This is my best production for the moment.
This spell is very customizable and with some modifications, you can do some very well others spells with just the same base princip.
The spell is totally MUI, leakless (i think) and without bugs (i don't guarantee it 100% free bug, since minors bugs are also possible on every spell).
Spell Description :
The hero starts channeling powerful demon's spirits, creating circles of malefic power around him. Those circles turn around themselves, dealing damages to enemies on their path and regenerating the Hero for 50% of the infliged damages.
level 1 - 2circles, 50damages per ball, last 20 secondes.
level 2 - 4circles, 75damages per ball, last 25 secondes.
level 3 - 6circles, 100damages per ball, last 30 secondes.
The Triggers :
Video :
Changelog :
1.00 : Initial Release.
1.01 : Better coding, Added Variable for configure DamageType, Description Improved and EN Import Notice Improved.
1.02 : Added a Variable for configure Ball Duration and another Variable for configure Ball Creation Interval. Improved EN Import Notice.
1.03 : Level of Ability is now stored in Hashtable at the moment of the cast. DS_BallLiveTime is now set at 5.50 for all levels in Test Map to reduce a little the lags.
Shadow, Demon, Malefic, Channeling, GUI, MUI, Vladadamm, Demonic, Evil, Circle, Spin, Turn, Damages, Lifesteal.