y, real yx, real sourceZ, real targetZ, real targetCurZ, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
unit unit1 -> unit end of the lightning
unit unit2 -> other unit end of the lightning for the UTU methods
real x,y -> X,Y coordinates of the point end of the lightning for the UTP methods
real sourceX,sourceY -> X,Y coordinates of the first point of the lightning for the PTP methods
real sourceZ,targetZ -> height of the lightning at each ends (actual height is calculated as z + height of unit (if there's a unit end) + locationZ)
real deltaSourceX,deltaSourceY,deltaTargetX,deltaTargetY,sourceCurZ,targetCurZ -> for the Ex and ExZ methods, the final value of each coordinate/height
(the lightning moves from sourceX to deltaSourceX, etc through the given time)
boolean timed -> whether the lightning has a timed life or not, defaulted to true for the Ex and ExZ methods
real duration -> timed life of the lightning
string leffect -> string name of the lightning effect
integer eventkey -> a key used to determine the correct update and end functions to run if available
(if you're not using the update and end events, you're probably saf to just set it to 0)
Note: all of the above methods return the Lightning instance so you can save it in a variable
registerUpdateEvent(integer eventkey, code ToDo) returns nothing
-> allows you to register an action that will be run whenever a lightning with the
same eventkey as the one registered is updated (every T32_PERIOD)
registerEndEvent(integer eventkey, code ToDo) returns nothing
-> allows you to register an action that will be run whenever a lightning with the
same eventkey as the one registered ends
NOTE: If you're going to use the next three functions/methods, make sure you set the
corresponding boolean at the globals block to true
registerGlobalUpdateEvent(code ToDo) returns nothing
-> allows you to register an action that will be run whenever a lightning
is updated (every T32_PERIOD)
registerGlobalEndEvent(code ToDo) returns nothing
-> allows you to register an action that will be run whenever a lightning ends
registerGlobalCreateEvent(code ToDo) returns nothing
-> allows you to register an action that will be run whenever a lightning is created
To allow creation and usage of custom data that is attached to every instance
turn the boolean USE_CUSTOM_DATA to true
then to add a custom data to an instance:
for integers:
set YourLightningInstance.customData[integer key] = value
for others:
set YourLightningInstance.customData.type[integer key] = value
->type can be real,unit,trigger,effect, etc...
->integer key is the key that will point to the data, you can utilize StringHash if you want to use strings
something like: customData.real[StringHash("damage")]
then to load data:
YourLightningInstance.customData.type[integer key]
To forcefully remove a lightning:
remove() returns nothing
To obtain which lightning instance triggered the events:
//Note: I've set the checkvisibility field to false because the lightnings look
// weird when I set it to true (sometimes they "jump")
library LightningSystem requires T32, Table
//Set this to true if you're gonna use the global update event handler
private constant boolean USE_GLOBAL_UPDATE = false
//Set this to true if you're gonna use the global end event handler
private constant boolean USE_GLOBAL_END = false
//Set this to true if you're gonna use the global create event handler
private constant boolean USE_GLOBAL_CREATE = false
//Set this to true if you're gonna use the custom data feature
private constant boolean USE_CUSTOM_DATA = true
private location loc = Location(0,0)
public Table UpdateTable
public Table EndTable
private trigger globalUpdate
private trigger globalEnd
private trigger globalCreate
private module init
static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set EndTable = Table.create()
set UpdateTable = Table.create()
static if USE_GLOBAL_UPDATE then
set globalUpdate = CreateTrigger()
static if USE_GLOBAL_END then
set globalEnd = CreateTrigger()
static if USE_GLOBAL_CREATE then
set globalCreate = CreateTrigger()
struct Lightning extends array
lightning light
real sourceX
real targetX
real sourceY
real targetY
real sourceZ
real targetZ
real deltaSourceX
real deltaTargetX
real deltaSourceY
real deltaTargetY
real sourceCurZ
real targetCurZ
real deltaSourceZ
real deltaTargetZ
unit u1
unit u2
integer xtype
boolean timed
boolean moving
real duration
integer eventkey
Table customData
static thistype instance
private static integer instanceCount = 0
private static thistype recycle = 0
private thistype recycleNext
static method registerEndEvent takes integer eventkey, code toDo returns nothing
if not EndTable.handle.has(eventkey) then
set EndTable.trigger[eventkey] = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddCondition(EndTable.trigger[eventkey],Filter(toDo))
static method registerUpdateEvent takes integer eventkey, code toDo returns nothing
if not UpdateTable.handle.has(eventkey) then
set UpdateTable.trigger[eventkey] = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddCondition(UpdateTable.trigger[eventkey],Filter(toDo))
static method registerGlobalEndEvent takes code toDo returns nothing
call TriggerAddCondition(globalEnd,Filter(toDo))
static method registerGlobalUpdateEvent takes code toDo returns nothing
call TriggerAddCondition(globalUpdate,Filter(toDo))
static method registerGlobalCreateEvent takes code toDo returns nothing
call TriggerAddCondition(globalCreate,Filter(toDo))
method remove takes nothing returns nothing
call DestroyLightning(this.light)
set instance = this
if EndTable.handle.has(this.eventkey) then
call TriggerEvaluate(EndTable.trigger[this.eventkey])
static if USE_GLOBAL_END then
call TriggerEvaluate(globalEnd)
call this.stopPeriodic()
set this.deltaSourceZ = 0.0
set this.deltaTargetZ = 0.0
set .recycleNext=recycle
set recycle=this
static method new takes nothing returns thistype
local thistype this
if (recycle == 0) then
set instanceCount = instanceCount + 1
return instanceCount
set this = recycle
set recycle = recycle.recycleNext
return this
private method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
if this.xtype == 1 then
set this.sourceX = GetUnitX(this.u1)
set this.sourceY = GetUnitY(this.u1)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
set this.sourceCurZ = sourceZ + GetUnitFlyHeight(this.u1) + GetLocationZ(loc)
if this.moving then
set this.targetX = this.targetX + this.deltaTargetX
set this.targetY = this.targetY + this.deltaTargetY
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
if this.deltaTargetZ != 0.0 then
set this.targetZ = this.targetZ + this.deltaTargetZ
set this.targetCurZ = targetZ + GetLocationZ(loc) + this.deltaTargetZ
call MoveLightningEx(this.light,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceCurZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetCurZ)
elseif this.xtype == 2 then
set this.sourceX = GetUnitX(this.u1)
set this.sourceY = GetUnitY(this.u1)
set this.targetX = GetUnitX(this.u2)
set this.targetY = GetUnitY(this.u2)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
set this.sourceCurZ = sourceZ + GetUnitFlyHeight(this.u1) + GetLocationZ(loc)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
set this.targetCurZ = targetZ + GetUnitFlyHeight(this.u2) + GetLocationZ(loc)
call MoveLightningEx(this.light,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceCurZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetCurZ)
if this.moving then
set this.sourceX = this.sourceX + this.deltaSourceX
set this.targetX = this.targetX + this.deltaTargetX
set this.sourceY = this.sourceY + this.deltaSourceY
set this.targetY = this.targetY + this.deltaTargetY
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
if this.deltaSourceZ != 0.0 then
set this.sourceZ = this.sourceZ + this.deltaSourceZ
if this.deltaTargetZ != 0.0 then
set this.targetZ = this.targetZ + this.deltaTargetZ
set this.sourceCurZ = sourceZ + GetLocationZ(loc) + this.deltaSourceZ
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
set this.targetCurZ = targetZ + GetLocationZ(loc) + this.deltaTargetZ
call MoveLightningEx(this.light,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceCurZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetCurZ)
set instance = this
if UpdateTable.handle.has(this.eventkey) then
call TriggerEvaluate(UpdateTable.trigger[this.eventkey])
static if USE_GLOBAL_UPDATE then
call TriggerEvaluate(globalUpdate)
if this.timed then
set this.duration = this.duration - T32_PERIOD
if this.duration <= 0.0 then
call this.remove()
implement T32x
static method unitToPoint takes unit unit1, real x, real y, real sourceZ, real targetZ, boolean timed, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
local thistype this =
set this.u1 = unit1
set this.u2 = null
set this.sourceX = GetUnitX(this.u1)
set this.sourceY = GetUnitY(this.u1)
set this.targetX = x
set this.targetY = y
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
set this.sourceZ = sourceZ + GetUnitFlyHeight(this.u1) + GetLocationZ(loc)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
set this.targetZ = targetZ + GetLocationZ(loc)
set this.timed = timed
set this.duration = duration
set this.eventkey = eventkey
set this.light = AddLightningEx(leffect,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetZ)
set this.xtype = 1
set this.moving = false
static if USE_CUSTOM_DATA then
if this.customData < 0 then
set this.customData = Table.create()
static if USE_GLOBAL_CREATE then
call TriggerEvaluate(globalCreate)
call this.startPeriodic()
return this
static method unitToUnit takes unit unit1, unit unit2, real sourceZ, real targetZ, boolean timed, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
local thistype this =
set this.u1 = unit1
set this.u2 = unit2
set this.sourceX = GetUnitX(this.u1)
set this.sourceY = GetUnitY(this.u1)
set this.targetX = GetUnitX(this.u2)
set this.targetY = GetUnitY(this.u2)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
set this.sourceZ = sourceZ + GetUnitFlyHeight(this.u1) + GetLocationZ(loc)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
set this.targetZ = targetZ + GetUnitFlyHeight(this.u2) + GetLocationZ(loc)
set this.timed = timed
set this.duration = duration
set this.eventkey = eventkey
set this.light = AddLightningEx(leffect,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetZ)
set this.xtype = 2
set this.moving = false
static if USE_CUSTOM_DATA then
if this.customData < 0 then
set this.customData = Table.create()
static if USE_GLOBAL_CREATE then
call TriggerEvaluate(globalCreate)
call this.startPeriodic()
return this
static method pointToPoint takes real sourceX, real sourceY,real targetX, real targetY, real sourceZ, real targetZ, boolean timed, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
local thistype this =
set this.u1 = null
set this.u2 = null
set this.sourceX = sourceX
set this.sourceY = sourceY
set this.targetX = targetX
set this.targetY = targetY
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
set this.sourceZ = sourceZ + GetLocationZ(loc)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
set this.targetZ = targetZ + GetLocationZ(loc)
set this.timed = timed
set this.duration = duration
set this.eventkey = eventkey
set this.light = AddLightningEx(leffect,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetZ)
set this.xtype = 3
set this.moving = false
static if USE_CUSTOM_DATA then
if this.customData < 0 then
set this.customData = Table.create()
static if USE_GLOBAL_CREATE then
call TriggerEvaluate(globalCreate)
call this.startPeriodic()
return this
static method pointToPointEx takes real sourceX, real deltaSourceX, real sourceY, real deltaSourceY, real targetX, real deltaTargetX, real targetY, real deltaTargetY, real sourceZ, real targetZ, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
local thistype this =
set this.u1 = null
set this.u2 = null
set this.sourceX = sourceX
set this.sourceY = sourceY
set this.targetX = targetX
set this.targetY = targetY
set this.deltaSourceX = (deltaSourceX - sourceX)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaSourceY = (deltaSourceY - sourceY)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaTargetX = (deltaTargetX - targetX)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaTargetY = (deltaTargetY - targetY)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
set this.sourceZ = sourceZ + GetLocationZ(loc)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
set this.targetZ = targetZ + GetLocationZ(loc)
set this.timed = true
set this.duration = duration
set this.eventkey = eventkey
set this.light = AddLightningEx(leffect,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetZ)
set this.xtype = 3
set this.moving = true
static if USE_CUSTOM_DATA then
if this.customData < 0 then
set this.customData = Table.create()
static if USE_GLOBAL_CREATE then
call TriggerEvaluate(globalCreate)
call this.startPeriodic()
return this
static method unitToPointEx takes unit unit1, real x, real xx, real y, real yx, real sourceZ, real targetZ, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
local thistype this =
set this.u1 = unit1
set this.u2 = null
set this.sourceX = GetUnitX(this.u1)
set this.sourceY = GetUnitY(this.u1)
set this.targetX = x
set this.targetY = y
set this.deltaTargetX = (xx - x)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaTargetY = (yx - y)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
set this.sourceZ = sourceZ + GetUnitFlyHeight(this.u1) + GetLocationZ(loc)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
set this.targetZ = targetZ + GetLocationZ(loc)
set this.timed = true
set this.duration = duration
set this.eventkey = eventkey
set this.light = AddLightningEx(leffect,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetZ)
set this.xtype = 1
set this.moving = true
static if USE_CUSTOM_DATA then
if this.customData < 0 then
set this.customData = Table.create()
static if USE_GLOBAL_CREATE then
call TriggerEvaluate(globalCreate)
call this.startPeriodic()
return this
static method pointToPointExZ takes real sourceX, real deltaSourceX, real sourceY, real deltaSourceY, real targetX, real deltaTargetX, real targetY, real deltaTargetY, real sourceZ, real sourceCurZ, real targetZ, real targetCurZ, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
local thistype this =
set this.u1 = null
set this.u2 = null
set this.sourceX = sourceX
set this.sourceY = sourceY
set this.targetX = targetX
set this.targetY = targetY
set this.deltaSourceZ = (sourceCurZ - sourceZ)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaTargetZ = (targetCurZ-targetZ)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaSourceX = (deltaSourceX - sourceX)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaSourceY = (deltaSourceY - sourceY)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaTargetX = (deltaTargetX - targetX)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaTargetY = (deltaTargetY - targetY)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
set this.sourceZ = sourceZ + GetLocationZ(loc)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
set this.targetZ = targetZ + GetLocationZ(loc)
set this.timed = true
set this.duration = duration
set this.eventkey = eventkey
set this.light = AddLightningEx(leffect,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetZ)
set this.xtype = 3
set this.moving = true
static if USE_CUSTOM_DATA then
if this.customData < 0 then
set this.customData = Table.create()
static if USE_GLOBAL_CREATE then
call TriggerEvaluate(globalCreate)
call this.startPeriodic()
return this
static method unitToPointExZ takes unit unit1, real x, real xx, real y, real yx, real sourceZ, real targetZ, real targetCurZ, real duration, string leffect, integer eventkey returns thistype
local thistype this =
set this.u1 = unit1
set this.u2 = null
set this.sourceX = GetUnitX(this.u1)
set this.sourceY = GetUnitY(this.u1)
set this.targetX = x
set this.targetY = y
set this.deltaTargetZ = (targetCurZ - targetZ)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaTargetX = (xx - x)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
set this.deltaTargetY = (yx - y)*(T32_PERIOD/duration)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.sourceX,this.sourceY)
set this.sourceZ = sourceZ + GetUnitFlyHeight(this.u1) + GetLocationZ(loc)
call MoveLocation(loc, this.targetX,this.targetY)
set this.targetZ = targetZ + GetLocationZ(loc)
set this.timed = true
set this.duration = duration
set this.eventkey = eventkey
set this.light = AddLightningEx(leffect,false,this.sourceX,this.sourceY,this.sourceZ,this.targetX,this.targetY,this.targetZ)
set this.xtype = 1
set this.moving = true
static if USE_CUSTOM_DATA then
if this.customData < 0 then
set this.customData = Table.create()
static if USE_GLOBAL_CREATE then
call TriggerEvaluate(globalCreate)
call this.startPeriodic()
return this
implement init
library Example initializer init requires LightningSystem
private group tmpG = CreateGroup()
private function Timed takes nothing returns nothing
call LightningUtils.addLightningGradient(Lightning.unitToUnit(udg_UNIT4,udg_UNIT5,50.0,50,true,6.0,"CLPB",1),1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.1)
//Note: There seems to be a z buffer for fly height for a flying unit
call Lightning.unitToPointExZ(udg_UNIT6,853.0,853.0,-2382.0,-2382.0,100.0,0.0,400.0,3.0,"LEAS",0)
private function XD takes nothing returns nothing
call BJDebugMsg("Lightning created on: " + R2S(Lightning.instance.customData.real[0]))
call Lightning.pointToPointEx(-1231.7,-1231.7,-2382.0,-3485.0,1198.2,1198.2,-2382.0,-3485.0,100.0,100,3.0,"AFOD",3)
private function XF takes nothing returns nothing
set Lightning.pointToPointEx(-1231.7,-1231.7,-3485.0,-2382.0,1198.2,1198.2,-3485.0,-2382.0,100.0,100,3.0,"CLPB",2).customData.real[0] = GetTimeOfDay()
private function Create takes nothing returns nothing
call Lightning.pointToPoint(-1231.7,-3485.0,1198.2,-3485.0,100.0,100,false,0.0,"CLPB",0)
call Lightning.unitToPoint(udg_UNIT1,1198.2,-3485.0,50.0,100,false,0.0,"CLPB",4)
call Lightning.unitToUnit(udg_UNIT2,udg_UNIT3,50.0,100,false,0.0,"DRAB",0)
call XF()
call TimerStart(GetExpiredTimer(), 7.0, true, function Timed)
private function Lols takes nothing returns nothing
call BJDebugMsg("Lols")
private function Hit takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = null
call LightningUtils.enumUnits(tmpG,Lightning.instance,150.0)
set u = FirstOfGroup(tmpG)
exitwhen u == null
if u != Lightning.instance.u1 and u != Lightning.instance.u2 then
call Lightning.unitToPoint(u,GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u),0.0,400,true,0.03,"AFOD",0)
call GroupRemoveUnit(tmpG,u)
set u = null
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 2.0, false, function Create)
call LightningUtils.registerGradientKey(1)
call Lightning.registerEndEvent(1,function Lols)
call Lightning.registerEndEvent(2,function XD)
call Lightning.registerEndEvent(3,function XF)
call Lightning.registerUpdateEvent(4,function Hit)